@aliveforafewcxnturies-blog /

"Ever wonder if the person next to you knows more than you? Of course you don't. You probably have other things to worry about."

Tilting her head slightly, Nikki let out another huff and shook herself off before leaping to the side and trotting off along the bank of the river. It felt good to stretch her legs and leave the den for a bit.

"Of course not, love. I’ll do most of the work this time, I was a hunter after all. It’s kinda my specialty."


"...Just be careful, okay? I saw a few hunters around here, and it isn't even hunting season yet." Shaw whined, and his ears perked up. The sound of crunching leaves had caught his attention, and no Moose would be dumb enough to travel into wolf territory. 

"I think we should get back to the den. When I mean we, I mean you. I'll just steal some food from the nearby campground."


A huff of impatience escaped the she-wolf as she waited, looking back over her shoulder at Shaw. Whatever he was doing could surely wait in terms of their situation, finding food was of the utmost importance in winter. “You comin’? I kinda wanna get a move on before all the good game clears outta this area.”


Shaw looked back at the river, and then back at Nikki. He wanted to enjoy the fresh air while he could. But, winter was coming, and winter was unpredictable.

"Fine. Just don't expect me to catch a rabbit for you. My jaw still hurts from getting attacked by that Bull Moose."


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


"It’s possible that I’ll lose my arm," Shaw groaned in pain, wrapping his arm with bandages. "For the rest of the winter, you won’t step outside unless I say it’s okay. I don’t think you would want to get shot at…" Shaw knew the hunters would find them in a matter of days. He heard more distressed howls of the other lycans, and tried to ignore them; not wanting to imagine what the hunters were doing to them. "So, what exactly did the Elders tell you?" He asked, "Either give me an answer, or don’t talk at all. It’s your choice."

"You shouldn’t say things like that. I-I can help if you want," Nikki offered, eyes still trained on her hands. She gave a single obedient nod to indicate that she understood, wincing at the sound of gunfire outside. This wasn’t something she was going to argue about for the time being. Kicking off her shoes, Nikki crawled into the bed, resting her head on one of the pillows as she beckoned her mate to the empty space beside her. Right now, she could take any form of tenderness she could get. "What do you think they said to me, Shaw? As long as I’m an Omega, I have to listen to your, and their, wishes. I’m a powerful specimen, remember? My only fatal flaw is what a coward I’ve become," she murmured.

"I asked the Elders to give you a different rank." Shaw said as he jumped into the bed, rubbing his sore shoulder. "They might change your rank to Beta or Sentinel. They're not letting you choose, though. They're... letting the pack vote." He was now starting to dislike the Elders. Shaw just wanted the winter to pass by already, just so he could get the chance to challenge one of the Elders. No one challenged them. "Did you forget about Raze? He's more powerful than any other Lycan in the pack."


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


"Stay away from me!" Shaw snapped, eyes turning yellow. The silver bullet was affecting his brain. He was stuck between two forms, and the situation he was in could actually kill him… The alpha painfully took the bullet out, hissing in pain as his wound healed. Shaw was now stuck in human form. He would be unable to shift, but it would only last for a few days… or weeks. "…I’ll… I’ll be fine. I just need some rest."

Nikki quickly drew back with a whimper, afraid of being struck. Though Shaw had never laid a hand on her, the Elders had been quick to give her a beating if she did something wrong. Shaking and hugging herself, she winched as he dug the bullet out his flesh, following him into the den silently. She had grown to fear other lycans more than anything. Sitting on the bed, she stared at her feet, not speaking a word.

"It's possible that I'll lose my arm," Shaw groaned in pain, wrapping his arm with bandages. "For the rest of the winter, you won't step outside unless I say it's okay. I don't think you would want to get shot at..." Shaw knew the hunters would find them in a matter of days. He heard more distressed howls of the other lycans, and tried to ignore them; not wanting to imagine what the hunters were doing to them. "So, what exactly did the Elders tell you?" He asked, "Either give me an answer, or don't talk at all. It's your choice."


