
Don't Just Go Pink!



Some Great Charities

Don't forget...October is the month for multiple awarenesses.

Here are some great charities to consider.*

AIDS: http://www.aidsunited.org/Engage/Donate.aspx

Spina Bifida: 


Down Syndrome: http://www.ndss.org/Ways-to-Give/Ways-to-Donate/Donate/ 

Celiac Disease: https://cdf.thankyou4caring.org/

Selective Mutism: http://www.selectivemutism.org/ways-to-give/general-fund-donation

Breast Cancer: https://give.bcrfcure.org/checkout/donation?eid=31404

Rett Syndrome: http://www.rettsyndrome.org/make-a-difference/donate-now 

Lupus: http://www.lupus.org/action/join-the-fight

Domestic Violence: http://www.ncadv.org/donate.php

*Please note that I am not affiliated with any of these charities nor can I guarantee that your donation will be safe and secure. As always, use caution when putting in any payment information online. 



October Awareness Project!

October is the Awareness Month for At least TEN different causes! This video introduces my project for spreading awareness about each of these!

Thank You to marauders4evr for inspiring this project!


It's Coming

October is a week away, folks.

Which means that we're about to be swarmed by pink as an awareness is commercialized to the point where people forget that October is the month for many awarenesses.

But we won't forget!

We won't forget that it's the awareness month for AIDS.

We won't forget that it's the awareness month for Spina Bifida!

We won't forget that it's the awareness month for Down Syndrme, Celiac Disease, Domestic Violence, etc. etc. etc.!

We won't forget that it's the awareness month for dozens of causes!

We will not forget!

Tell your friends, your family, your classmates...tell them all!

Tell them that October is not just the month for Breast Cancer Awareness! Tell them that it's the month for many different awarenesses!

Spread the word!

Don't just go pink!


I saw the first 'Save The Tatas' shirt today.

Maybe we can try to sexualize our awarenesses to get more people to notice them? I don't know. What do you guys think? Save the Autoimmune Systems! Oh my gosh; so sexy! Save the Spinal Cords! Much hot. Very sexy. Wow. Etc. Hmm...it could work. Or, you know, we could also NOT sexualize real diseases, disabilities, and other health related issues that affect real people, real lives, and not just organs that are sexualized by an ignorant society. Yes, I like this option.


October is the awareness month for every single one of these!

Don’t just go pink!


Signal boost like there’s no tomorrow!

I have faith in you tumblr!

We can raise awareness for the awarenesses!

We can do this!

I have celiac disease and this is the first time ive EVER seen it being supported besides the little groups of people who all have it. This actually means a lot because it isn’t just a joke or diet its legit. THIS IS WHY I FUCKING LOVE TUMBLR


This October, thousands of people are going to be wearing pink shirts, ribbons, bracelets, headbands, etc. for Breast Cancer Awareness. However, October isn't just Breast Cancer Awareness Month! October is the month to spread awareness for:

  • AIDS
  • Spina Bifida
  • Down Syndrome
  • Celiac Disease
  • Selective Mutism
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Rett Syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, many of these awarenesses are overshadowed by the commercialism of Breast Cancer Awareness. While awarenesses shouldn't be competitive, I am here to remind everyone that other awarenesses exist and should be supported!

Don't just go pink!

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