
I can and will make this about KyouSaya

@basalisk120 / basalisk120.tumblr.com

Real life princess | Loyal Shieldmaiden | Mechanical and writer! | 'basabooty is 100% sparkle approved' | I am princess bakalisk please feed me the yuris | 27

Decided to say fuck it to my congestion. Closed myself in the guest bathroom, blocked out all ventilation, turned my massive humidifier on full blast and ran myself the hottest bath i can stand.

This is my enclosure. I live here now. I have recreated the water cycle in a matter of minutes and can finally breathe.

Would love to show y'all but yeah


who keeps giving her these things


she ends up condemned too D:

damn bitch get it together

She’s a Darklord now too


This what my phone translates the last card to

hey guys guess what

her old friends joined her

Good for them fuck shit up ladies


I wanna add those two girls’ names as cards, and they’re pretty great names.Β 

Also they are 100% drawn to be placed at Condemned Darklord’s sides.Β 

This is what peak polyamory looks like.


Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.


May I present to you, nationalclothing.org?

It doesn't have everything, but it's still my first source when researching traditional clothing from other cultures.

There's also this resource on historical fashion: Claire’s Historical Fashion Reference & Resources


another addition as far as physical media goes there is the encyclopedia of national dress (that i still need to buy myself bc this kind of thing is super important to my sort of fantasy designing) but yes i do agree i wish there was EVEN MORE documentation on this


basically, i think the general rule of thumb is: if someone REALLY wants the blood that’s inside of your body, and they’re like… a vampire, or a dracula, or some sort of mansquito, then that’s probably okay. a dracula and a mansquito are made for removing things like blood and swords from inside your body. that’s basically fine.

if something wants to get at your blood, and they’re, say, some kind of murdersaurus, or maybe a really big frog, that’s where the problems start to arise. a really frog is not made for removing blood, and your blood knows this, which is why it is so vehement about wanting to stay IN your body instead of coming out.Β 

unfortunately this will not deter a really big frog, because a really big frog is full of things like prizes, and value, and quite a lot of hatred, and it would REALLY rather like to replace any and all of those things with your blood, and basically by any means possible.

These words scan with a fantastic degree of confidence considering that together they make no sense at all


PREHISTORIC PROTO-MONKEY: I don't need ascorbic acid. From my cells. I eat fruit all the time dude. I'm better than that OTHER PREHISTORIC PROTO-MONKEY: I agree with your lifestyle and will fuck you raw to prove it GUY LOOKING FOR THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE 36,530,125 YEARS LATER: ow oof my shitty british teeth



1. Progesterone: not for everyone, but for many people it may increase sex drive and WILL make your boobs bigger. Also effects mood in ways that many find positive (but some find negative). Most doctors won’t prescribe this to you unless you ask. Most trans girls I know swear by it.

2. Injectible estrogen: is more effective than pill or patch form. Get on it if you can bear needles bc you will see more effects more quickly.

3. Estradiol Cypionate: There is currently a shortage of injectible estradiol valerate. There is no shortage of estradiol cypionate. Functionally they do the same shit.

4. Bicalutamide: This is an anti-androgen that has almost none of the side-effects of spironolactone or finasteride. The girls I know who are on it are evangelical about it.

Are there HRT medications that don’t increase blood clot risk? I’m already at risk because of my blood pressure, and my doctor won’t prescribe HRT that increases clot risk while I’m on the medication - and I may never not be on the medication.


The concerns surrounding venous thromboembolic events as a side-effect of hormone replacement therapy can mostly be traced back to one particular study known as the Women’s Health Initiative. This study was an enormous undertaking which, unfortunately, demonstrated significant adverse effects of the hormone therapies studied. As a result of this the use of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal cis women was dramatically reduced as the medical community began to question whether or not the therapy caused more harm than good.

Naturally, trans women have been suffering from this fall-out ever since.

What physicians seem to fail to recognize is that the study examined a very specific hormone regimen which was, arguably, outmoded at the time the study was conducted: It examined the use of conjugated equine estrogen (Premarin) with or without the use of medroxyprogesterone acetate. Neither of these drugs is regularly used for the treatment of transgender women.

The estrogen most commonly used to treat transgender women nowadays is 17Ξ²-estradiol either in pill form or in the form of a sticky patch that you apply to your skin. Esters of estrogen (e.g. estradiol valerate) are also sometimes used either in a pill form or as an intramuscular injection.

Transdermal estradiol patches are the gold standard when it comes to treating women who are at high risk of a venous thromboembolic event. It simply does not increase the risk of developing a venous thromboembolism. The only thing you should keep in mind is that patches are not always well tolerated because of the lifestyle changes required to keep them from falling off and the fact that they tend to irritate the skin.

Fortunately, oral 17Ξ²-estradiol appears to be safe, regardless of the increased risk. At least one large study has shown that the use of oral estradiol in trans women is not associated with venous thromboembolic events. An individual woman’s risk would need to be substantial in order to contraindicate the use of oral estradiol.

For those who have significant risk of venous thromboembolism because they have had a previous thromboembolic event, because they are paralyzed, or because of some other factor it is good to know the relative risk between oral and transdermal estrogen. The latest research indicates that the use of transdermal estrogen lowers your risk of a thromboembolism to 80% of what your risk would be using oral estrogens.

