
Taliarax the Dragoness

@taliarax-the-dragoness-blog / taliarax-the-dragoness-blog.tumblr.com

My personal blog. Art, art inspiration, feminist resources, autistic resources, philosophy, thought provocation, BDSM, kink, and other adult imagery. Anything I like and/or find inspiring, really. *WARNING: I also post and reblog gore and guro! If you are easily squicked, this is not the page for you!* "People always *seem* good until you poke them in the prejudice places they so fiercely defend." ~Myself "I've had reoccurring nightmares, I was loved for who I am, missed the opportunity...to be a better man." ~Muse "HooDoo" "Fat cheeks, fat hips. Fat fists for giving fat lips!" ~batscoundrel on Tumblr I am a staunch feminist activist, and I will not water myself down to make others comfortable. My biggest turn off is any behavior that dehumanizes any other human being. This can be anything, including, but not limited to ableism, racism, sexism, ageism, misogyny including any and all entitled, undermining behaviors that result from being raised in a patriarchal culture, and the very very worst is when someone is displaying any one of these behaviors and flagrantly disregards and/or is completely dismissive of your thoughts and feelings when you call them out on it. Willful ignorance is ugly. I have a very low bullshit tolerance these days. Red flags include, but are not limited to: 1. Calling the legitimate anger of oppressed people “drama” or “hate”. 2. Referring to allocation of human rights as simply “politics”. 3. Referring to basic human empathy as “political correctness”. 4. The childlike refusal to admit mistakes and throwing a literal tantrum. 5. "It’s just my opinion". 6. "I'm only joking." or "It's just a joke." 7. "That's just the way it is." or "That's just how it is." etc. Don't assume my self esteem requires compliments to feel validated in some way. Flattery will get you nowhere and you do not get cookies for being a decent human being. That's setting the bar rather low, don't you think? About Me: I am 36 years old, Autistic, homoflexible and greatly dislike a good 99.9% of cis men, polyamorous, and genderqueer. If I had to pick a gender identity, I'd say fully functioning hermaphrodite sums up how I view myself pretty well. :3 My gender pronouns are all gender neutral like are "They", "Them", "Their" and "Dude". Respect them. I am a creative generalist by trade. You are not required to be an artist to be my friend or be in my life, but you are required to have a certain appreciation and respect for what I do. I am not particularly religious, but I do tend to be quite philosophical and spiritual. I am an agnostic eclectic witch. My hobbies include, but are not limited to gaming, yoga, dancing, cooking foreign food and cooking in general, making doll clothes, reading, and the outdoors. I love camping and mountain climbing. I study entomology, herpetology, and anthropological based psychology for fun. I also love theoretical physics, but I am not avid in this area, and really lacking in the math portion. I am gluten intolerant and follow a vegetarian lifestyle during the week and a paleo/primal lifestyle on the weekends. No grain, pasta, or bread, mkay, thanks. I am a daily pot smoker and I smoke hookah on occasion, but have some trouble around cigarettes. They tend to close up my lungs. I am both entirely simple and complex. I am eccentric and completely genuine. I don't see myself as a difficult person to get to know. I am very logical, straightforward, and can be quite analytical. If you are jiving with everything up until this point, feel free to send me a message. :D If you want to go even further down the rabbit hole with me before messaging me, check out my blogs. The links can be found below. ^_^ You can find all of my personal artwork, tons of great recipes, food information, food growing information, and homesteading/permaculture information over at https://www.patreon.com/artdragon thepaleodragon.tumblr.com

I. Try. To. Tell. People. But. They. Don’t. Listen.

WRONG…!!   HARDWORK DOES MAKE YOU RICH, IF people do it at the RIGHT time like at school, working hard and acing at studies would take you to great platforms and then you would obviously be rich, No disrespect but the caption here is wrong, you just cant take a random stage in life and talk about hard work, hard work is systemic, hard work requires INTELLECTUAL capacity too, day laborers do a lot of physical work (make God make it easy for them), but there is a HUGE diference between lots of PHYSICAL work and HARDWORK.. 

^ laborers work so many hours a week doing back breaking work all for minimum wage.. Some people don’t have the means to afford higher education, doesn’t mean they’re not hardworking. Laborers deserve way more than they receive. 


