
the last human on earth


f*ck it. this is now a furry blog.

the only genuinely funny people on this bitch of an earth are either eldest siblings, people with bastard dads, or gays

if you’re all three, you’re more powerful than any of the rest of us will ever be

Does being a pansexual big brother with a love/hate relationship with his father count?


WE NEED HELP!! Our commune, named Majakka (Lighthouse in Finnish), which is largely composed of queer, gay and trans people and children, is in danger of collapsing due to insufficient funds to pay the rent for the next month. We have functioned as a safe haven for people internationally to either just visit or move, so that they can have a safe place to go to. Without the rent money for next month it’s possible that multiple trans people and children would go homeless.

So please help us make rent and keep a roof over the head of the well over a dozen people who either live here or otherwise depend on it for their existence. We would be eternally grateful for every single cent raised for this cause.

The starting goal of 300€ is to cover the same amount missing from one room’s rent, which is housing Fenia (me), Zoe (a trans abuse survivor fleeing from her parents), and Redge, a Russian activist who could be facing death in Russia if they have to go back there. The room we have is big, but the rent matches the size at 900€ a month (plus water and electricity). If this cost is covered it means that the most of our issues are solved, but because of certain things I can only update about later, we might need a lot more assistance.

Thank you for your time <3 

Here is the paypal link to use for donations: paypal.me/fenastrand


reddit thread: what was your school’s “incident”

Freshman year was someone giving birth at prom and leaving the baby.

Sophomore year was a student killing an elementary school teacher in a robbery.

Junior year was two students getting caught having sex on the softball field with hundreds of spectators.

Senior year was the principal getting fired for banging a history teacher.



did you go to high school in hell

Shooting threat, multiple arsons, graffiti all over the back of the school, too many broken windows and a scary amount of assaults for a 400 person school.


tag yourself student edition

who cares: reads books in class instead of listening, attention span of 5 seconds when studying, generally starts studying in the day before, lost all their new fancy pens by week 2, still somehow gets A*, sometimes starts arguing with the teacher

i can and i will: motivated af, watches legally blonde 24/7, big dreams and aspirations, bullet journal is goals, sometimes very forgetful but makes up for it through very hard work, wants to figure out everything by themselves before asking for help

hello my name is stressed: signed up for 10000 extracurriculars and can’t get out of them now, time management god, hates the glorification of all-nighters but stays up until 6 am anyway, has the highest expectations regarding themselves, needs a hug

aesthetics TM: desperately wants their notes to look perfect, spends all their money on stationery, loves to doodle, PUNS, is great in one specific class, always tries to help their friends with homework, study playlists!!!, can still easily feel overwhelmed and lost but they try and that’s enough

what: has lost their motivation somewhere along the way, has no idea what’s going on, “there was homework”, messy notes and messy life, really wants school to end, hates the education system, has no idea what they want to do after school tho


If you publicly and unreservedly condemn the actions of Nazis in Charlottesville and elsewhere, including everything from quiet hate speech to vehicular terrorism, can you please reblog this post.

I think a few friends, a few followers, every Jew who happens across this post and my own heart could do with knowing that there are more of you out there than there are of them

Anyone that feels they are scared, know you have safe haven here!


Attn: Donal Logue recently made this post to Twitter, if you could please share and retweet it if you have a Twitter account to help spread the word.

Thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Logue and his family during this time.

Hey guys my friend from school Jade has gone missing, here is a more recent picture some of her other friends have been sharing on Facebook. Everyone is super worried about her and I figured I I’d try and see if I might have even a tiny chance of getting the word out more on here. She uses she/her pronouns and was last seen in Brooklyn. Please come home safe Jade everyone is very worried :( <3 

The NYPD is helping a “Gotham” actor find his missing transgender child, officials said Wednesday.

Actor Donal Logue, who plays Harvey Bullock on the Batman-inspired drama on Fox, reported to police Tuesday that Jade, 16, never came home after meeting up with a friend at the Barclays Center in Fort Greene.

Logue, 51, said Jade, who is transgender, identifies as female and changed her name from Arlo to Jade on several social media sites within the last year. Jade left home about 3 p.m. Monday.

Logue reported the teen missing to police about 1 a.m. Tuesday, an NYPD spokesman confirmed.

The actor also tweeted about his child’s disappearance.

“Missing- yesterday at 2PM Barclays Center/Fort Greene Brooklyn: my child, Jade Logue. 6'2" 180 lime green hoodie dark green military parka,” Logue tweeted.

