

I’ve given up trying to define this blog. It is what it is. 28 she/her gremlin. in my Mia Goth era

I just don’t feel like people appreciate book phantom enough. Like sorry but I have a fat crush on that no nosed gaunt looking wimp that literally dies after getting a kiss on the cheek and I feel like more people should too


Horror is like the only genre left where anything good or original is happening because they're historically lower budget with almost guaranteed high returns even if the movie ends up being just okay at best so writers and directors and editors are allowed to experiment and actually be creative which is what audiences want. Yet big studios are still bleeding themselves dry for $100+ million productions no one's showing up to and aren't even good! Horror's the only thing standing between us and the death of cinema. And I live by that.


people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.

"Don't you feel satisfied that your windows are so clean now?" It sucked and it sucked and now I don't care. I just remember the sucking.


I make perfumes that smell like blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. They're not very good yet, but I'm trying to improve my scents of humor.


Stray cat breaks into Lynx’s enclosure at zoo


while the stray cat story may have circulated in 2020 and 2022, this story is actually from the Leningrad Zoo in 2014. (here's the original russian article as well.)

these two felines were introduced at 6 weeks old in order to give more enrichment for the lynx and for education purposes, however they got along fantastically from the start and were eventually moved to permanently live with one another.

a much less exciting story, but a much cuter one as well.

Source: justcatposts

adhd symptoms are always just mild enough to seem fake but just severe enough to make everyone on planet earth think you’re an asshole for having them. not a big fan of this paradox tbh

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