
ML&Amourshipping Trash



Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers

As described by Selnick’s article:

Author and doctor of clinical psychology Carolyn Kaufman has released a one-page body language cheat sheet of psychological “tells” (PDF link) fiction writers can use to dress their characters.

This is something I have always encouraged people to consider when writing. If you can afford it, and you have one in your area - TAKE A BODY LANGUAGE CLASS.  It will open your eyes to a whole new world of subtleties you never knew existed. SO worth it as a “Real Life” skill and for all those times when you’re writing and you need your character to react nonverbally.

There is also, in addition to these others, the writer resource book: The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi

This is how you show, not tell what your character is feeling.



Anonymous asked:

please can you recommend me plot/romance ML fanfics ???

Of course!

Heartstrings is a great one! Lots of marichat B)

Secret Santa is also rlly good, lots of adrienette friendship and then love *thumbs up*

The Tendencies series is plot and romance incarnate like damn

Thanks DJ is also rlly good!

Heroes of the Day is spectacular omg

Tikki’s New Friend is a m a z i n g (It’s actually my fave fic in the fandom lol)

Chocolate Cake has some plot and romance!!! :>

Never Fair is great as well!

A Brand New Dream is glorious i s2g

Fooling the World (and Maybe Ourselves) kills me but it’s amazing

Tangled Ribbons is splendid but i’d say there’s more friendship than romance. Still including it tho because it’s amaze.

There’s a lot more but i’m lazy sorry//// If you want more just hmu again like “Yo gimme more romance/plot fics u turd” and i will be like “u right fam i got u covered my dude”


So here’s the thing...

People who write you fanfics or self-inserts or poems or prompts or fandom stories aren’t owned by you. People who make art, make moodboards, or any medium of the sort…People who share aesthetics or graphics, or share photography…People who take requests for ANYTHING… They have lives, and they have feelings, and they are more than tumblr can ever express to you.

Talented people (writers, artists, graphic designers, whomever offers you something here) aren’t at your beck and call. They work for free, mostly, and they work for the joy of the work.

Please be respectful. Please thank them, because they offer their talents to you and they take time out of their days to do so.

If you want to see more of their work, be respectful. Be polite. Show gratitude. Offer them your thanks, your analysis, your compliments, your constructive comments. It makes it easier to receive feedback.

No one should have to feel the pressure that some often do. Reminder: They are here for enjoyment, too. They are here because they found something so enjoyable that they wanted to share it. They wanted to be a part of a fandom. They love a character, or a movie, or a book, or…any number of things.

They are people with feelings, and they appreciate your patience. They appreciate your comments, reblogs, likes, and suggestions. Sometimes, to a fault.

But mostly, they appreciate being able to share their gifts.

Be kind. Be courteous. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Remind yourself that these are real people with lives. Remind yourself that you are ideally a respectful person who appreciates other human beings.

Love and share love. It’s so nice when it all flows, when it all works together.

This is a friendly PSA from a big dork who doesn’t have any talents but really loves those who do.

Thank you. <3

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I was wondering if you could rec me some of your favourite mlb fics?

Of course! Thank you so much for asking! Here you can find some really great fics, I love all of them way to much! These are the onesI have thus far, but I’m always looking for new good fics, so don’t hesitate torecommend me some!


Chasing the C/h/atwalk by Inkkerfuffle (project runway au, brilliant)

elephant by demistories (they play assassin and its intense)

heartstrings by taylortot (the first mlb fic i read, one of my absolute favourites, the one i always come back to)

In Sickness and In Health by kali_asleep (chat finds marinette passed out)

My Last Thoughts are of You by SKayLanphear (so sad. like. so sad)

Secret Santa by thelastpilot (adorable christmas adrienette for you)


Back To Us by DarkReyna16 (so!!! emotional!!! 10/10 i cry a lot)

Serendipitous Fate by SKayLanphear (spent the whole night/morning reading!! just wow)

squares, triangles and other shapes by demistories (fake dating but like. extra)

The Two Of Us by AnabielVriskaMars (fake marriage au, honestly so amazing, i cried)

I’d also recommend reading other stuff by these authors, which is what I’ve been doing! 


