
The Day of Small Things

@joshualpeugh / joshualpeugh.tumblr.com


“I always say just write like you’re writing for your 16-year-old cousin who’s stoned like 30 hours out of every day and he’s gonna laugh at everything you say—everything you say is golden. If you can run with that, you can get a lot down and then you can come back and fix it!” Stephen Graham Jones


“I want to write sex in fiction that feels as mundane as real sex can feel, as exciting as real sex can feel, as painful and anxiety-inducing as sex in real life can feel. Like, I'm just, like, trying to capture, at all times, like, a sort of realistic approach to sex.

Like, I'm not trying to problematize it. I'm not trying to make it more than it is or less than it is. And I'm just trying to reflect back, like, a realistic relationship to sex in the fiction. And I think that when we leave aside sex from art, that's making an argument about, like, how important that aspect of life is or isn't. And I think I owe it to my characters to be honest about what they do with their bodies. And, in the same way that, like, you know, I'm going to write them cutting their hand open, I'm going to write them experiencing pleasure or pain in other ways as well. And so it feels really important.”

Brandon Taylor, NPR interview, 2023

But, at heart, all good stories are the one kind of story, the story written by an individual man from his individual truth.

Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing 

The crucial thing in any work of any kind is that it must be a gift--the reader must possess it even more than the person who wrote it.

Jesse Ball

Readers no longer need novelists to tell us what it's like to cross the world on a ship or fight a war. In the 21st-century, we get that information in other ways. The thing that's still a mystery to us is the human heart. What we want is to understand people, what they're doing, and why they're doing it.

Walter Mosley

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