

@lavie-dunsinge / lavie-dunsinge.tumblr.com

Australia. Young adult. Still learning. I like to write. Juliette. Blog blog blog.

This is an important subject that affects many of us. If you could do us a favor and share it on your social media, that’d mean a lot!

When your anxiety is so crippling that you can’t even tell it’s crippling. That’s a sign of high functioning anxiety right there. T_T


never related to something more in my life


I need everyone to watch this I’m smiling so fucking big


mind if i just… add this… to my list of royality fics… to write…

This is literally,,,,,,,, the sweetest shit I have ever seen,,,,, I’m getting cavities


the height of men’s fashion was whatever the hell was going on with pants and collared shirts in the 70s

we’re never going to beat this so can we please just stop trying


But now a new collaboration is designing fashionable hospital gowns to encourage sick teens that they’re not “just a hospital patient.” See how they react when they try their new robes on.

This is amazing! AMAZING. Chronic illness does its best to strip you of your dignity, your control, and your identity. This is a great example of how things that might seem trivial to a healthy person, can make all the difference in someones life. 


I wish I put as much effort into my life as Phil Collins did into the Tarzan soundtrack

One time my Spanish 2 teacher was like “I dont have a lesson today. We’re watching Tarzan” and put it in the VHS (This was 2010). We [sophomores - seniors, I was a junior] were super excited. The movie starts and my friend and I look at each other and say at the same time “IS PHIL COLLINS SINGING IN SPANISH?!” I went home that night and found out Phil Collins sang the songs in the English, Italian, German, Spanish, and French versions of the film. Mind blown.

He did not have to go that HORD but Phil did it for us


Whatever doesn’t kill you... doesn’t kill you.

1. Trauma permanently changes us.

This is the big, scary truth about trauma: there is no such thing as “getting over it.” The five stages of grief model marks universal stages in learning to accept loss, but the reality is in fact much bigger: a major life disruption leaves a new normal in its wake. There is no “back to the old me.” You are different now, full stop.


A good way to be distracted from your grief is to relieve others of theirs. I do not mean codependency, I mean like community service or being a friend to someone daily. The service to others will humble you and make you grateful and full of joy. Someone told me this years ago, and I feel it has changed my life.

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