ML Fan Fic Rec/Appreciation List

Hi! Hello! I thought this might be the best way to show love for my fellow fan fiction writers in the ML community on this the day of appreciation for such folks. I’ve posted about the majority of these authors before in a blog rec list, but I want to put out a formal review of each author and their fics because reviews are important. There are so many fic rec lists out already, but writer types NEVER tire of attention (trust me, I know) so here we go (in alphabetical order to keep things classy and neat): 

A lovely university AU. I love the way she writes Adrien and Marinette’s rekindled friendship, it’s just so warm and comforting. There is drama and fluff and romance and it’s just such lovely story. Also, her description of high fashion clothing is just #writing goals 100%.

An exciting expanded magical world AU.  This world that Thorn has created is just so rich and detailed and could easily stand on its own entirely. Adrien, Marinette and the whole crew drop so easily right into the middle of it and meld perfectly. Her OCs are beautifully developed characters and stand wonderfully on their own two feet, I could honestly read a whole book just following them. It’s full of action, angst, hilarity and Sin™.

An adorable art school AU where Adrien ends up as a nude model in Mari’s figure drawing class. Need I say more? Hilarity and adorable drawing sessions and art lessons ensue. This fic is pure and unaltered cotton candy and Reyxa does a wonderful job spinning it while throwing some Sin™ on top for good measure.

An extremely accurate theatre AU.  The first,  but not the only, Bully fic on the list. (Honestly I had to stop myself from putting them all down.) This short and sweet fic is hilarious and if you were/are a Theatre kid you will appreciate ever inch of it. Bully will capture you every time with her tongue –in-cheek humor and spot on characterization and this little fic is no exception.

Chasing the C/h/atwalk by @runningoutofink

A perfectly done Project Runway AU. Bee just does an absolutely phenomenal job translating the classic reality competition TV show format into the written word which is no small task. One of the things that impressed me most about this writing is that I could visualize every single scene perfectly. It is clearly and beautifully written and honestly made me fall deeper in love with the cast of ML.

The beginning of the end for me and ML fics. This fic took my ML fic virginity and I have never looked back. If there is one thing Taylor knows how to write its Sin™ and luckily for us she knows how to write more than that. I love, love Taylor’s descriptions of actions and the thoughts and feelings of characters while they’re in the middle of those actions. (I also have this fic to thank for plunging me into the depths of Taylor’s OC heaven. Seriously, the girl has an armory full of AMAZING OCs, go check them out.)

An exquisite tattoo/soul mate/flower shop AU. I just…I will never be able to stop talking about Matchaball’s writing. Her prose reads like poetry and in some spots like a song. It has rhythm and grace and leads you slowly and easily through the world she’s creating. It can be a hard feat to find an author who not only writes beautifully but also has the world building, plotting and characterizing skills. Matchaball has all of these and more. Reading her writing is just so lovely and relaxing. I just cannot get enough.

I think technically this would be a mating cycle AU? It doesn’t matter because it’s FANTASTIC and I am just so pumped to see where it goes. Written by the fantastic Kay, how could you go wrong?  I will expand more on how much I love Kay’s writing in a bit, but I’ll just say I’m so pumped to see her write some sexier things because I know it will be done RIGHT. Jump on this train, it’s going places.

If you’d like to see Adrien embarrassed and stuttering for once, this is the fic for you. I cannot even begin with the level of cheese that Kay has going on in this fic, but it is just an amazing amount. If you’re lactose intolerant steer clear. This is a purely fun, purely hilarious fic and its just so much fun. If you need to smile, this is the place you need to be.

This fic is so hilarious it altered my state of mind and caused me to write the most ridiculous and off topic comments on each and every chapter. It got so bad that the author was forced to message me to ask me to stop. Then he followed me on Tumblr just to make sure I would leave him alone. He messages me occasionally to make sure I’m not going to comment on his fic again. Jokes on him. We live in a free country and I CAN DO WHAT—

Okay, here’s what I have to say for real. Anyone can pop open a word doc and start writing a shit post meme fic and throw it up on AO3 and call it a day. But it takes a true writer to do it WELL. Humor does not come easily and written humor is often times one of the hardest forms to nail. Phil nails it (HEH HEH) perfectly. His comedic timing is spot on and the sheer amount of pop culture references are just staggering and I’m sure I’ve missed about half of them. On top of that he stays true to character while exploring edges we’ve not seen (and definitely WILL NOT see) in the show. Okay, now I’m done.  

