

@biteghost / biteghost.tumblr.com

ghost's art blog ✨️ comic artist ✨️ she/her
Anonymous asked:

What’s new with Larry right now, how he is doing!? :)

Well... since he's in an ongoing comic, he's still here, technically:


We'll catch up with him later, though.


Anonymous asked:

Do you only like webcomics? Or are original work writings something you're also into?

Well, you see, I am an adult and do not write off whole mediums of artistic creation, so webnovels are cool and I would be interested in reading them! Webcomics are the medium I have blood invested in (being an webcomic artist), so it's what I tend to talk about and read the most.

I admit I haven't dipped my toe into the scene of webnovels and wouldn't know where to start, but that's not their fault! I tend to have trouble concentrating on long text on a screen (my poor eyessss) which is why physical books or audiobooks are my default reading experience.

If you have any favorite original writings or even just writing of your own, webnovels or otherwise, feel free to send them as a suggestion in my inbox! No guarantees I'll get around to all of them (my "To-Check-Out" list is so, so long), but I'll do my best! o/

I'm always looking for new art to experience! <3

Anonymous asked:

So Cu Alter is very definitely your main muse when it comes to F/GO stuff, yeah? Any other Servants in your roster that get the brain juices flowing, so to speak?

*avoids eye contact with all my other FATE favs I've been meaning to draw for three years but haven't gotten around to it because my limited time and tiny brain demand I fill the stupid Cú Alter comic quota instead*

Uhhh yeah for starters here's my highest bonded servants in fgo whom I love and have headcanons about their team dynamics & relationship to Chaldea:

(Sorry cú is here 4x!!!! Lmao I simply love him. #1 dude, never leaves my party.)

If I'm thinking about characters who actively take up my processing power...

I have severe brain worms about Jekyll/Moriarty/Sherlock! There is enough juice that I need more content of them desperately. (One day I will draw it and you will all see my vision.)

Caenis (& Goredolf / Wodime), Achilles, Barghest, Jalter, Salieri (& Mozart), Baobhan Sith (& Beryl (SORRY I'm a Beryl-enjoyer)), Voyager, Hijikata, Musashi, Ryouma, Circe (& Odysseus), Gorgon, Gareth & Percival, and (deep breath) MASH!!!! and PEPE!!!!!! to name some characters I've thought too hard about.

Not even gonna try mentioning the characters I just think are hot NEAT and like for their body DESIGN

Anonymous asked:

Alright thank you for answering me :) but I just wanna say to you that I LOVE your comic and your backlash character you are really talented and reading it bring me joy :)

So take your time I will wait for it to be back especially since chapter 6…because you left us on a cliffhanger for the NW haha

I appreciate your support and patience! We will get back to all of the loose threads eventually... I just gotta make sure that I've got the time to weave them effectively. Thanks for understanding.

Hopefully, I'll be making some new stuff for you to enjoy in the meantime, too! :>

Anonymous asked:

Hello there :) i just want to ask a little question what happened with your backlash comic? Like it is coming back soon or not? Are you still on hiatus!?

P.s I follow you only on this platform so maybe I miss something you already said and if you need time for yourself totally fine I just wanted to know where you at

Hello! As of this moment I have a new comic project I am focusing on (and am being paid for)! As I have never been under deadlines like this before, I am unsure how making two long-form comics at once will go for me. Therefore, I am going to wait and see how I do with this new job before making any promises on when or how BACKLASH will return.

Another thing that's contributing to BACKLASH's absence is that I am still trying to figure out what I want to do about all the comic pages I lost when my hard drive exploded last year. It was a pretty heavy blow to the ol' heart and mind. I'm taking this time to let the thoughts simmer, and hopefully along the production of this second comic I will come to a decision on how to proceed.

BACKLASH isn't gone, just napping! She'll be back eventually. I care about this story and its characters too much to let her go until she's done, haha. 🫡


Hello ! Recently, I wanted to listen back to the SpeechBubbles podcast you guys made, but I see it's not available anymore. I'm not necessarily asking for the reason in case you want to keep it for yourself, but is there any way to listen to it at all ? It kinda pumps me up when I listen to it so I tend to come back to this podcast regularly, and I also think it was a very interesting testimony on the world of webcomics from an archiving point of view. I think it was a fun and interesting piece of media and I would love to have access to it again. Nevertheless, wish you all the best :)


Howdy! I apologize, I don't remember why the videos got set to private but I don't think it was for any big deal... I think I just bulk set all my YT videos to private a little while ago while doing some internet spring cleaning, so they got hidden in the crossfire.

