
Pictures from The Dead

@gloved-artist-for-the-unseen / gloved-artist-for-the-unseen.tumblr.com

Hello, I'm Venni! [OC blog for a soft spoken gender queer artist that may or may not be a touch empath. Mun/muse is of age, please read about page] M!A: None but accepting!

If you struggle with anxiety, overwhelm, or just plain feeling like a failure, I have a mantra for you that’s been really helping me out lately:

Just show up.

I used to skip class because the whole thing was so overwhelming: I had to get dressed in something clean even though I never had the energy to do laundry, walk to school, sit in class for up to three hours, plus pay attention, take notes, and participate in discussion. In reality, I was being a perfectionist, and life would have been a lot easier for me if I had Just Shown Up. By staying home because of my depression and anxiety, I wasn’t giving myself the chance to do any of that. I was such a perfectionist that being a “bad” or average student was unthinkable, so I stopped being a student at all.

If you’re having trouble getting something done, Just Show Up. You don’t have to be employee of the month. You don’t have to be valedictorian. Just Show Up.


ime it also helps to be like “you dont have to stay the whole time, you just have to go” bc most of the time once youre there it’s fine. a lot of things are like that, like… you dont have to finish the dishes, just start them. a lot of the time once you start a task it’s easier to finish than to stop, especially if you can trick yourself like “after five more minutes if i still feel bad i’ll go home” or “after washing two more dishes i can stop for today”

even if you don’t finish the task, you started it, and by completing part of it you lessened your future workload and ALSO taught your brain that things may not be as daunting as they seem


This is wisdom! Peace!


you know what years of therapy taught me - Redefine success

so what if no one else gets how the things you define as successes are victories because you have to

so you got to work - success

you used public transport - success

you went to the supermarket instead of ordering online and didn’t just buy things you dind’t want because you got scared - MASSIVE success

Redefine success, your body moved the goal posts, there is no shame in acknwoledging that


Flegiàs and some lil members of his court, the Court of Flames.

They are considered patrons of arts and crafts, so writing on a wooden talisman and putting it on them is a good way to bring good luck in one’s job or inspiration in art. Temples have giant tablets where many people can write during festivities that later get hang on bigger demons (such as the ones on Flegiàs’ tail). The stronger the demon, the stronger the luck, they say.

The demons Flegiàs uses as ship boys actually work as assistants of the Masked Devil, a well known demon who makes very nice masks. Demons take great pride of their masks so having one made by a great artisan is a must. The Court of Flames wears red masks (to imitate their king’s face) made of wood or leather.


Hahaha I’m a functional adult that can use the phone no problem, yep, definitely *sweats*. In all seriousness, I’ve had a huge problem with doing phone calls most of my life and have made huge progress with it to the point that I can sound almost normal during them. The build up to a call is still pure agony though.


i’m a secretary who makes at least 5 calls a day and i still do this. people have complimented me on my phone etiquette so my take away is that this is a very valid method of psyching yourself up for a call and letting your anxiety out beforehand.

the thing that helps for me is to always have a script. i have one for answering the phone (“hello, this is [organization], how can i help you?”) and one for calling out (“Hello, is this [person’s name], great, I was just calling about [subject] do you have a minute to talk?”) i use these every single time i answer the phone and every time i call out. a script helps so so much with making calls, nonprofessonal situations included. 

so i guess, let yourself feel anxious beforehand, get that anxiety out, psyche yourself up, and plan out what you’re going to say.


I know this will help at least one of my follows 💜


Things that I’ve seen on Bojack Horseman and literally nowhere else:

  1. A story where a woman wants to get pregnant, can’t do it and decides to adopt without adoption being presented as lesser or a compromise.
  2. An episode where a main character decides to get an abortion, actually goes through with it, does not regret it and has her choice validated by the narrative and never demonized.
  3. A main character who is an outspoken feminist and whose feminism is never the butt of any jokes about her.
  4. A main character who is revealed to be asexual, and who after realizing this has an actual arc about what this means for him rather than having it dropped and ignored.
  5. A kid raised by gay, poly-amorous men who are consistently depicted as not just good but great parents.
  6. Jessica Biel leading an angry mob of fire-worshipping cannibals.
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