

@canekiken / canekiken.tumblr.com

-------ON HIATUS------

Do not forget about Palestinians on this Eid, do not forget about Gaza, do not forget about the lives taken and homes destroyed, do not forget about the joy and life so cruelly snatched from them.

Eid means to us what Christmas means to most of you. And they're spending it digging through rubble and locating bodies to burry.

They have no chocolates, no new clothes to wear, no homes to decorate, they lost loved ones which would gather together, no Eidi to give to children to make them happy, no mehndi, no jewelery, no new toys.

Do not forget about Palestine.

Keep boycotting for them, keep protesting for them, keep donating to the families through the link tree, keep buying e-sims for them, keep sharing the truth, keep exposing Israel for their consistent humanitarian crimes.

Remember the Palestinians, especially today, on Eid, an occasion of joy.

May Allah make it joyous for them after everything they had suffered, may they be free from the Zionist occupation and genocide

Eid Mubarak, to everyone, and to the Palestinians


tumblr is the only place that im honest, how do you tell your instagram followers that you just saw a bird that changed your life? they are soulless on that app, they dont give a fuck


"I’m personally a Holocaust survivor as an infant, I barely survived.

My grandparents were killed in Aushwitz and most of my extended family were killed.

I became a Zionist; this dream of the Jewish people resurrected in their historical homeland and the barbed wire of Aushwitz being replaced by the boundaries of a Jewish state with a powerful army…and then I found out that it wasn’t exactly like that, that in order to make this Jewish dream a reality we had to visit a nightmare on the local population.

There’s no way you could have ever created a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local population. Jewish Israeli historians have shown without a doubt that the expulsion of Palestinians was persistent, pervasive, cruel, murderous and with deliberate intent - that’s what’s called the 'Nakba' in Arabic; the 'disaster' or the 'catastrophe'.

There’s a law that you cannot deny the Holocaust, but in Israel you’re not allowed to mention the Nakba, even though it’s at the very basis of the foundation of Israel.

I visited the Occupied Territories (West Bank) during the first intifada. I cried every day for two weeks at what I saw; the brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, the cutting down of Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water rights, the humiliations...and this went on, and now it’s much worse than it was then. It’s the longest ethnic cleansing operation in the 20th and 21st century.

I could land in Tel Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship but my Palestinian friend in Vancouver, who was born in Jerusalem, can’t even visit! So then you have these miserable people packed into this, horrible…people call it an 'outdoor prison', which is what it is. You don’t have to support Hamas policies to stand up for Palestinian rights, that’s a complete falsity.

You think the worse thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by a thousand times, and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians.

And 'anybody who criticises Israel is an anti-Semite' is simply an egregious attempt to intimidate good non-Jews who are willing to stand up for what is true."


So one argument zionists use is that "Well its Palestines fault that their goverment doesnt build them defense system".

Yall wanna talk how israel got its iron dome?

Yall really think that israel would have the money for it without US??

Also wanna talk about how israel has banned and is banning normal items from entering Gaza. So tell me how is Gaza supposed to build iron dome or anything like that? Like zionists give me your best take.


It kills me how everyday the posts and content about Palestine decrease because of how many people are getting killed everyday.

It also kills me how many stopped boycotting or has never even tried to boycott.

Somethings are so small to do and easy yet people don't even bother when it's a genocide that has been going and going and going not since October 7th but for decades.


Confession of a grieving Palestinian, forever away from home.

(For the record, hopelessness does not mean giving up. When you feel like you can do so little, just do what you can. Donate. Protest. Scream the truth.)


25-35 is such a weird fucking age because you’re 100% a bread-and-butter Standard Edition Millennial but the cool teens are like “ok boomer” because you have a Real Job but the actual Boomers at your job are like “I’m not going to listen to a literal fucking child” as they download 16 self-replicating viruses and meanwhile the Gen Xers are telling you to refinance a mortgage for a house you don’t have and you’re sitting there at the Adults Table with the pretty tasty casserole you cooked because you’ve finally figured out how to do that now but everyone is eating the Boomer’s store-bought macaroni instead and admittedly they do sort of taste similar so it probably wasn’t worth all the trouble of cooking from scratch and you’re trying to comfort the freshly-graduated sobbing 22-year-old next to you because she just woke up here and doesn’t know where she is but you have like maybe 5k dollars in a savings account labelled RETIREMENT that grows approx. twelve cents a year and you keep eating dry macaroni while smiling incomprehensibly and periodically blacking out like ??????????

Omg someone FINALLY put it into WORDS

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