

@defiantworlds / defiantworlds.tumblr.com

Hey I'm Kaiti. I'm 20 and live in Ontario :)

Repent While You Can

When I make preachy posts about Christianity, God, sin, and/or the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I do it because I am thoroughly convinced of the truth of these things, because I am convinced that there is coming a Judgment, and because I love you all.

I am desperately afraid for those of you who are outside the grace of God.  My gut clenches when I consider where you’re headed, what will happen to you if you don’t repent and turn to Jesus. 

God has given me a staggering blessing in being raised by genuine Christians who have been for my whole life deeply devoted to the truth of the Word of God.  And beyond my parents, I’ve had God-fearing grandparents, teachers, mentors, and friends at every turn, constantly moving me along in my understanding of the Christian faith.  This blessing God has given me was not frivolous.  God has conditioned me to preach the Gospel, and if I don’t do it, the blood of the many in my sphere of influence will be on my hands. 

My mission is to love you all, as Jesus commanded.  The chief expression of this love is my constant preaching of the Gospel of Jesus to you, which is the way of life, the only way to escape the coming Judgment.  I love you too much to keep my mouth shut.  I love you too much not to warn you again and again and again.  I don’t speak out against sin in its various forms because I hate you and want you to be unhappy, or because I crave conflict, or because I think you’re less than me.  I really desperately do not want you to die in your sins.  I really desperately want you to repent before God and come to Jesus, and find life in His name.

Go before God in prayer, confess your sins and ask Him to save you. Confess that you believe Jesus died to save you, and ask Him to include you in the convenant. Then swear fealty to Jesus as your King, and commit to giving Him your entire life.

Please, I beg you, do not ignore the warning.  Do not put off the decision.  Repent and believe now, while you can.


Honesty Moment!!

Ok y'all. The enemy has been putting the thoughts in my mind that I am a loser and that i will be a failure and that God isn’t going to use me and that I won’t be anything blah blah blah. BUT I know it’s all lies. I know these things aren’t true because what does the Bible say? The Bible says that God has plans to prosper me and give me a future and hope! God’s word says that so I know that it is true because God’s Word also says that God’s Word does not come back void!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we must know the promises of God and hold on to them and speak them outloud. Why? Because the enemy is out to tear us down. We need to fill ourselves up with the Word of God so much that the words of the enemy can’t do anything but fall before they can hit us!!

Donny know who you are? Read The Bible.

Don’t know what you are capable of? Read The Bible!

Feel lost? Read The Bible!

Feel like a failure? Read The Bible!

I’m talking to YOU! The one who’s heart has been broken. You, the one who is weary. You, the one on the cusp of giving up. You, the one who cries when no one is around to see it. You, who stays up in the night with a restless mind. You,reading this right now.

Rise up and stand tall because you are a Child of The Most High God!!!!!!! Know who you are in Christ!!

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