It’s difficult to find hard numbers regarding the relative risk of venous thromboembolic events with regards to hypertension. The best I could find after an hour or so of searching was this study regarding VTE in lung cancer patients. Hypertension increased the risk by a factor of 1.8.

However, to put that into perspective being of African descent increases your relative risk for deep vein thrombosis by a factor of 1.3 when compared to Europeans. Europeans are, themselves, at increased risk when compared to Asians and Pacific Islanders by a considerable margin: a four-fold increase.

I should point out that being β€˜male’ is also a risk factor for developing a thromboembolism and hormones are likely to be a contributing factor. Also, menopause is another serious risk factor. Given this information it is likely that the use of transdermal estradiol will lower your risk of thromboembolic events significantly.

As far as the anti-androgen is concerned: The primary use for spironolactone for cisgender people is as an antihypertensive.

Even if the risk of thromboembolism was truly significant with modern hormone replacement therapy it wouldn’t justify what your doctor is doing to you. The fact is that mortality in the transgender community from suicide–caused in part due to the lack of access to hormone therapy–is substantial. The quality of life lost when a trans woman is denied hormone therapy is substantial. The fact that your doctor does not appear to be taking this into consideration when they weigh the risk of thromboembolism against not receiving necessary medical care is deeply concerning.

I strongly recommend that you seek a doctor who is more sensitive to your medical needs as a transgender woman.

Edit: Fixed a minor, but embarrassing, error.

oh wow this is so helpful & good info

Everyone who cares about transfem people please reblog this

this was really fucking helpful


I know a lot of trans women dont have acess to information like this and its very helpful.


yeah im four years on elfstrogen i can commune with the forest pretty well but my ear points are still coming in. One of my buddys is on tuskosterone for becomi an orc

3 years spironolactgnome

ohh i am so small and under a mushroom


Bill is cool and all but im pretty sure Ms. Frizzle transed my gender so I gotta give this to her. Also there was that cool Magic School Bus dinosaur game for the computer that i played a lot


The magic school bus video games were true works of art that would never be made today and I’m pissed at how video games used to have a large edutainment sector and that just. Died. In the mid 2000s. I learned so much from educational video games.


Not really edutainment I guess but this reminds me of the Big Al choose your own adventure game that was on the BBC website. Kid me was really bad at it but he loved it.

That game is iconic and someone made a reboot version since you can’t access the old one anymore!

Then the programmer of the original thing sent her the original source code and assets so now there's a 100% accurate Unity-based port of the Big Al Game!

I'm a master at that game and can very happily give anyone tips

tip one: be cautious

tip two: run. run as fast as you can.

tip three: remember where the nests are for easy food

tip four: conserve your energy

Anonymous asked:

Are chickens the only currently surviving dinosaur/dinosaur descendant on Earth? Or are there other species that exist?

Every. Bird. Is. A. Dinosaur.


what dinosaurs lead to crows?

All birds are avian dinosaurs, and they all share a single common ancestor: the earliest avian dinosaur!

The most famous early avian dinosaur is archaeopteryx! It is commonly aknowledged that it is the oldest member we know of the clade, and it shares a common ancestor with all modern birds πŸ¦œπŸ¦–

(Art by Emily Willoughby)

Like @basalisk120 said in the replies, we don't really know what dinosaur is the direct ancestor of all modern birds, but it most likely was a small maniraptoran, the group that includes modern birds (like chickens, crows and cassowaries), prehistoric avian dinosaurs (like archaeopteryx), among others!

Among maniraptorans, a taxonomical group that is broader than birds, but still more limited is the paraves/eumaniraptora clade. While there is a lot of back and forth among the paleo community, in general it is considered to be divided in two: Avialae (birds and their direct ancestors) and Deunonichiosauria (others). Deunonichiosauria is commonly divided among Trodoontidae and Dromaeosauridae.

Troodontidae includes species like anchiornis (images 1 and 2), xiaotingia (image 3), and trodoon (image 4)

(art by Emily Willoughby, Rebecca Gerlenter, Xing Lida and Lin Yi, and Nix illustration)

Dromaeosauridae actually has some very famous dinosaurs, some examples are microraptor, austroraptor, velociraptor, and deynonichus!

(art by Ihor Pasternak, Fred Wierum, Greco Westermann, and Emily Willoghby)

Tbf there is a lot that is still debated, but these are some prehistoric dinosaurs that were most likely close relatives to the ancestors of modern birds πŸ’–

Anonymous asked:

what is the child annihilating zipline

in 2010, a camp counselor goon logged on to the somethingawful forums asking for help with the zipline he build from scratch, and with no engineering knowledge, that didn’t seem to be working right. when he tested it with a sandbag, it continued to gather speed during the entirety of the 143 foot drop (19 degree slope) until it slammed into the wooden platform at the bottom at a speed of 65mph, presumably creating a child paste that would have to be scraped off to be sent home. there were pictures.


groverhaus and the child-annihilating zipline are classics of post and we will never forget them

too bad the zipline isn’t as famous. the fucked-up bathroom has even gained more traction than the child-exploding summer camp zipline. there is no justice

i love this but DON’T denigrate the fucked up bathroom that’s a legend

fucked up bathroom?

this looks like a doom wad


The extremely good news is that someone DID make it into a doom wad

this is un fucking believable

I’m sorry, y’all are selling RIPline (The Machine to Kill Children) short, so I need to bring in YouTuber and generally amazing person Dan Olson in to sum this up for me

And some visual aides

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