
Boobs & Bamboos

@puckyoufayme-blog / puckyoufayme-blog.tumblr.com

You know that thing that you do that i like? ? yea me either.

Is it possible to be feel sad because you are not in love or feel loved by someone you want to be in love with?


Your relationship should be your place of peace. It should be the place where all armor comes off, egos are humbled, and transparency reigns supreme.


Gass yourself up. Compliment yourself. Be your own cheer leader. Because if you wait around for someone else to do it, you're gonna be sad AF.


Hell yea

And that’s a fact


Trust The Process...

The process that teaches us everything we should know so when the right time comes, we will know.


I Keep Mascara In My Pocket Even If I'm Running To The Market, Cause You Never Know Who's Watching You

-Jazmime Sullivan


The Single Life

From a female perspective, they expect you to be permicisuous , they expect you cry over your ex, they expect you dwell on your should've, could've, would'ves. The Single Life has been good to me, screw guys. No love is better than self love. I have the opportunity to not give a fuck. I can say no, i can kick you out, i can do whatever the fuck I want. I discovered alot about myself and im finally fearless, happy, comfortable and at peace. Life is treating me well..


That Old Thing Back

Remember back in the day when you love was innocent. Talk on the phone for hours about pointless topics. Planned movie and IHOP dates. Christmas, Valentines , and Birthday were the happier days . Talked about the future, make up names for your future kids. The first kiss. The first time sex happened. When saying "i love you" was so damn cute and meaningful. You use to share playlist on your iPod and picked which songs remind you of him/her. Love letters. Public display of affection. Shared lockers. Remember when you first met mom's. Everybody thought y'all was cutesy couple on the universe..yea that told thing. I want that back just on some grown level ish.


A part of being an adult is living with regret and not allowing it to consume you. The older you get, the more mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve missed, people you’ve disappointed. And every day you have to remind yourself to be kind and forgiving of yourself. You accept and love the you from the past and understand that it’s all a part of the process. Then you move on and live your best life, knowing now as old as you feel today, you’ll never be this young again.


When its Real its Unconditional

Life is hard. We all need someone to love us when we are right, when we are wrong. A man needs a women's touch. A women needs a man's true intentions. He gives you his last because he is thinking of her first. She gives you her best even at her worse. Be present when you aren't presence. Build a bond that cannot be broken. The time is of the essences, dont waste it on something that can be reconciled.


Valentines Day

Tonight my bestfriends are coming over and we are making cookies and Rice Krispy. Order Chinese food and watch fifty shades darker before we go out on our real date.



Figured out my damn password. Now I can start posting again 🙂

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