@90snikki / 90snikki.tumblr.com

nikki. 24. i could talk about tv and movies for the rest of my life.

tbh I just have a lot of thoughts and emotions about superstore and the fact that I haven’t felt this much about a show in a REALLY long time first off

  • The comedy is so so funny because it’s so relatable like when bo talked about black lives matter and Garrett was like ??????? Jonah talking about gun control!!!!! Need I say more
  • It highlights gun control, racism, ageism, etc etc like !!!!!!!!
  • Retail and customer service is hell and I appreciate them highlighting that
  • All the characters are precious and hilarious and I will protect them at all costs especially Sandra & Dina
  • Jonah and Amy…. strap in because this is gonna be a long one
  • Their relationship is not only a slowburn but once of the most pure relationships I have ever seen on tv. Imagine a man, not only a man but a white man bc most of them on tv are trash but, a man who puts your needs in front of his own no matter what, a man who would rather be friends with you his whole life than to ever lose you even if that means he will have these feelings unreciprocated forever. A man who always reminds you to put yourself first and to love yourself and reminds you of all the great things about yourself… truly life changing
  • Not only that but their friendship is incredible it’s constant back and forth bickering but in the end you can see how much they truly enjoy each other’s company
  • It’s an example of a pure healthy relationship, even if they aren’t together yet, their relationship is something that needs to be shown to people more bc not only abusive couples with constant fighting are the exciting ones, let’s let go of that concept
  • The show is woke af, they talk about many issues going on today and it’s HILARIOUS
  • Idek I just have many feelings I’m so sorry
  • I’m such trash for this whole show & I will be forever

tumblr gives y'all the amazing feature to write shit in the tags when you have a reaction to a post which is unique and allows for less clutter but some of y'all still insist on commenting on posts with ur dumb ass shit so i have to go back to the source which sometimes isn’t there anymore bc y'all can’t stop being demons for like one (1) second

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