
The Damned Things Overlap

@binghsien / binghsien.tumblr.com

DNI: Neutrinos, Dark Matter

English translations of foreign-language poetry be like

My rival dresses to display her legs, and her shoes are of an alluring fashion;
but my shoes are comfortable and my tunic is plain.
She holds the most prestigious position in the women’s dance performance, while I sit in the audience.
I dream that someday when you awaken you will know that what you sought was always here.
You and I walk together, you in the coarse and tattered trousers of a common working man;
we sit on a bench in the park, laughing together, and nothing seems difficult.

One of my friends moved to the US for college and at first thought they loved the US but then they moved for grad school and discovered that they just like Massachusetts

Imagine moving to another country like across the planet and thinking wow this place is awesome but then you take two steps out of your established norm and realize you just like Massachusetts. What a thing to realize about yourself.

hell fuckin yeah


fun fact massachusetts is one of the only places on early with an HDI higher than one.


grouchy about some thing


to the people suddenly reblogging a post of mine from 2014-- thank you for tagging it "#2014"

at least there's that.


i’ve seen a lot of really messed up images in my time on the internet, weird fetish shit, even a few IRL gore images but nothing. NOTHING evokes such a deep seated, gut wrenching fear in me like this image of the fucking water slide from Action Park with the loop in it


hey what the fuck


Action Park baby.

It had teeth

It had teeth

There is an SCP haunted slide that devours people.

It is less frightening than the Action Park Cannonball Loop.

The idea of a ride that sometimes bites people using the teeth that it knocked out of other riders is an absolutely epic horrorcore detail.

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