Here is a link to the playlist, it and all the videos should be public again! Feel free to let me know if there are any issues! o/

I'm very happy that you still remember and look back fondly on Speech Bubbles. All of our opinions and relationships with our work and webcomics has definitely morphed over the years since we last worked on Speech Bubbles, but you're right - it's a very specific time capsule for what webcomics were like just before things like the Webtoon boom and the death of Smackjeeves, haha.

Anonymous asked:

Is bluesky more twitter adjacent or tumblr adjacent?

It's more Twitter adjacent.

I like it for its feeds system, personally. I use it to group related artwork together so I have little mini galleries on my profile, kinds like searching tags on a blog. It's also sorta like a Twitter Moment, but there isn't a limit to how many posts you can include in it. I like being organized so it gives me little dopamine, haha.


@gramoturtle yes indeed you can create feeds on bsky! It's something that made me think it's a SocMed that may actually stick around, haha. Hope you don't mind if I use this as an opportunity to write up a little tutorial on how to do it for anyone interested in taking advantage of the feature!

I personally have been using the SkyFeed application, found here:

It will look like this when you click the link.

Input your Bluesky username and/or the email address you used to sign up for Bluesky.

The password is NOT your Bluesky account password! Instead, go into your Bluesky settings and scroll down to the 'Advanced' heading.

Click on App Passwords and generate a password.

You can write out your own name for this App Password (so you can title it something like SkyFeed to let you know what the password was generated for, if you like). Otherwise the program will just come up with a random name. Once you're happy with the name, click 'Create App Password'.

(Blurred my generated password for security reasons.) Click the two squares on the right side of the code to copy it to your clipboard. As stated in the program, you cannot access this code again after you click 'Done', so make sure you've copied it! Otherwise you'll have to generate a new code. (As far as I know there isn't any penalty to generating new codes as needed.)

Now, head back to SkyFeed and paste the App Password you copied from Bluesky.

SkyFeed is intimidating looking,

but don't worry: I'm here for you.

Here's how to make a feed.

Click 'Create your first feed' on the top right, and it will look like this.

I will use my own art feed as an example.

First, title your feed. This title will appear on Bluesky so people know what it's about. Mine is titled "BITEGHOST's art feed".

Next, change 'Input' to 'Single User', then click 'select yourself'. You can then choose whether this feed will include Posts, Replies, Reposts or any combination of the three.

Now, you can choose to have specific items removed if you'd like. You can add or remove as many specifics as you like. I personally choose to Remove Item if it is Reply or Repost, so that duplicates or self-reblogs / retweets of a post do not make it into the feed. Move these nodes down below the RegEX node by clicking and dragging the little hamburger bar located on the right side.

Next, RegEx. This node is what will populate your feed. Essentially, whatever you type in the RegEx is what this feed builder will scan your posts for. It will than take any matches and put it on the feed. So, if you wanted your feed to be for fanart for Batman, you could put 'Batman' in the space. Then, any posts that you mention Batman in will show up in your feed. You can also choose to have the RegEx focus on a phrase you put in Alt Text, or if it has a link in the post, or all of the above.

How I personally manage this is by choosing specific combinations of emojis to represent different types of my art. For example, every piece of art I post has the emojis "💀🎨", so it will show up in my all-around art feed. Then, if the piece is related to my webcomic, I also add the emojis "☄️✨" to include the piece in my webcomic-specific feed. I have different combinations for tabletop game art, FATE/ fanart, and other projects. These are two different feeds, but having the different RegEx phrases in the same post has them show up in both feeds. Like so:

Obviously you don't have to use emojis - you could just as easily use a short phrase or hashtag as well, like #biteghostart (except, you know, tailored to your profile instead).

So, here's my finished Art Feed:

If done correctly, you should see a preview of your feed filled with relevant posts you've already shared. If you don't have any relevant posts or have not used the phrases yet, it will remain empty and perhaps even show an error message.

Other: If you hit 'Update Feed', you can add an icon to the feed, as well as type a description for it that will show up on Bluesky.

To edit different feeds, hit the arrow up at the top to switch between them.

If you have multiple accounts on Bluesky, just follow the process again from the beginning but on the other account.

Here are what my feeds look like on Bluesky (you can view them on your Profile).

Hope this helps, and happy organizing!

FUCK I FORGOT you can also retroactively add a post to a feed you create! So no, you don't have to repost all your art with new codephrases to have them in your feed.

To do this, add a node titled 'Input', then choose 'Single Post'. Add the post's URL, and you're set!

Repeat for as many posts as you'd like to include. This can get tedious, especially if you have a lot of posts, but at least you don't have to delete and repost...?

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