Logue took the tweet down after his fellow actors Olivia Wilde, Mark Ruffalo and Stana Katic spread the word about the disappearance, according to heavy.com.

Attempts to reach Logue or his agent for comment were unsuccessful Wednesday morning.

Anyone with information regarding the teen’s whereabouts is urged to call (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.

source X

hey hey hey so if youre in the NY area PLEASE help us find jade. ive been in contact with her father and given the info im able to give. im so terrified for her, jade is a close friend of mine and i want to see her safe. if you have ANY idea who she could be with or if you see her around, please help. please please spread this if you can, this is VERY serious and she could be in danger.


I hate to do this but im desperate…again and im sorry

hey so because of recent developments at home im kinda drained of all money I had saved for moving out. My mom is forcing me to pick up the internet/cable bill which amounts to $150 a month and im frantically searching for a job. If you care to help keep me and by extension my living situation afloat please consider donating to my paypal which is linked on my blog or at rilesmorg@gmail.com. You don’t have to send me anything and I don’t expect anyone too. Anything sent will just be support to help keep me from falling short while I work on finding a job and to help supplement the meager pay I expect from the job. If you need more details send me an ask but my goal is to work my ass off this summer to get moved out by fall and the more support I get the better chance I have of that happening. Don’t donate if you can afford it and you don’t even have to if you can. This is all voluntary and Ill appreciate any dollar or boost I get. Thank you in advance <3


public high school things •naruto kids •kids punching windows •kahoot •"miss…..miss……c'mon" •leaks coming from everywhere •screams from every direction

•jeopardy review games •chicken nuggets that are orange and all the same shape •people fighting for no reason •couples who make out in the hallway like they’re never gonna see each other again •those kids who take the bathroom pass and disappear for half of class

•clapping in the middle of lunch for no reason? •only going to the homecoming game •being embarrassed by the student art in the hall •that one teacher that no one calls mr./Mrs./miss/etc but instead just their last name •hearing yelling from other classrooms and wondering wtf is going on????


- People who stop in the middle of the goddamn hallway - That one kid who always has a winter coat on no matter what - ‘Gay table’ - Kids who rap/blast rap music in the hallway - “—– Please take off your hood/hat.” - The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do - We still have 3 minutes left don’t pack up yet or you’re getting a detention - Mysterious ceiling stains - Smoke coming out of the bathroom -People who skip class and hide in the bathroom all period instead of leaving

  • those 3 kids who everyone knows are drug dealers
  • the secretary who is Tired
  • finding outdated memes printed out and pinned to the walls in teacher offices (ex: condescending willy wonka: “oh so that OTHER teacher didn’t give you homework?? i see”)
  • singing songs u learned in middle school language classes
  • the end of class is whenever someone shuffles their papers into a binder or moves their backpack, everyone else will follow like some freaky instinctual mimicry shit

have u ever seen something so american like… wtf

A lot of this is true in Canada too.


Reblog if you have used dude as a non gender specific term.


where I grew up in California not only is “dude” generally non-gender-specific, half of the time it doesn’t even refer to a person at all.


I said it to a faucet today. 


A customer once came to me to order a sandwich and said “I want this dude”


Breaking news: The D.C. Appeals Court just killed Net Neutrality. This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn’t have to be.  Tell the FCC to restore Net Neutrality: http://bit.ly/1iOOjoe

they want to make the internet like tv. with channels and paying to get to specific websites and things. net neutrality = not doing that

This impacts every internet user. Please signal boost the hell out of this and sign the petition if you are American


I do not reblog things like this very often, but this affects me both personally and my business as a freelance artist.

In the economy here; cash is already strapped as it is. You bet your ass companies would suck the ever living life out of misc. art sites.

I don’t want it to ever come down to me choosing between groceries or purchasing a new tier package via comcast to be able to access tumblr or DeviantArt (let alone not guaranteeing I’ll even be seen by my customer base since they may not want to pay out their asses either). It doesn’t seem important to most, but I do 90% of my business online entirely.

Please sign up, fight for this and share it with your followers/friends/family and urge them to give them hell as well.

Not writing related, but this is incredibly important. While we pay for service via ISPs, the internet has been a relatively free space where everyone, no matter their income level, is able to connect, access a wealth of information, and express themselves. The Internet has become a major part of our culture as human beings and the notion that ISPs might be able to limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more is utterly sickening. A lot of us are cash strapped as is, and I’d rather not be limited even more by someone else’s greed. Net Neutrality is essential and I hope you guys will understand why it needs to remain.


