
"every flight begins with a fall."

@boundforthenorth / boundforthenorth.tumblr.com

"I don't like scary stories anymore. Because I'm in one." Bran Stark Warg Greenseer Little Lord of Winterfell
Jojen had never been good at resisting his desires.  He was prudent, yes, and often considered wise, so his behaviour usually seemed quite restrained.  All that meant was that he considered the consequences when deciding his actions.  For most of them, they were either minimal and he did what he pleased, or large enough that his aversion outweighed his desire.  There were, however, the rare cases when his urges were great enough to eclipse the dangers he knew, and the blond teen was unable to resist following through. This was one of those cases.  After all this time at Winterfell, all the months of studying and learning by each other’s side, Jojen had finally admitted his feelings to Bran a few weeks before.  To his surprise and glee, the brunette returned his affections.  Since then, they had been sneaking moments alone—holding hands, sitting close, staring at each other in moments that previously would have awkward but now were simply comforting.  They had done little intimately—only a few small, tentative kisses.  But the previous week, Jojen had risked sneaking into the smaller male’s room during the night, and both had slept well, wrapped in each other’s arms. For a pair of teens tormented by dreams,the relief from their nighttime visions only compounded the comfort they found when sharing a bed.  Since then, Jojen had found his way to the brunette’s room more nights than not.   But they had begun to grow worried.  Hodor didn’t really understand, so he was of no concern, but if other servants began to notice, their closeness could become a major scandal.  They had agreed to stay away for a week, while they worked to see if there was a way to move their quarters closer together—to find a way to make their relationship manageable. The pair had done well, for several days.  Both had remained strong in front of the other during the day, despite missing them dearly in the night, and Jojen had gone three nights without sneaking through the castle halls at night.  But this night broke their streak. Shutting the door behind him, the blond moved inside.  He was wearing his smallclothes, a long tunic, and a fur he had wrapped about himself to keep warm during the long walk.    His deep green eyes were dark, haunted, taking on the “little grandfather” quality that gave the young crannogman his nickname.  He slowly shook his head.  Approaching the bed, the older male hesitated.  He would rather not burden the young prince with this knowledge, but he felt that he needed to tell the Stark—for both their sakes. "I had a dream…"  The Reed admitted.  "An old dream.  One that I’ve had many times before."  Keeping the fur wrapped about his shoulders, the larger male sat down on the other’s bedside, before turning his head and staring at the other, green eyes holding the younger teen’s gaze.  After a few seconds, Jojen looked away, glancing towards the floor.  "The dream of the day I die…" he said quietly.

Although having only just woken up, the concern Bran felt definitely outweighed the tiredness. At first, he thought that maybe Jojen had came into his room simply because he couldn't stand the distance between them anymore. He missed the elder male's presence beside him too at night, and it always helped put his mind at ease, but this wasn't the case. There was something different, something wrong. The Stark could see it in those mysterious green hues of Jojen's, and just the way he carried himself into the room had been enough to signify he wasn't simply looking for cuddles.

Bran's gaze was fixed on the blonde as he began to explain his reasoning for sneaking into his room, and instantly he felt a sudden clenching sensation in his chest and stomach. Concern was unmistakable on the brunette's face, and he was at a loss for words for a few moments. Their dreams weren't just regular old dreams; not even close, so the fact that Jojen was coming to him with this information was nightmarish. The thought of losing Jojen was just...Unbearable, really.

It was lonely enough, having the space beside him in bed empty for those few nights after the two of them had come to an agreement, but it would be even lonelier to have Jojen not be able to fill that space again. No more side-long glances that held nothing but affection, no more holding hands or feeling the familiarity of his lips against his own, no more hearing his voice delivering sweet words in a hushed tone as to ensure that nobody else heard. No more anything.

What scared him most was the fact that Jojen had decided to come to him now with this information, as if his time was near or something. Exhaling quietly, the younger placed his hand on Jojen's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Look at me, Jojen." His tone was on the gentle side, but there was an underlying strictness in it, implying that this was hardly a request. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

He didn't know whether he should be angry or sad, but he felt a mixture of both. Regardless of those emotions, all he wanted to do right now was hug his secret significant-other and try to comfort him. Night's were always better when they were wrapped up in each other's arms, and if he were to leave now, Bran was certain that he'd get no sleep. He'd be up all night, thinking about the information he'd been given.

Questions swirled behind inquisitive eyes, and he hoped that Jojen knew well enough how to answer them. The main two questions being how and when. In a way, Bran almost didn't want to hear the answers, because he feared hearing the worst. Yet at the same time, he needed to know what Jojen knew. The straight up truth, as harsh as it could be, was better than playing make believe and pretending that nothing was going to happen. Even if Jojen knew the answers, or at least one of them, it wouldn't make parting with him any easier when that time came. Perhaps there was a way to prevent it or at least push it back some, but it seemed unlikely, as much as he hated to admit it.

Removing his hand from the Reed's shoulder, Bran rested his hands in his lap and awaited an answer. Whether it be years away, months away or days away, or even unknown, he wasn't going to let Jojen leave the room until the sun showed itself again.

