
Everything & Nothing



People in their twenties be like. My interest include drugs. Drinking. Tv series. Uber eat. causing and then resolving Interpersonal issues


i love this girl on tiktok who was like ‘no matter how times someone explains it to me i will never understand why we cant just print more money’


top comment on a “pettiest reason you stopped dating someone” thread sincerely knocked the wind out of me


he did not deserve her, beep beep


pregnancy is a hoax the baby sprouts out the ground ive seen it happen

People pretend to be pregnant for clout it started with one woman named dvd and people been chasing the same high since

meant eve


Thinking of getting into the wedding industry where I offer my services to brides with overbearing families and my job will be to remind everyone else it is NOT their wedding. I can do passive aggressive, private aside with a vaguely threatening air, or just telling them to shut the fuck up in front of everyone.

The plan is you tell them I'm your fiance's estranged step sister so they'll even sympathize with you for being stuck with me instead of hate you when I tell them no one wants to hear about why they rudely disagree with your veil choice.

Say Yes to the Dress but I'm there with a foghorn I use every time someone thinks we need their rudeass opinion


The McDonald’s french fry is unbelievable. When you bite into it, you think: It’s so tasty, it can’t be real. As soon as it gets cold, it turns to lard and flubble. I mean, have you ever tried to eat a McDonald’s french fry that’s gone cold? That’s one of the circles of hell. The gulf between the warm, fresh, lightly salted McDonald’s french fry and the cold McDonald’s french fry is as great a gulf as any I know. - Viggo Mortensen, Esquire magazine (x)

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