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


Shaw hid behind a tree, waiting for just one hunter to come in range. Hopefully, they didn’t attack the pack with silver bullets. Every winter, the hunters would try and get rid of most of the lycans, but they were never able to find a whole pack. Something was wrong, and Shaw wasn’t just going to let them attack. The alpha picked up the scent of one hunter, but soon let out a yelp as he felt a bullet hit his shoulder. It burned like hell, and it forced Shaw to shift back. He’d been hit by silver bullets before, but he was never forced to shift back before… Before Shaw was shot at again, he knocked the hunter down, stealing a jacket and without killing the hunter. He could feel his left arm go numb as he ran, and he needed to get back to the den before it was too late.

Nikki lifted her head at the sound of gunfire, standing up at Shaw’s yelp. The guy may have been the tool who turned her, but he was her future mate after all. For some reason, she didn’t want to see him hurt. Not like this. Shifting back to human form, Nikki ran towards the den’s entrance, eyes searching the snowbanks for Shaw. She took a step out into the bitter cold, but was reluctant to go out and search for him in case it was violating orders. A coward she was indeed. As he approached the den though, she ran out to help him, noticing the wound on his arm. “Oh God. C’mon, we need to move!”

"Stay away from me!" Shaw snapped, eyes turning yellow. The silver bullet was affecting his brain. He was stuck between two forms, and the situation he was in could actually kill him... The alpha painfully took the bullet out, hissing in pain as his wound healed. Shaw was now stuck in human form. He would be unable to shift, but it would only last for a few days... or weeks. "...I'll... I'll be fine. I just need some rest."


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


The alpha nodded, hurrying towards the den. He stopped dead in his tracks once again when he heard… gunshots. The hunters. They must’ve found out about the pack. The day just went from bad to worse. Shaw couldn’t help but to howl, and that howl was loud enough for the pack to hear. He snarled at Nikki, wanting her to go without him.

With her head down and ears back, Nikki let out another louder whine, both of urgency and protest, but the russet wolf knew better than to defy an alpha again. She galloped towards the den, tail between her legs. These past few months had turned her into a submissive coward, she didn’t think about shifting and calling out to the hunters, begging to be saved. No, these weren’t her brothers, she didn’t recognize these hunter’s scents. Scrambling into the den, Nikki didn’t shift back, instead letting herself curl up in a corner of the den, watching the entrance as she whimpered. At least it was warmer in here.

Shaw hid behind a tree, waiting for just one hunter to come in range. Hopefully, they didn't attack the pack with silver bullets. Every winter, the hunters would try and get rid of most of the lycans, but they were never able to find a whole pack. Something was wrong, and Shaw wasn't just going to let them attack. The alpha picked up the scent of one hunter, but soon let out a yelp as he felt a bullet hit his shoulder. It burned like hell, and it forced Shaw to shift back. He'd been hit by silver bullets before, but he was never forced to shift back before... Before Shaw was shot at again, he knocked the hunter down, stealing a jacket and without killing the hunter. He could feel his left arm go numb as he ran, and he needed to get back to the den before it was too late.


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


Shaw came out from the shadows, highly upset that he and Nikki couldn’t leave with the pack. But, at least the other Alphas wouldn’t cause any trouble. He stopped, hearing a howl he had never heard before. ‘Outsider…’ he thought, a low growl forming in his throat. Shaw hoped they would get back to the den in time.

Nikki let out a small huff of exasperation when Shaw stopped short, the russet wolf about to let out a grow to hurry him along when she heard the stranger’s call. Her head shot up, looking stiffly ahead for a moment before turning to Shaw, a small whine issuing from her throat. Let’s go, I don’t like this.

The alpha nodded, hurrying towards the den. He stopped dead in his tracks once again when he heard... gunshots. The hunters. They must've found out about the pack. The day just went from bad to worse. Shaw couldn't help but to howl, and that howl was loud enough for the pack to hear. He snarled at Nikki, wanting her to go without him.


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


Shaw nodded, and started to walk back to the den. Then, he remembered the other rule that the elders made: ‘Don’t go anywhere alone.’ He shifted, quickly following Nikki. Shaw couldn’t risk her getting killed or injured. The elders would kill him right after… The alpha stuck to the shadows, but if he stopped for too long, he would freeze. The snow was already falling, and everyone knew it would be a brutal winter. That was why the pack was moving to another territory…

Padding along through the snowbanks to meet the other she-wolves, Nikki’s ears flattened as she picked up a familiar scent. The russet wolf turned, scanning the area before letting out a huff. You followed after me? Really Shaw? Though she was tempted to confront him, she decided to say a final goodbye to her friends, letting a howl rip from her throat as she watched them go, a sense of strange pride filling her as they replied to her. She turned, galloping in the direction of the den before stopping short, looking towards the shadows of the forest where Shaw remained. I know you’re here. You might as well walk me home.

