
it's milk and eggs, bitch

@kinda-obsessed-inc / kinda-obsessed-inc.tumblr.com

audrey || hey what's up i'm gay || entp, chaotic evil, virgo || 22
|| usa
(mostly mobile blogger)

imagine seinfeld but if jerry had.... an inquisitive mind..

I just meant if jerry wanted more information but I can see how you might have understood this as me proposing a bicurious seinfeld


Not that there's anything wrong with that

not that there's anything wrong with that


brushing one's teeth... a farewell to treats. good night, sweet delicacies, my mouth knows only tooth paste now. perhaps when a new day breaks we will meet once more


"they should be at the club" "they should be at the farmers market" "they should be at the public library" well i should be in my lovers arms but im not am i. life is full of disappointments


we all must get weirder and more queer. i am completely serious and genuine and this is urgent. please get weirder and gayer now. if you see me acting weird and gay mind your business a little bit.


"That sounds like a good idea......."-"Is there something bothering you with the idea?"-"No, the idea is GOOD.....🙂"

Can someone explain this to me?

Old people use quotation marks to indicate emphasis, as a substitute for italics (which many of them could not produce on the old typewriters they learned to write on), whereas young people use them to indicate sarcasm or falseness. They’re used as “scare quotes”.

And old people use ellipses simply to indicate a pause, or for some other incomprehensible reason I’m not aware of. But young people use ellipses to indicate passive-aggression.

So an old person could type something like:

how are things going with your “boyfriend”….

and what they mean is

How are things going with your boyfriend? [Im so excited for you, sweetie, and I wanna hear about it]

But a young person would interpret that sentence as

How are things going with your so-called boyfriend…. [I say, while seething with contempt for him and possibly for you too]
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