PSA from the actual coiner of “neurodivergent”

Yo. Many of you need to take an entire stadium of seats. Like a football arena in Texas number.

I coined neurodivergent before tumblr was even a thing, like a decade or more ago, because people were using ‘neurodiverse’ and ‘neurodiversity’ to just mean autistic, & possibly LDs. But there’s more, like way more, ways a person can have a different yet fucking perfect dammit brain.

Neurodivergent refers to neurologically divergent from typical. That’s ALL.

I am multiply neurodivergent: I’m Autistic, epileptic, have PTSD, have  cluster headaches, have a chiari malformation.

Neurodivergent just means a brain that diverges.

Autistic people. ADHD people. People with learning disabilities. Epileptic people. People with mental illnesses. People with MS or Parkinsons or apraxia or cerebral palsy or dyspraxia or no specific diagnosis but wonky lateralization or something. 

That is all it means. It is not another damn tool of exclusion. It is specifically a tool of inclusion. If you don’t want to be associated with Those People, then YOU are the one who needs another word. Neurodivergent is for all of us.

Annoyedly yours,

Neurodivergent K of Radical Neurodivergence Speaking


An Open Letter to an Abuser (TW)

This is a letter I will be sending my mother in a few days. I feel this is important to post this both to empower other survivors of abuse and to empower myself in terms of creating boundaries and self advocacy. Without further adieu, an open letter to one of the two major abusers in my life:

Dear Elena,

 I am writing to explain some very personal things to you because you refuse to listen and we only end up in shouting matches as a result.

My name is Evynn (pronounced Evan) Nichole. I am genderqueer. This means I don't identify with either culturally accepted gender binary. My pronouns are gender neutral, as in "they, them, and their", instead of fem designated like "she, her, etc.". This is a proper usage of the terms as defined by the Oxford Dictionary. I am homo-flexible at this stage in my life, and yes, sexuality and gender identity can fluctuate with time and information, but it *does not* make someone's personal identity invalid. I would still identify as pansexual, but I have a *very* strong distaste for cisgender men. Cisgender (pronounced sis-gender) simply mean that you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. I am polyamorous, meaning I am capable of, and prefer being in more than one loving and complete relationship at one time. Trysta, Austin, and I are a poly family. I find monogamy depressing, stifling, and completely unhealthy, being based more on the ownership of an individual rather than on mutual respect and love. I am autistic. Autism is *not* "retardation", it's not a disease, and it's not a mental illness. Autistic people make up about 1/3 of the Earth's population, which is around 2.33 *billion* people. That's not a small number in the least. Autism is a neurodivergence; a developmental difference. Plus we have extra neurons. Don't ask me why, I figure nature threw them in for fun. In fact, the terms "retarded", "high functioning" and "low functioning", and the Aspergers diagnosis have been stricken from the DSM (big book of psychology for the professionals) because they are entirely inaccurate descriptors. Now, one is just considered "on the autistic spectrum". Non autistic folks are referred to as "Allistic". The term was coined by the autistic community because allistic people refused to come up with a term for themselves and just kept referring to themselves as "normal". There is no normal, btw, normal is a setting on your washing machine. There is only common and less common, ordinary or out of the ordinary, and usual or unusual. None of which, btw, should ever really be used with any negative connotation behind them. The thing about 2.33 billion autistic people is that it*hardly* makes us "unusual". Avoid the *hell* out of Autism Speaks, they don't have a single autistic person on their staff *at all*, and they're running a fear campaign against us. x_x If you want really good info, check out the ASAN, or "Autistic Self Advocacy Network".

Now, why am I explaining all of this to you? Because this is *who I am*. This is me being true to myself and letting you know where my boundaries lie. There was one time when I was still living there, you said to me, "God forbid you ever find out just how badly I've treated you. You'd hate me for life.". I found out. I like who I am and I am *proud* of who I am becoming and the path that I am on. I'm a survivor of over 27 years of abuse, first at your hands, then at my ex's hands, and even *then* I had abusive roomies, and you still abusing me to this very day. When do I get to say "no more"? When do I get to *stop being abused*? I will not allow anyone to ever abuse and/or disrespect me ever again. Before you even *think* to yourself that I was harsh and abusive to you, 1. the abused cannot abuse the abuser. All they can do is respond with survival tactics to try and get through the situation with some semblance of their self identity in tact. You made me the way I was then through your own actions. Never blame me for your abuse ever again. That is victim blaming and it is also abusive, not to mention morally and ethically wrong.

