

@skjdflkdjskfjl-blog / skjdflkdjskfjl-blog.tumblr.com

| violet flowers | los angeles | 22 | xican@, vegan, scorpio, witch grl artist, enthusiast, botanist, amateur entomologist, studying archivist, zine maker, writer of things, paranormal investigator, coffee drinker they / them var sc_project=10661446; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="fdc099db"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

letter to cyber stalker / online harasser

this is my official warning to my stalker. they have been harassing me for years and i am done with it. i am officially not engaging this person’s behaviour any further past this.

I have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute [harassment/stalking/etc.], and I will pursue any legal remedies available to me against you if these activities continue. These remedies include but are not limited to: contacting law enforcement to obtain criminal sanctions against you, and suing you civilly for damages I have incurred as a result of your actions.

Again, you must IMMEDIATELY STOP contacting me, anyone associated with me, or contacting anyone ABOUT me.

This letter acts as your final warning to discontinue this unwanted conduct before I pursue legal actions against you. At this time, I am not contacting the authorities or filing civil suit against you, as I hope we can resolve this matter without authoritative involvement. I am not under any circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal remedies against you by sending you this letter. This order acts as ONE FINAL CHANCE for you to cease your illegal activities before I exercise my rights.


It is a FACT that an awful lot of abled and neurotypical medical/mental health professionals are extremely ableist. 

It is a FACT that a lot of disabled and neurodivergent people suffer ableism and medical abuse from medical and mental health professionals, in particular those professionals that are abled and neurotypical. 

It is a FACT that a lot of neurotypical people who study psychology and go into that field professionally are extremely ableist and go into psych because they find ‘those cr*zy people so fascinating’.

Yes there are exceptions. However the mere fact that abled neurotypical medical/mental health professionals who arent horribly ableist is an exception to the rule is utterly terrible. 


shout to the mentally ill people who have unattractive symptoms like a need to fight with other people, obsessing over others, having low self awareness, being easily addicted, being unable to take criticism and being hypersexual. Your suffering is still valid and you’re still loved. You’re still worth worth something.


One night I couldn’t find sleep I realised hogwarts bathrooms were never described (and I was craving onsens because since I discovered them I’m obsessed) and I was thinking onsens would super fit hufflepuffs ! Then I tried to imagine the other houses’ bathrooms … So here it is ! It was a great exercise for me as I never design backgrounds ! (uh tumblr presentation is shitty ;_;)

Look at this Slytherin Bathroom! *falling in love*


This is brilliant, all that time and effort gone into this. I love the Slytherin bathroom the most.

See this is one of the reasonds I love slytherin. We have the best bathrooms. AND I LOVE HOW MUCH THOUGHT YOU PUT INTO EACH ONE!! The Ravenclaw one especially.

This is so detailed and creative and brilliant! I love it 😍

 rowan is pissed about the lack of detail in the gryffindor bathroom (”AND ACCURACY!”) but i’m pleased as punch about the hufflepuff bathroom. 

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