Anonymous asked:



  • Do I Follow Them?: Of course!
  • Why Did I Follow Them?: Because perfect Sansa is perfect.
  • Do We Role Play?: Nope. Only on my Joffrey account, from time to time.
  • Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Hell to the y e s.
  • An AU Idea For Our Muses: Hogwarts AU yo. Maybe Sansa’s stuck in an abusive relationship with Joffrey or something, and Bran catches him threatening her ‘n all that jazz. So he tries to help her and then a spell goes wrong or something and Joff is killed (cackles) and now they have to hide the truth from everyone. And then shit goes down and yeah. Just a loosely written idea off the top of my head. *Refrains from writing a novel length description*
  • A Song For Our Muses: Ooh, that’s tough. Lemme think on this.
  • Do I Ship Our Muses?: Nope. (Sorry to the Starkcest shippers)
  • What I Think About The Mun: Such a sweetie
  • Overall Opinion: Let me keep you 5ever. Such Sansa, much quality, wow.
  • Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11

I'm sleepy


Send me "I'm sleepy" and my muse will react to your muse coming into their room in the middle of the night

Bran’s eyes fluttered open as he heard the soft sound of the door opening, followed by quiet footsteps. It was pitch black, and at first he could only see the silhouette of who he knew to be Jojen, but his features became more clear as he approached the bed. “Jojen?” The brunette said quietly as he sat himself up, still visibly sleepy. “It’s the middle of the night. Is everything alright?” Not that he minded the interruption, anyway. The older male’s presence was a welcomed one, as it had always been.



  • Do I Follow Them?
  • Why Did I Follow Them?
  • Do We Role Play?
  • Do I Want To Role Play With Them
  • An AU Idea For Our Muses
  • A Song For Our Muses
  • Do I Ship Our Muses?
  • What I Think About The Mun
  • Overall Opinion
  • Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

"Hate me, Love me, Miss me."


"I think hate is too strong a word, but it wouldn’t hurt to be a little more selfless." It was a bit too early to say for certain, though. Bran didn’t know the woman all too well, but he was positive that she had reasons for being the way she was; distant and somewhat cold.

"I love how headstrong you are, even if it sometimes causes conflicts. It’s admirable to stand by your opinion." That was one of the many things he admired about his mother, Catelyn, as well. Stubborn and willful seemed to be a common Stark trait, and it would seem Skadi displayed similar ones.

"If you were to leave, I’d miss your stories. I’ve heard Old Nan’s a hundred times over."


I'm Sleepy || Sansa & Bran

At first, when she had woken up, she had headed for Robb’s bedchambers, but upon arrival Sansa had remembered that her eldest brother was away with their Lord father, Theon Greyjoy and the bastard on a hunt. So instead, she had gone to Bran’s room, silently sneaking inside, hoping not to scare him. “I could not sleep,” she whispered, blinking slowly as her eyes adapted to the darkness. “I… I had a nightmare.” She had always found it easier to admit to having nightmares when talking to Robb, but she was there now and there was no use lying.

"A nightmare?" Bran repeated, curiosity peeked. "Would it help to talk about it?" Admittedly, the younger Stark had been having some rather strange dreams himself lately, some able to be considered nightmares, and sometimes talking about them helped. He was still convinced, however, that his dreams weren't normal. They seemed far too real. Patting the space beside him on the bed to invite his sister to sit with him, Summer ended up hopping up instead. "No, Summer," Bran protested, gently pushing his direwolf toward the end of the bed after petting him a few times. "Go lay down." Obediently, Summer moved to the end of the bed and curled up, allowing room for Sansa.


"Hate me, Love me, Miss me."


Put "Hate me, Love me, Miss me." In my askbox and my muse will tell you something about you they hate, something they love, and something they would miss if you left.

"I hate how you rat me out to mother when you catch me doing something you know she’d disapprove of," Bran began, pausing for a moment to think up the rest of his answers. It wasn’t that it was difficult to come up with any, but rather that it was difficult to decide on just one.

"I love that you’re kind and optimistic, always striving to do your best in everything you do." Sure, Sansa was a bit of a dreamer and Bran sometimes found himself rolling his eyes at the ‘fairy-tale perfect’ future she envisioned, but her dedication was admirable.

"If you were to leave, not only would I miss your presence as an entirety, I’d miss something as small as sneaking you lemoncakes and sitting with you before lessons." Another pause followed, before a playful smile broke out on the Stark’s face. "I think Arya would grow bored without having you around to argue with."


Send me "I'm sleepy" and my muse will react to your muse coming into their room in the middle of the night

Bran awoke upon hearing quiet footsteps in his room, the boy propping himself up on his elbows to see who it was. It took a moment for his eyesight to adjust to the darkness, but it was pretty easy to recognize his older sister from her Tully-red hair. “Sansa?” He questioned in a hushed tone, rubbing at one of his eyes. “What are you doing here?”



If you see this somewhere on my blog, this means I am NOT a 4Channer.

If I start posting gore and porn, THAT IS NOT ME. I HAVE BEEN HACKED.

If you want to reblog this, take a screenshot of it on your blog so that you have solid proof.


30 Days of Character Development

  1. Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?
  2. What are your characters most prominent physical features?
  3. Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
  4. How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?
  5. What’s your character’s ranking on the KINSEY SCALE?
  6. Describe your character’s happiest memory.
  7. Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?
  8. Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?
  9. Who does your character trust?
  10. Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
  11. Is there an animal you equate with your character?
  12. How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?
  13. What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
  14. How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?
  15. Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?
  16. Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?
  17. What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?
  18. Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)
  19. What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?
  20. Does your character have any irrational fears?
  21. What would your character’s CUTIE MARK be?
  22. If your character could time travel, where would they go?
  23. Is your character superstitious?
  24. What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
  25. Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?
  26. Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.
  27. Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
  28. If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?
  29. How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
  30. And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.
Anonymous asked:

You should do a Maze Runner AU or a Hunger Games AU with an Arya or Jojen (With Bran able to walk though)

// asdfhskjdhasdg I love both, so hell to the y e s. Doesn’t matter to me who the AU is with though~ It could be anyone.

Anonymous asked:

i haven't seen you here or on kingoftheironthrone much lately.

// Sorry, nonnie. I’ve been on semi-hiatus, but I’m coming back now. I should prooobably see if anyone wants to start up any threads. ‘Cause yeah, both accounts need some serious reviving.

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