
The Golden Kingdom

@ask-prospit-high / ask-prospit-high.tumblr.com

Welcome to the Prospit Academy.

(( alright vriska is having much difficulty making gifs. gifpal looks great while on the website, but goes to shit once i download. it makes the quality grainy and my blue lipstick doesn't even look blue it looks greyish i can't figure out why. gify is perfect but apparently won't load on tumblr? the front camera on my phone is broken so it doesn't work very well. if anyone has any advice to help out it would be very much appreciated!! until then, vriska is going to have to log off! i will return as soon as i can with hopefully a better solution. )) 


(( i have a question, are the gifs not moving for anyone else?? they seem frozen to me, i need to know if its a problem i need to fix or not)) 

Anonymous asked:

Do your glasses have lenses in them vriska?

who the FUCK do you think you are m8king such an accusation!?!?!?!? do you think this is a game???? who do you T8KE me for???? some wanna-8e hipster wearing glasses 8ecause its “cool” and “retro”???? i need these fuckers to SEE!!!! at the very least i would wear contacts so that i can wear a pair of sunglasses or something. does it look like i WANT to 8e stuck wearing small panes of glass in front of my eyes to get around?? do you think that its FUN???? idiots who wear glasses to 8e cool don’t even understand HALF the struggle. 

Anonymous asked:

so if/when you break up with eri would you date someone else or just like, lay low and avoid the dating scene for a bit

ugh, definitely lay low. I’m not the gushy mushy d8ing type anyway! who even cares a8out that shit???? certainly not me. if I’m dating someone, they have to 8e worth my time. whether or not me and eri break up is entirely dependent on HIM however. if i have no reason to leave him, why should i???? if he can clean up his act and may8e show a girl he cares, ill keep him around. if he doesn’t though, well then he can kiss my perfect ass good 8ye!!!!!!!!


Kankri is offline

Alright, well. Karkat will 6e expecting this t9m9rr9w, and I 9ught t9 make it l99k decent, let’s just-

I’m sure he w9uldn’t 6egrudge me just. Just 9ne m9re readthr9ugh 6ef9re parting with it. 

This might take a while, s9rry. Until we meet again, then.

Anonymous asked:

kankri y'all need jesus

9kay, first 9f all, let me make it clear that s9 far as religi9n g9es, I’ve th9r9ughly expl9red my 9pti9ns. N9t interested, aside fr9m in a purely an academic sense, thank y9u.

Sec9ndly, I sh9uldn’t need t9 make that clear. Agn9sticism is a valid ch9ice f9r any9ne, f9r any reas9n, whether they’ve l99ked int9 every existing religi9n 9r never tried t9 educate themselves a69ut 9ne. I d9 n9t “need” any9ne 9r anything dictating my sense 9f m9rality, I’m s9rry, n9 9ffense t9 any religi9n 6ut [tw: faith 6ashing] I find that s9mewhat a6surd.

And did y9u miss the 6it a69ut Chanukkah? At least try t9 respect my heritage.

Anonymous asked:

Hello, Kankri. What're your plans for the holidays?

Well, I pers9nally d9n’t subscri6e t9 any 9rganized religi9n. Much t9 my father’s disapp9intment, unf9rtunately, 6ut I simply d9n’t 6elieve that the s9rt 9f 6ling f9ll9wing and 69rderline m96 mentality inherent in instituti9nalized religi9n is c9ncducive t9 a p9sitive s9cial envir9nment, n9r t9 a m9re c9mplete understanding 9f m9rality.

6ut I digress.

I always try t9 get Karkat a little s9mething ar9und the h9lidays regardless, we tend t9 have 9ur 9wn little secular cele6rati9n 9f Christmas, in additi9n t9 whatever 9ur father tries t9 get us t9 d9 f9r Chanukkah. Tries t9 get me t9 d9, anyway, may6e Karkat’s all f9r it; I’ve never pried much int9 his religi9us 6eliefs. 

As f9r gifts, I’ve 6een trying t9 get him interested in a m9re…. tasteful s9rt 9f r9mance n9vel.

This is my 9ld c9py, actually, and 9ne that’s served me well. H9pefully it will 6e a nice c9mpr9mise 6etween my standards and his 9wn interests.


Kankri is online!

((OOC - Kankri and Cronus’s plot has been suspended until we can both get online at the same time, our schedules have conflicted so far. This takes place before that plot.))

Hell9, and seas9n’s greetings, t9 y9u all.

C9nsidering the timing, it’s 9nly right t9 begin 6y wishing all wh9 cele6rate it a merry Christmas Eve, 6ut I w9uld als9 like t9 take this time t9 ackn9wledge these 9f differing 9r multiple faiths/traditi9ns and wish every9ne a happy early/late Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia, Nard9qan, M9nt9l Festival, K9r9chun, Sinterklaas, Kl9zum, Festivus, Klaas9hm, 9uwe Sunderklaas, Sunderklazen, and Junkan99, as well as give my early wishes f9r whichever various New Years y9u happen t9 cele6rate. If I’ve left any 9ut, please d9 let me kn9w! I w9uld never mean t9 6e offensive t9 9r in any way 9ther any culture 9r practice.

6ut in the meantime, let me get my generic 6ases c9vered with a general “happy h9lidays,” dear f9ll9wers.

I’ll be available f9r the next h9ur 9r s9, as usual, f9r any questions 9r c9ncerns y9u may have!

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