

@tadaachii / tadaachii.tumblr.com

Semi-Hiatus - everything is on queue! Tasha | '95 | Canada | Virgo50% cute, 50% fashion & 100% EXO trash (sort of in love with Park Chanyeol)

send this to your idol; spread love

as this is happening, we need to show more love and support to your idols. we need to help them just like they help us. so please send this to your idol !

credits to @97jjkshii

also, don’t send direct hate to idols. if you wanna talk shit about them, just put some * in their names. thank you!

  • 힘내세요 ღ be strong
  • 항상 좋은 음악을 줘서 고마워요 ღ thank you for always giving us good songs
  • 당신은 소중한 사람이에요 ღ you are special
  • 오빠 힘내세요 우리가 있자나요 ღ  be strong, you have us 
  • 난 항상 응원 할게요 ღ i’ll always support you
  • 푹 쉬세요 ღ rest well
  • 밥꼭챙겨먹어(요) ღ ensure that you are eating your meals
  • 당신이 독특합니다, 당신은 필수, 사랑 하는 ღ you are unique, you are essential, you are loved
  • 너는 나의 천사 ღ you are an angel
  • 행복하세요 ღ please be happy
  • 진짜 잘생겼다 ღ you are so beautiful 
  • 살빼지마세요 ღ don’t lose weight
  • 너는 네 어두운 세상에 빛이에요 ღ you are the only light in this dark world
  • 태어나줘서 고마워요 ღ thank you for being born (my personal favorite)
  • 네 곁을 떠나지 않을거야 ღ i’ll never leave your side
  • 당신은 완벽한! ღ you are perfect!
  • 너무 사랑해요 ღ i love you so much
  • 나는 모든 것으로부터 보호할 수 ღ i’ll protect you from everything
  • 제게 매우 중요합니다 ღ you are really special to me
  • 당신은 열심히 일했고, 축하합니다! ღ you’ve worked hard, congratulations!
  • 항상 우리를 위해 위대한 ღ you are great for us
  • 질 지냈죠? ღ you’re okay?
  • 밥 먹었어요? ღ are yall fed? did you eat?
  • 괜잖길 바래요! ღ i hope you are okay
  • 내 음료 ღ my baby
  • 아름다운 옷 ღ your clothes are beautiful
  • 그것의 아름다움은 납득이 안가는 ღ your beauty is inexplicable
  • 나는 잘 수유를 희망 ღ i hope you are eating well
  • 이 잘 먹고? ღ are you eating well?
  • (오빠들) 수고했어요 ღ (oppas) you have worked hard
  • (오빠) 밥먹었어요? 밥을 놓치지 마세요! ღ oppa you ate? please do not skip meals!
  • 오빠 맛있는거 많이 먹어요 ღ eat lots of delicious food
  • 축하드려요 / 축하합니다 / 축하해요 ღ congratulations (not referring to anniversary)

please, they all help us. we need to help them too ! i just need to yall reblog this. i want to see more love being sent to them  ̅̄ャ˞♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪) 

and if you want someone to talk, my ask is always open and i would be really happy to help you ! your idols love you so much, you are special, you are doing amazing, you are not alone, be strong and be kind.


I’m seeing some worrying tags so I thought I’d leave y’all with this.

It’s okay to smile even if you’re mourning.

You’re not a bad person because you saw a video of Jonghyun being silly and you laughed. You’re not a bad person if a meme rolled through on your dash and you cracked a smirk. You’re not a bad person if you start jamming out to your favorite Shinee song.

You’re celebrating his memory in the loveliest way. We loved him. He made us laugh and smile. He wanted us to find happiness.

It is perfectly okay to smile.


i think the most important thing from jonghyun’s death is to not let all the positive progression he strived for be undermined. he started so many conversations about mental health awareness and gave a voice to those who didn’t have one. jonghyun was rooting for everyone, he wanted everyone to know it is possible to make it through and be strong. just because he lost the fight, it does not mean what he said wasnt true. don’t let everything he fought so hard for be for nothing

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