An extremely delicious, definitely NSFW BDSM/friends with benefits/fake dating AU. This fic is just so much more than it’s AU. It goes so far beyond its BDSM theme and I was just not prepared for it when I dived in. What you might think you’re getting: crazy kinky sex everywhere all the time – What you’re actually getting: deep and meaningful character development, ANGST, FLUFF,  lessons on safe and healthy sexual relationships, lessons on safe and healthy relationships in general, lessons on how NOT to pretend like you’re not in love with your partner. And all of it extremely well written. If you are not an Innocent Child you must go read this. It will save your soul and send it to hell in one fell swoop.

*DEEP BREATH* I am still not and never will be over this fic or Kay’s writing. It just cannot be done. Kay’s understanding of these characters and their world is so insanely in depth its mind boggling. She handles each and every one of them with such love that it takes my breath away. Nothing is done without out a cause and effect and everything is woven into an intricate web. I sometimes get so profoundly sad that this is not cannon because it’s just so authentic and accurate. I know I can’t really say that because we don’t know what will be “cannon” or authentic or accurate, but it just is. If you’re not reading SF or planning on reading it, you’re doing yourself a terrible disservice.

DOUBLE. FAKE. DATING. AU. Holy hell, how Sadrien even got through the fic summary without getting vertigo I have no clue. This fic delivers something that I think the fandom required. A fake dating square to walk hand in hand with our love square. It’s still early on, but I can already tell it will be filled with a bunch of hilarious situations and shenanigans. I’m just so excited and you should be too!

Who else but Bully would/could deliver unto us a beautifully written…Sugar Daddy AU? Just the mere fact that she fully has me believing this could really happen between Adrien and Marinette is the achievement of the year. This fic is in the early stages, but has such a promising beginning and will surely be a hilarious ride.

Oh man. The infamous TLATB. So, this is the third Bully Fic™ on my list and I could talk about how it’s the flagship sin fic and all that, but I’m not. I want to talk about how much I love Bully’s writing and how great of a writer she is, really, truly. As I said in my little blurb about Porte-Boner, humor is a truly hard thing to write and get across the right way. Bully does this flawlessly, every. single. time. But there’s more than that, when TLATB started to take an unplanned off-road detour to angst-ville, Bully managed to keep her readers right with her. Folks, that is an extremely hard thing to do, to keep your readers with you, no matter what crazy shit you do. To keep them believing and to not jolt them out of the narrative. That’s the main job of the writer, to kidnap their readers and keep the believing all the way through to the last page. Bully, you’re a great writer, I know you’re having a rough and unpleasant time right now, but keep your chin up. You’re great.

The premise of this fic is just so undeniably adorable and everything that follows is undeniably adorable as well. I just love how Sophie writes the dynamic between Chat and Mari. It’s so true to their characters and so adorable. HAVE I SAID ADORABLE ENOUGH. I’ve actually probably said it too many times for the amount of sin happening (and will be happening) in this fic. Sophie captures my attention with lovely turns of phrase she uses and wonderful character interactions. It’s such a great read and you should GO READ IT NOW. Also because Sophie is a sweet little dumpling.

Okay. So, um…it’s like really hard to get me to actually cry, like blubbering tears and unattractive hiccups crying, during movies/shows/books. I can count on one hand the amount of times a book or movie or show has made me cry. You Don’t Know Me has DESTROYED me.  TWICE. While reading it. If you’re ready for a soul-crushing amount of angst Ferisae is your dealer. She delves deep, deep into Adrien’s character and pulls out everything that is sad and lonely and uses it to crush you in the best way. Even if you’re someone who actively avoids angsty fics (like me) you absolutely must give yourself the chance to read this. Just make sure you have a nice warm cup of something hot and a blanky and maybe some baby animal photos open in the next tab over.  

Okay this got super long, whoops. Sorry not sorry because all these author’s deserve all the love.

Thank you to each and every one of these lovely people and every fic author out there. Y’all are truly amazing for the amount of time, work and love you put into your writing. It shows a true passion and even if writing isn’t what you want to do with your life full time, the passion you have can easily be transferred to any aspect of your life. Passion is fuel to live and live happily. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.


FanArt Request!

Hi, I had a small request regarding Miraculous FanArt. I'm in the works of writing a ML fanfic, it's my very first one, and I'm quite excited yet very nervous! I kind of wanted to have a cover art of it though, so if any of you talented individuals were interested in making one, please send me a message! I'll forever be grateful to you, and of course full credit and praise will be given. With that said, I completely understand if there are no responses. I can imagine how much work and effort goes into the amazing FanArt you guys make, and just wanna say how awesome you all are. The talent in this fandom amazes me.

so thank you for taking the time to read this post!