Shaw came out from the shadows, highly upset that he and Nikki couldn't leave with the pack. But, at least the other Alphas wouldn't cause any trouble. He stopped, hearing a howl he had never heard before. 'Outsider...' he thought, a low growl forming in his throat. Shaw hoped they would get back to the den in time.


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


"Well, you’ll just have to get used to it. The elders have put down new rules, thanks to you." He groans, "We can’t leave the territory for the winter, and if one of us does; they’ll take you and they’ll kill me. The system here is getting worse by the minute." Shaw whispers the last part of the sentence, knowing that he would be punished just for complaining. "But, you’re one of the lucky ones, you know? Being paired with an alpha is very rare."

"Don’t you fucking blame me for this!" She hisses, keeping her voice low and out of earshot of the other lycans. "Because unless my memory fails me, you were the one that turned me. So we’re arranged mates and prisoners at the some time. They won’t even let us leave with the pack,” She runs a hand through her hair, wanting to cry for the first time since she’d been brought to the pack. She doesn’t know whether she wants to cry into his shoulder or sock him in the jaw. “They told me I was stronger than most of the female lycans in the pack, a valuable asset to the bloodline. So are you. This is their way of getting my complete loyalty." She looks out towards the wolves and their pups, all playing and socializing as though they weren’t partially-human. The "friends" she’d made would be expecting her with the news of who the elders had chosen. "I need to go, the girls are waiting for me. I’ll come to your den tonight to talk things over." she said, shifting into wolf form.

Shaw nodded, and started to walk back to the den. Then, he remembered the other rule that the elders made: 'Don't go anywhere alone.' He shifted, quickly following Nikki. Shaw couldn't risk her getting killed or injured. The elders would kill him right after... The alpha stuck to the shadows, but if he stopped for too long, he would freeze. The snow was already falling, and everyone knew it would be a brutal winter. That was why the pack was moving to another territory...


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


"Well, it’s… complicated." He sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "The elders once deemed me "too dangerous" to be paired with anyone. That was 200 years ago. Now that you’ve been accepted into the pack, they thought I was a good match for you. And yes, they did bribe me.” Shaw didn’t like the idea, but the elders would kill him if he would’ve said no. “So… you’re stuck with me until… well… one of us dies.”

"Ah, well that’s just fucking wonderful," She held up her hands in a helpless gesture before letting her arms fall to her sides. There was just one fucking mountain to climb after another. "And what are they expecting from us? Huh? To live long and prosper and produce a certain number of litters in the next three centuries ‘cause it’s ‘for the good of the pack’? I can’t believe this."

"Well, you'll just have to get used to it. The elders have put down new rules, thanks to you." He groans, "We can't leave the territory for the winter, and if one of us does; they'll take you and they'll kill me. The system here is getting worse by the minute." Shaw whispers the last part of the sentence, knowing that he would be punished just for complaining. "But, you're one of the lucky ones, you know? Being paired with an alpha is very rare."


"I'm your future husband."


"You, Shaw? An alpha? Are you serious?” Nikki let out a small exclamation of disbelief, staring out at the other lycans. As soon as she’d finally been accepted, this mess had started up. She’d get an arranged mate by the elders, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. To find out it was Shaw, however, caught her completely off guard. “What, did they bribe you or something?” she scoffed. “I knew this pack was fucked up, but Jesus, why are they so desperate for me to find a mate? There are plenty of single she-wolves in the pack.”


"Well, it's... complicated." He sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "The elders once deemed me "too dangerous" to be paired with anyone. That was 200 years ago. Now that you've been accepted into the pack, they thought I was a good match for you. And yes, they did bribe me." Shaw didn't like the idea, but the elders would kill him if he would've said no. "So... you're stuck with me until... well... one of us dies."

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