
robuts and mangos

@sogonic / sogonic.tumblr.com

I spew a million posts about robots and other fandom garbage.
Scientists hope to hugely reduce the cost of wind energy by removing the blades from wind farms, instead taking advantage of a special phenomenon to cause the turbines to violently shake.
Vortex, a startup from Spain, has developed the tall sticks known as Bladeless — white poles jutting out of the ground, that are built so that they can oscillate. They do so as a result of the way that the wind is whipped up around them, using a phenomenon that architects avoid happening to buildings and encouraging it so that the sticks shake.
They do so using vortices, which is where the company gets its name from. The bladeless turbines use special magnets to ensure that the turbines are optimised to shake the most they can, whatever speed the wind is travelling at.
As the sticks vibrate, that movement is converted into electricity by an alternator.

Wiggling Poles of the Wasteland Harvest Electricity For Power Hungry Humans

These also look like they would cause fewer problems for birds and bats.

This is really cool.

They leave off the important note that when the wind rises, each pole makes a sound like a hundred vuvuzelas roaring at once. In the post-apocalyptic world of the future, villagers will speak in hushed tones about the Roaring Plains, and caution adventurous travelers to stay well away. 


I appreciate how they essentially invented very useful yet alien-looking screaming pillars. Science continues to make some suspiciously sci-fi shit.

At least you won’t have to go outside to know how windy it is… You’ll hear it.

They provide us energy

They provide us warmth

They love us

These martyr gods, their twitching agony is our salvation



the next time you think you’re lonely, just remember you have about 25 billion white blood cells in your body protecting your sorry little ass with their life. you have 25 billion friends who would die for you. no need for tears.


thank you osmosis jones


My immune system tried to kill me though.

Jordan just remember you had twenty five billion enemies trying to kill you and you’ve survived them all

Take THAT you tiny goddamn sons of bitches. 


there are a lot of things in this world that are cursed but the fact that the tvtropes page for tsundere quotes an ancient latin poem by catullus may be one of the most cursed things i’ve seen


This whole bit is made all the funnier by knowing that all of the guards were just random extras who weren’t told what was going to happen only that they weren’t allowed laugh at any cost as they wouldn’t be payed if they did.

At uni I took a screenwriting course from THIS VERY GUARD EXTRA (who went on to contribute to some of the Python stuff), who confirms this and also that Michael Palin would use different ridiculous names in every take, so they couldn’t even prepare themselves for hearing it.


does no one realize that robin hood was a terrible role model for young kids? i mean you are stealing from people (illegal) and those people (usually) worked hard to get their wealth. it really demotivates people to succeed when they know they can get something someone else worked for.

is this what rich people worry about lmao

who knew the sheriff of nottingham had a blog


How does someone read Robin Hood and miss the part where it’s set in feudal England. He stole from people who got their wealth by exploiting the poor, incidentally that’s all rich people to this very day.


Tune in next week when they tell you the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge, a benevolent job creator, harassed during his sleeping hours by the hellish socialist dead. 

tag yourself I’m the hellish socialist dead

Dog names: Spot, Bella, Bailey, Charlie, Daisy
Cat names: Princess, Whiskers, Tony, Tiger, Missy
Horse names: Infinite Sleep, Can Do Without Moving, Thirty Giant Children, The Void Is Among The Spirit Realm, Aaaaaaaaaawesome Man

“What do you play?”

“The Clarinet, you?”

“I play the fucking HAMMER

I like how the brass guy knew it was coming while the bass clarinet still gets caught off guard

I would like to thank tumblr for giving me a reason to google the phrase “What musical composition includes the FUCKING HAMMER.”

So are you gonna tell us what you found out?


listen i love tyrest a lot because he’s awful but in reality if he was a real person he’d be like

mike pence

and that’s disgusting

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