
volveran las oscuras golondrinas

@ainaraoftime / ainaraoftime.tumblr.com


its been years since ive watched a cartoon but ive seen ppl say nothing but good things about infinity train... 

though ive also heard its been cancelled which sucks to hear about a show youve only heard good things about

“Never trust a sellsword."
Or a queen, thought Dany.

will joncon and dany effectively utilize girl power in twow when they


breaking news: prince philip, the dad from the royal family, is a nasty little thottie. and he just died from making it clap on instagram


damn had to delete most of the tags in the last reblog cause tumblr spliced them up and scattered them. some things never change huh


when i was a tween i thought id be good at saving up money since i dont care for buying clothes then i grew up and realized i splurge on hair and skin care products instead

possibly(?) healthier though because i do use the shit out of those products while god knows i havent touched most of the clothes i have bought on impulse


when i was a tween i thought id be good at saving up money since i dont care for buying clothes then i grew up and realized i splurge on hair and skin care products instead


Animals don’t understand the concept of an accident. Your dog thinks you got out of the bed in the middle of the night just to kick him in the head.

This is a lie animals DO understand the concept of accidents especially social animals which is essentially all domestic animals. For example when dogs play-fight they often accidentally play too rough. When this happens the hurt dog will yelp! Both dogs stop playing, and the offending dog often performs submissive gestures (rolling over, licking, nuzzling softly) to show that they are sorry and they didn’t mean to be aggressive, and they were not trying to show dominance. After a few moments they’ll start playing again! So, if you accidentally step on your dog’s paw, and then you make a big show of saying sorry (petting, holding the dog, making soft sounds) your dog understands! They know you didn’t mean it. On top of that many animals have been shown to have varying levels of human language comprehension, so it’s not impossible that your dog ACTUALLY knows what the word Sorry means!


Wikipedia tells me that “coldness” (a reciprocal of the thermodynamic temperature of a system) can be measured in units of “gigabytes per nanojoule,” which definitely sounds made up.

made up but extremely rad


Technically this is right, [entropy/energy] is the same units as [1/temperature]. But… You can also use like, inverse Kelvin?

It blows my mind that inverse temperature is measurable in terms of entropy over energy, and also that in physics you apparently measure entropy using exactly the same units normal people use to measure the size of RAM or hard drives.


Entropy being in bits (bits not bytes, although obviously you can convert between the two, but outside of computers byte isn’t really used because there’s no reason to group 8 bits together and give it a new name) isn’t arbitrary though, it comes from the expectation value of the information stored in the system. That information can be measured in bits, roughly corresponding to how many yes/no questions it would take on average to correctly reproduce that system, which is also the minimum size a file can be compressed to in bits

This does mean though that you can measure computer harddrive space in joules per kelvin though

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