Can't Escape the Question Miles

@curiousxinquisitions /

Who are you? What is that? Oh, what's that? What's that? What is THAT? Ooh, this place is all blue! Hey, look at THAT thing! No, that other thing. What's a blog? Oh, do you have questions? Do you think I can answer them? Do you want to be friends? I love making new friends! Indie cyborg Curiosity Core Corner: Pinkcrastination Sidebar: Muminika M!A: Curi has the programming of a vocaloid

I absolutely love seeing this photoset getting this attention it’s getting for just because you NEVER see deaf people advocating for deaf people. Not that it doesn’t happen, it happens all the time everyday. It’s not ever In the public eye. the people you always see in the spotlight are hearing people. Hearing people are praised left and right for being deaf educators or interpreters or advocating for deaf people and that’s great, don’t get me wrong. I applaud them for helping the cause, but the face of deaf advocacy should be deaf, at least I think so, and this isn’t something you see a lot of.

So shout out to rikki poynter for this video and highlighting these issues in a humorous way and getting hearing people to understand this


I’ve heard ‘you don’t look deaf’ four million times

Anonymous asked:

Who is your favorite employee in Aperture?

"My favorite? That's a really hard choice I love a lot of Aperture employees! But I guess my favorite would have to be Backwell. He's so nice, ya know?"


Carefully and insightfully, Meg kept her gaze on Curi as she mulled over the question. The response caused Meg to pause for a moment, mostly for added effect, before inclining her head in the robotic girl’s direction. There wasn’t much of a height difference between them; this could work out well

          “If you want to give it a try, I definitely wouldn’t be            against it. It’s been a while since I’ve kissed a cute face.”

"You think I'm cute?"

Curi smiled warmly, an orange glow forming in her cheeks. It's been a hot minute since she's kissed anyone, especially a woman; maybe it was time to fix that. "I'd love to try!"


Guess How Much I Love You! A Meme.

Send me a ♥ if your character has romantic feelings for mine. Send me a ღ if your character has unrequited feelings for mine. Send me a ♠ if your character couldn’t live without mine. Send me a ☮ if your character thinks of mine as a friend. Send me a ✰ if your character thinks of mine as their best friend. Send me a ☼ if your character wants to snuggle with mine. Send me a ⌛ if your character wants to kiss mine. Send me a ➳ if your character has thought dirty thoughts about mine. Send me a ✖ if your character has thought dirty thoughts about mine and thoroughly enjoyed them. Send me a ϟ if your character hates mine. Send me a ☠ if your characters wants to push mine off a cliff.

I want all my followers and everyone who isn’t my follower to use this as their background picture on the profile like me and have this link: in your bio to let everyone know that follows you that you support this and that you have signed this so that we as a Steven Universe community may stop this nonsense and support this wonderful show that’s showing kids the real wonderful world and that anyone can love any gender (and also all the gems are non-binary anyway so I don’t understand why they refer to it as lesbians. Even though they use female pronouns, the people who say this is “lesbian” should really do their research first)

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