Let's get down to brass facts; you belittle me, try to "debunk" who I am, and in doing so, you tear down my self esteem by trying to invalidate who I am on a *very* deeply personal level. You berate me, victim blame me for both your abuse *and* my ex husband's abuse, you ride me for things that are none of your fucking business, and you seek to make me feel as small, guilty, and ashamed as possible for damn near every aspect of my life. What part of that should I keep in my life? What, I should just tolerate it because we're family? No. Toxic people have no place in my life. The mental illnesses I do have that are comorbid with my autism are Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. I am about 1 major trauma away from having Disassociative Personality Disorder (what multiple personality disorder is called now because the name was inaccurate.). Yes, this is your fault and my ex's fault. I had such a bad breakdown in therapy recently that they suggested putting me on suicide watch. I went home and slept for about 20 hours. I was utterly exhausted. I cannot even listen to your voice on the phone without being triggered into a full meltdown. Also, stop trying to communicate with me through Dad, it's manipulative.

You tell me you love me, but what fucking part of who I really am do you love? I am antithetical to all of your adopted allistic "morals" and your nonsensical, abusive rhetoric. Who exactly are you trying to convince when you throw fifty "I love yous" at me before even getting my consent for such an emotionally overloading event? This is usually followed by you dumping an overloading amount of your own personal guilt my direction. Yes, you should feel guilty, but first you have to know what you should even be feeling guilty about. You apologize for a million different things, and *none* of it is what you damn well *should* be apologizing for. I am not your therapist and a child, no matter what age, should not have to take on that role with their parent. 

This letter, however, is only partially about my abuse growing up, and much *much* more about the abuse you continue to shill at me to this very day. Dad says he lets it roll off of him like water off a duck's back, but he doesn't. That's not how human psychology works. He has all the symptoms of a battered spouse, and believe me, I recognize those symptoms in a New York minute! It disgusts me utterly that you blame other people for you abusing them. It's revolting that you can't take the *inch* of responsibility it takes to own up to your shit and get yourself into proper therapy and on some effective medication, and put in the goddamned effort to *stop* being an abusive shit-fuck-stack. The refusal to get better and your continued abuse makes you a bad person, just so you are aware.

Am I pissed? You're damn right I'm pissed! You and my ex utterly *ruined* my life! That's not even moderately close to an exaggeration. In fact, if anything, I am going rather easy on you here. It's not possible for me to list everything you did that constitutes as traumatic abuse. It's literally almost *everything* you've ever done in my life since *at least* the age of four. I have no basis for comparison for how to behave properly. A child can only become what their environment and upbringing allows. This is it! I am completely disabled at this point. I will most likely never work a "regular" job and it's because I have mental breakdowns and feel suicidal just trying to do any of those jobs. I have no love for you at this current time. That's not to say that couldn't change, I never rule anything out, it's bad practice. Before I speak to you again and place myself in that kind of vulnerability with you again, you have to be at *least* six months into both therapy and effective medication. These are my terms. If you're really that bent on not getting psychiatric treatment, don't. This isn't an ultimatum, I'd have to have some vested interest in talking with you again for it to be an ultimatum. I honestly don't care what you do. I gave up on having a relationship with you long time ago. I am simply letting you know where my boundaries lie and what the criteria is for talking with me again. Here's a brief list of abuses I will not tolerate. These include but are *not* limited to:

1. Misgendering me/disrespecting my gender identity and pronouns. Misgendering/disrespecting the gender identities and pronouns of my partners and friends. When you misgender someone based on traits, you misgender *everyone* with those same traits because you would do the same to them. You are not entitled to gender other people. The only person you are allowed to gender is yourself.

2. Fat phobia/fat shaming. I'm big, get over it. There' nothing wrong with being big, and there's no scientific basis that fat is related to illness. Studies have shown that thin/fit people are equally as likely to develop the exact same illnesses that are currently blamed on fat, including heart problems. Weight can exacerbate other issues, such as having a really sore back, bad knees, stress fractures in the feet, and a good number of other things that come from a body carrying extra weight around. Never ever bring up my weight or diet again. Don't make "jokes" about it. Don't even think it.

