
as long as you don't go crazy

@etienneplease / etienneplease.tumblr.com

Mandy, 23, Boston. I bitch about people I'm in love with.

america land of the free huh. why dont u go and FREE ur colonies already then.

also if you wanna donate to some charities & nonprofits to support indigenous CHamoru people who are struggling as their islands are actively being colonized via US military influence and white tourism, & those currently living lågu (in the states):

feel free to add similar orgs

if youre rbing this post then maybe rb this version and also refrain from leaving comments if youre white


like sometimes you just have to toast yesterday’s bread put some sicilian tomatoes and a fuckton of mozzarella and oregano on it and call it a day

sorry. sorry it’s pissing me the fuck off that people are assuming i didn’t put olive oil on this. you think im putting unseasoned tomatoes on my bruschetta. do you genuinely think i didn’t pour oil on that toasted bread the moment it came off the pan. of course i added fucking olive oil and salt and stuff like who the fuck do you think i am do you think i was raised by fucking wolves. i didn’t mention it because it’s obvious. automatic. implicit. did i add olive oil. did i. i’ll tell you more actually not only did i add olive oil but my olive oil is extra super virgin in a way your oil will never be because it comes directly from my olives. you cunts


You can tell when someone’s frame of reference for “normal people” is more “people at the church sponsored ice cream social” and less “people on the bus”


the people in the notes saying “people on the bus aren’t normal” are the people this post is talking about.

I took the bus for three years when I lived in Honolulu and haven't lived anywhere with even usable public transit since, but in those three years I had dozens of utterly bizarre experiences that were also Perfectly Normal. This is because the human condition is vast and also Very fucking Weird.

Kid one the bus next to me whose backpack starts moving and it turns out he's got three chickens and a painted turtle he caught in there? This is Perfectly Normal. Humans have been catching small game and transporting it home in whatever they had since we invented bags to put chickens and turtles in.

I traded him three king-size snickers bars I had on me for the turtle because I vaguely remembered that many freshwater turtles were toxic to eat (incorrectly, as it turns out, but this was when I still had a Nokia Brick that lived a blissful, internet-free existence), and didn't want him accidentally poisoning his family, but didn't want to just. Steal his hard-won turtle. This is Perfectly Normal. Humans have been cautious about poisons, looking out for strangers kids and bartering shit since before we were technically humans, probably.

Having acquired a turtle, I now needed to transport the turtle to the on-campus pond that effectively served as an Invasive Freshwater Turtle Containment Zone, but did not have a bag that could adequately contain him so I had to sit the rest of that bus ride, at the station and all through the next bus ride holding the turtle like the world's angriest hamburger. Multiple people were curious about and delighted with the turtle. This is Perfectly Normal. Humans love an animal, especially one that is capable of appearing grumpy, and hands are for holding things.

By the time I got back to Campus, the anthropology and child psychology building that the Invasive Turtle Containment Pond was in had closed, so I had to figure out how to climb the tree over the wall and get down off the roof while holding The World's Angriest And Sharpest Hamburger. I eventually ended up having to briefly shove the turtle into by bra to get up to the initial branch and off the roof without breaking an ankle. This is Perfectly Normal. Humans are, as a species, a bunch of barely-evolved arboreal frugivores and really good at Tree Physics, and I don't know a single titty-having bitch out there that hasn't used their bra as Emergency Pockets at least once, if not daily.

I released the turtle into the Turtle Containment Pond and then had to solve the problem of getting back OUT of the locked building, but Nokia Brick never loses a signal or drops a call (including that time I accidentally dropped it off a 13-story building in the middle of a call to my parents and the damn thing BOUNCED but kept the line open. I miss that phone every day.) and while campus security has been carefully trained to not let people IN to places without proper ID and a call to someone inside, they assume that if you got locked in somewhere, that you got in by legitimate means and not Lemur Shenanigans, so i just called them, apologized that I'd been working late with headphones on and didn't realize I'd been locked in. This is Perfectly Normal, people have been lying to cops since laws were invented, and will continue to do so because all cops are bastards.

Anyway, everyone should have access to good public transportation because freedom of movement is a human right and meeting a broad spectrum of humanity is good for your mental health and spiritual welfare.


Idk who needs to hear this but celebrities, actors, youtubers, podcasters, etc are not fictional characters. They are not your blorbos. They are real people with real lives and they exist outside of entertaining you. Sometimes they fuck up and make mistakes. Sometimes they’re awful pieces of shit. Sometimes they just want to be left alone. Their lives are not your fandom drama.

They are also not your friends. They don’t need you defending them from discussions about their fuck ups. They don’t know you. You don’t know them. The person you think you know is a persona crafted for the public and that is true for ALL celebrities, whether they’re world famous actors or Minecraft youtubers. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just part of separating their work from their lives.

Don’t let your admiration of someone’s work keep you from seeing reality. They are literally just people.

This isn’t about anything specific, just a general reminder. Be chill please.

(Though, honestly, this is mostly about people rabidly defending their fave youtubers from criticisms about racism. Stop that shit.)

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