Multi-chapter fics need love

Attention everyone.

The more chapters a fic has, the MORE YOU NEED TO COMMENT. 

I’m looking at all these fics with lots of kudos, lots of hits, lots of subscriptions I’m sure, and then *crickets* at an update. IF THERE ARE SAY 100 PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED, WHY ARE THERE ONLY TWO COMMENTS?? Let’s say only 10% of the people still read it. That’s ten comments that should be there. 

Too shy or worried or blah to comment? Here’s some copypastes for you:

  • I love this chapter so much.
  • I love reading this fic.
  • I think about this fic a lot.
  • It makes me happy when I see there is an update. 
  • This story is so intense and well-written.
  • I’ve been following since the beginning and it’s better than I imagined.
  • I’ve fallen in love with your characterization.
  • *quote your favorite part* This is my favorite! 
  • This fic made me think about a lot of things. 
  • I’ve learned some things about myself reading this story.
  • This is my favorite fic of all time. 
  • I reread this all the time. 
  • *incoherent screaming*
  • This is absolutely delectable and I love it. 

Use one! Use all! There are endless possibilities! Don’t feel pressured to write an essay. Just say that you are still here and you’re happy! 

It would be preferable for you not to say 

  • Can’t wait for the next chapter!

It’s ok when combined with other things, but if that’s all you say…..? We’re looking for love on the hard work we just posted <3 please give it love first

When you post your first chapter/oneshot, you worry: “Is anyone reading it? Does anyone like it? PLease someone, anyone!?” and you wait for people to come into your space. 

When you post your Xth chapter, you already know that people are reading it, there’s already a crowd gathered. Even if it’s only a few people, you know that they are there. “Does no one like it? What’s going on? What happened? Everyone loved it before?? I thought?? Did I mess up?”


Love your author. They need it. 


Your comment can be so simple. That’s fine. We just want to know you are still there. That someone still cares. 

Absolutely this! Comments inspire me to keep going and a lack of comments makes me wonder if it isn’t worth the effort. Please don’t be shy! I cherish my regular commenters (is that a word?) And get so excited for new ones!

Gabriel: Emma, can you get me that roll of fabric over there?
Louis: I got it.
Gabriel: Thank you, but Emma is actually taller.
Louis: what? No she's not. We're the same height. We've always been the same height.
Gabriel: let us check again. *takes out measuring tape and measures Emma and then Louis* yes. She has exactly one inch on you.
Louis: What?
Emma: Woah... Don't you see what's happening here? This inch is just the beginning. I'm evolving into the superior sibling ... Bigger. Stronger! *stretches arms into the air and shakes them*
Gabriel: like an alpha twin.
Emma: *chanting* ALPHA TWIN! ALPHA TWIN!
Louis: Oh come on, we both know grandfather's measuring has always been a bit off...
Emma: You know, I've always wanted a little brother. Who knew I already had one!
Adrien: I was awoken by the sounds of laughter. Go on, show me the object of humor.
Emma: I'm taller than Louis!
Louis: By one inch!
Adrien: Hey. Hey don't get- short with your sister *laughs*
Emma: now, dad, I hope you don't think LITTLE of him *laughs*
Gabriel: *slightly disappointed* perhaps you should lay off a tiny bit.
Adrien: HA! Tiny! Even your grandfather is in on it!
Gabriel: No, no I didn't mean that-
Emma: Louis will forget, he's got a
Emma and Adrien together: Short term memory!
Emma: Boom! We are on fire! *high fives Adrien*

if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.


Miraculous Ladybug Timeline (COMPLETE)

Because a kids cartoon has taken over my life, and I love it.
 *some of the episodes positions on the timeline are based on speculation


This is how I think the chronogical order of episodes is:
And this is why I put every episode where it is (sorry that it turned into a 27 slides powerpoint)
Okay, that’s it! This is probably the logest meta post I have ever done! If someone finds some inaccurancies just tell me (but politely), I am open to correct mistakes and such!
Also, I’ll tag my ladybug friends who may be interested @nubriema (27 slides PP I told u!) @zoetekohana @joyfulotaku
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