3. Mean humor. Speaking of non-jokes where the punchline is making fun of people...I don't tolerate bullies. You don't make fun of people, period! I don't give a shit if you disapprove, or are made uncomfortable by someone else. You are *not* entitled to make fun of them in any way. It's their life, not yours. You *are* entitled to not be around the person if you don't want to be, but that's where your entitlement *ends*. 4.Prejudices and bigotry against people of any kind. No sexism, no racism, no trans phobia or transmisogyny, no shoving monogamy or your weird brand of Christianity down my throat, no ageism, nothing. None of it. You can totally show this letter to Dad too so he can get the hang of this stuff as well. If you don't know what these words mean, it's not because I "made them up" or that I don't know what I am talking about, little Suzy. Look them up, there is Google, the internet does exist. It's a mind bending well spring of information. I am a New Wave Feminist and that means I believe in equality for all minorities and marginalized individuals. I advocate as best I can for *all* oppressed groups of people.

5. Ableism. Using words like "retarded", "crazy", "lazy", "stupid", "idiot", and any other term that refers to someone's mental state as a cause for unfavorable behavior. Making fun of people with mental illness and disabilities is grossly prejudice.

6. Ageism: I don't care how many years a person has been on this earth, I treat *all* of them with the same kind of respect. Treating "adults" like they are *any* better than "children" is ageist. Treating elderly like "dottering old fools" is ageist.

Basically, any time you are looking down on someone for a trait, behavior, clothing item, or choice you don't like, you're being prejudice. Their life and what they are doing is none of your business. You are not entitled to judge other people on their personal lives. It doesn't matter whether it's something you perceive they can help or not, you're not living their life so you have nothing of value to add.

Now, if I don't care, why am I bothering to write all of this? Because this is an important part of my therapy. I am not an object or a possession, and you have zero right to tell *me* who you think I am just because you made a baby. Any animal with a working reproductive system can make babies. You don't get cookies, kudos, or brownie points for that. Maybe a gold star that says "I tried".

I am writing to self advocate. To be assertive about who I am and how much *I* mean to myself! To let you know you are *never* allowed to quash my self esteem or make me feel bad ever EVER again! I am letting you know so I can heal the part of me that pretended to be someone else for *years* trying to gain your approval. My entire self esteem and self identity was shattered before the age of 7. Now I am here to tell you, I don't need your filthy approval! *I* approve of me, and I will NO LONGER tolerate your thoughtless disregard for me as a human being.

Now, repeat this out loud to yourself, "My child's (not daughter) name is Evynn. They (not she) are a 36 year old person (not girl/woman/anything fem) who is autistic. (not "who has autism", it's not an illness, it's simply a state of being.) They are very lovely and sweet. Evynn is also working towards great self esteem and being able to meaningfully contribute to the people in their life. They help educate people on how to be more empathic and sensitive to one another, and they are very supportive of their friends' hobbies and special interests. Evynn is incredibly creative and enjoys a wide variety of art forms and creative outlets." If you "love" me so goddamned much, how about you start by knowing, accepting, being proud of, and loving the person I really am, ya feel me? Parting ways, Evynn Nichole 


Ugh, such a weird day yesterday. I ended up in the ER fairly early in the morning with something that seemed super serious, but luckily ended up being not much. I am so tired, though. Trying to take it easy today. -_-


Hello, we’re Trysta! We’re a disable autistic trans person living in the Pacific Northwest of the US. While going through the slow disability system we often find ourself with a lot of our basic needs going unmet due to how limited our benefits are till we’re approved for SSD.

We could really use as much help as we can possibly get, so we can move our life forward. We are hoping to get in a stable enough position that we can start working more regularly again to produce art and other content to share.

Things we need money for:

  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Personal grooming items
  • Medication
  • Stim items and comfort items

Here are a few different ways you can help to support us: Donate

  • One time donations via Square Cash ($Trysta) or PayPal to tryst[at]entangled.us
  • Monthly automatic donation via Patreon

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