
Keep Moving Forward.

@prettylittlerunner / prettylittlerunner.tumblr.com

Vivacious.Venturesome.Voluptuous. Veronika. Female. California, bred and buttered. Scottish education. Now living in Bangkok! Mostly vegetarian. Raw. Fresh. Organic. Supplement supporter. ...

Last 48 hours of Ether Wars on #Kickstarter. #Help us make this awesome #boardgame a reality. We count on you! http://thndr.me/IXlNZn


I hate when you tell people that you’re training, opposed to working out, and they ask, “Training for what?”

FOR LIFE, bro. The Hunger Games. The zombie apocalypse. Escaping Shawshank State Penitentiary. Whatever. Get out of the way, you’re interrupting my Beast Mode.


Wow, so I’ve been gone for like, ages.

But here’s an update: I live in Sydney, Australia now. :D

So hello all my old followers! Hello from Oz.


Rules my Grandma's Psychiatrist gave her in 56'

  1. Get some cheap dishes and break them when you get upset.
  2. Learn how to say “NO” and don’t feel guilty about it
  3. Buy something frivolous for yourself once in awhile, like a new hat. 
  4. Never again do anything you don’t want to do. 

that’s damn good advice


Appreciate every run

Appreciate every run. No matter how on or off you feel. How fast or how slow. Long or short. Because when you’re injured you would kill for even a sloth-like death of a run. 

Made this post when I found out that I had to have surgery again. Glad to have running back in my life :’)

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