
Raised By A Pack Of Wolves

@asht0n-lrwin-blog / asht0n-lrwin-blog.tumblr.com

Emilie; 22
I don't fit in with the in crowd, but I'm too Hollywood to go back to my hometown

I hope you find peace in 2017


I hope you find courage and kindness in 2017

Hope you find an impeached president in 2017

I hope your skin clears up and glows in 2017

I hope you watch awesome movies in 2017

I hope you find the power of friendship and love in 2017

I hope you pass all your classes in 2017


I hope the career path you choose only leads to success in 2017


Anyone else’s blogs turning into a mix of lighthearted fandom content and deeply upsetting politics? Cause mine is.


why did they make us stack cups in elementary school

I had completely forgotten about this but was it just my school that was off the fucking walls about it? They would show us videos in gym of professional cup stacking and yell ‘THIS COULD BE YOU.’ We spent every Tuesday in gym with those gotdamn cups and we all had, like, The Cup Stacking Catalogue. I made my parents buy me glow in the dark cups for my ninth birthday what are we as a society.

we had that too, like they were trying to convince some of us to get good enough to go to contests for it. and sell us cups. so many cups. cups to appease every type of child. not even cups you can drink from.

??im not american is this real or is this a convoluted shitpost??????

it’s definitely real

My best friend still holds the record for the three stack part

OK I AM from America and it must be a regional thing because wtf

OMG IM FROM CANADA AND I REMEMBER THIS! they would show us commercials of like world wide championships for cup stacking and we had our own cup stacking cups in our class

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