
Stuff I Posted

@xxannette95 / xxannette95.tumblr.com

Hello! I'm Annette (previously caseyhasthoughts). she/her/they/whatever, bi, 28

Everybody acts like each new Game Changer is a new level of betrayal and psychological torture from Sam towards his friends. Did we forget that the very first game changer was "Sam wheels out a strange machine and asks the contestants embarrassing personal questions, the veracity of their responses is judged by the Machine. The machine is actually controlled by the contestant's significant others who have been made accomplices. Forcing their loved ones into revealing shameful truths for internet broadcast." And sure, he's gotten a bit more personalized with these, constructing a variety of torture chambers for Brennan Lee Mulligan specifically, putting Grant O'Brien in various situations and then bringing his mother onto the set. But deception and betrayal were part of Game Changer from the beginning. So, when I hear people say "I can't believe Sam WENT THERE" about something all I can do is think to myself He went nowhere He's been there the whole time


Weaponized incompetence my ass just weaponize it back. Once my dad tries to pull the “but I don’t know how to clean the counters as well as you” on my mom and she said “ok honey I’ll show you” and she made him stand in the kitchen and watch her clean the counters. Then she pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and proceeded to spray the entire kitchen in chocolate, hand him the sponge and said “okay now it’s your turn”


Weaponized Pettiness is an appropriate response to Weaponized Incompetence.


this guy won life


this is an L imagine being seduced by your chess opponent in a dress like that isn't the oldest play in the Conniving Vizier handbook... expect arsenic in your wine within the week


when i was a kid i had moments of being so fucking diabolical because i realized at some point the best way to leverage power over my family was to do shit that would make everybody late

our house was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods so when i decided i didnt want to wear dresses anymore if we were going to some event & my parents insisted i had to wear a dress i would just go hide in the woods. was so committed i almost made us miss a flight once bc my mom packed a dress in my suitcase

i only promised to stop doing this if my parents got me formal boys clothes to wear which eventually they did. i don't feel bad about resorting to violence bc i asked politely and they said no. proud of 10 yr old me for evil annoying lesbian behavior


5th grade was the last time I wore a dress for school pictures. When my parents attempted to force the issue for 6th grade, I climbed onto our roof and pulled the ladder up after me. My dad borrowed the neighbors ladder. As soon as it touched the roof I pulled it up too. By the time I had 3 ladders they were willing to negotiate, and 2 hours late for work.


some of the plot resolutions in house were so fucking funny. like one episode a guy had seen 10000 different doctors to try and figure out why he was sick and when he came to house, house’s first question was “ok i think i recognize this, there’s this tropical disease that’s preeeeeetty common, have you ever been to the tropics?” and the guy said no and house was like “hm ok guess it’s not that, it must be something mysterious and obscure because this is the Mysterious And Obscure Ailment Show, i will keep digging” then 35 minutes later in the episode house is like “this really REALLY feels like it’s that relatively common disease i mentioned earlier, are you SURE you’ve never been to the tropics” and the patient is like omg NO why do doctors always harp on that I TOLD YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE TROPICS I HAVE NEVER BEEN SOUTH OF FLORIDA and house just stares at him before being like “FLORIDA IS IN THE FUCKING TROPICS” and the patient is like. oh.

this all happens while the patient is holding house and like some other people hostage and forcing house to treat him at gunpoint btw.


i love to learn about my cat i love to google “should you trim cat last claw? trim all cat claws? cat last claw called? cat fifth claw? cat claws labelled. trim cat dew claw?” and then say hi graham i learned something about you! your weird claw is called a dew claw and it will not be worn down by regular walking so it is extra important to be diligent about trimming to prevent it growing into your paw pad! and he bites me and bites me

i wish graham could google. maybe he’d google “human skin thickness? humans skin cut bite? humans red line arm leg? how hard bite humans? human pain tolerance? human vs kittens safe play” and then he would say mads im so sorry i didnt realize that humans are prone to injury from skin punctures. we should engage in remote play through means of toys as you were suggesting


i have a friend who has kinda bad eczema on their right hand but their left hand is fine and thats because acidity makes eczema worse and that includes vaginal acidity and my friend is both a lesbian and a slut so they finger a lot of people and that fucks up the hand they use (their right hand). Anyways do you think BBC sherlock would deduce that by looking at my friend’s hands

nothing couldve prepared me for the last sentence


Pansexuality is when you're attracted to multiple genders and feel the label "pan" best describes your experience

Bisexuality is when you're attracted to multiple genders and feel the label "bi" best describes your experience

No sexuality is inherently more progressive and bi vs pan infighting only serves to distract from the real enemy: multi level marketing schemes


fake horse adventures


one horse here is really hogging the brain cell



the way the person in the back fake kicked at the gray horse took me OUT

the way the person

in the back fake kicked at the

gray horse took me OUT

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

Sure, those are all horses. Don't worry about it.

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