P.S. Signal boost this if you’re able.

“ limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more”

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more


As I understand this ruling, it means that businesses now have to pay extra to ISPs to have access to their websites through that ISP provided at a reasonable speed. If you don’t pay, users’ access to your website will be slowed to a crawl - so independent people and small businesses can forget about getting onto that high speed access tier. 

This means that the American internet is going to be firmly under the control of those who have the most money. You’ll only get to see the content of those who can pay the ISPs to provide access at a reasonable speed. This means that you can expect to see skewed representation of just about everything, with those bigger businesses who can afford to pay ISPs a premium for access deciding what you can and cannot read, view and consume on the internet.

This is not something that we have in the UK. Our ISPs compete with each other to provide higher speeds, better services and lower prices, but because there’s a monopoly in the US of a few ISPs who provide services, they can afford to do this to you. You can’t go anywhere else, after all.

Everyone in the US needs to sign that petition, call their representatives, write angry letters and do whatever you can to tell your government that this ruling is Not Okay.


Maybe you guys are sick of this post but It’s really important to freelance artists and pretty much everyone who uses the internet, so here it is again.  \o0o/


Breaking news: The D.C. Appeals Court just killed Net Neutrality. This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn’t have to be.  Tell the FCC to restore Net Neutrality: http://bit.ly/1iOOjoe

they want to make the internet like tv. with channels and paying to get to specific websites and things. net neutrality = not doing that

This impacts every internet user. Please signal boost the hell out of this and sign the petition if you are American


I do not reblog things like this very often, but this affects me both personally and my business as a freelance artist.

In the economy here; cash is already strapped as it is. You bet your ass companies would suck the ever living life out of misc. art sites.

I don’t want it to ever come down to me choosing between groceries or purchasing a new tier package via comcast to be able to access tumblr or DeviantArt (let alone not guaranteeing I’ll even be seen by my customer base since they may not want to pay out their asses either). It doesn’t seem important to most, but I do 90% of my business online entirely.

Please sign up, fight for this and share it with your followers/friends/family and urge them to give them hell as well.

Not writing related, but this is incredibly important. While we pay for service via ISPs, the internet has been a relatively free space where everyone, no matter their income level, is able to connect, access a wealth of information, and express themselves. The Internet has become a major part of our culture as human beings and the notion that ISPs might be able to limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more is utterly sickening. A lot of us are cash strapped as is, and I’d rather not be limited even more by someone else’s greed. Net Neutrality is essential and I hope you guys will understand why it needs to remain.


P.S. Signal boost this if you’re able.

“ limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more”

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more

 limit what sites I can access unless I pay them more


As I understand this ruling, it means that businesses now have to pay extra to ISPs to have access to their websites through that ISP provided at a reasonable speed. If you don’t pay, users’ access to your website will be slowed to a crawl - so independent people and small businesses can forget about getting onto that high speed access tier. 

This means that the American internet is going to be firmly under the control of those who have the most money. You’ll only get to see the content of those who can pay the ISPs to provide access at a reasonable speed. This means that you can expect to see skewed representation of just about everything, with those bigger businesses who can afford to pay ISPs a premium for access deciding what you can and cannot read, view and consume on the internet.

This is not something that we have in the UK. Our ISPs compete with each other to provide higher speeds, better services and lower prices, but because there’s a monopoly in the US of a few ISPs who provide services, they can afford to do this to you. You can’t go anywhere else, after all.

Everyone in the US needs to sign that petition, call their representatives, write angry letters and do whatever you can to tell your government that this ruling is Not Okay.


Maybe you guys are sick of this post but It’s really important to freelance artists and pretty much everyone who uses the internet, so here it is again.  \o0o/

Signal boosting!!!


If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

Isn’t it disgusting that 23 people just unfollowed me


Unfollow me too

this goes double if you call paedophilia a disability. unfollow me twice


and if you call pedophilia an “orientation” or in any way compare it to being LGBP+ you can unfollow, delete your blog, and set yourself on fire. 

I just lost 50 followers.. bye

clearing out the trash

Get the fuck out, thanks.


Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t


“You’d be surprised”, said Xaldien, who just lost four followers and received a lovely “men can’t be raped” anon shortly after reblogging this the first time.

Yowch, disgusting.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

it’s nice to see that most of the notes are positive responses. Always reblog

I care tbh. It isn’t just women that are victims of that shit.

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