@vaporveon / vaporveon.tumblr.com


this post altered my brain so now whenever i have a bowl of any food i think Oh fuck yes it’s a little bowl of seeds for me


everytime I’m reminded that men will straight up complain about how pussy smells and there’s a whole industry around women buying products trying to cure it like some kind of disease it Goes in the evidence pile towards heterosexuality being some kind of obligation based death cult wherein each side despises one another truly and deeply . What I wanted to post is I would huff pussy smell out of a paper bag in a back alley like it’s paint fumes but the thought went elsewhere


main character of a YA dystopian novel: when you turn 16 in my society you must choose to either be jumping or be popping … but i’m different… i have dared to combine the two


i'm a taylor swift centrist. she makes perfectly tolerable pop music that i can't imagine really getting into. dunno what it is about her that makes so many people go insane

i listen to one of these relatively bland and inoffensive but nonetheless well-crafted pop songs and everyone around me demands that i proclaim it a masterpiece or artistically bankrupt or whatever. i just want to grill for god's sake


no one ever warns you about this about adulthood but no one tells you how important surfaces become to you. like it's a perpetual struggle to get enough surfaces in your life and then in turn keeping those surfaces clean


"college is the best years of your life" "college is for meeting new people and expanding your mind" wrong. college is for discovering new types of grief. also the timeloop


they came up with a stupid shape for panties then decided it's the pussy who's wrong and you should remove the hair sticking out.......... the state of this world


companies underestimate how much locking their content behind needing an account will just make me go do something else. oh your website wants me to make an account to view this content? oh your website doesn't show media to logged-out users? okay. i didn't actually want to see it that bad. yeah. bye ✌️


btw i don’t know what lesbian virgin needs to hear this but no, straps are not as common in lesbian sex as porn & online spaces would have u think. yes, oral is more common to lesbian sex than porn & online spaces would have u think. no, scissoring is not as common in lesbian sex as porn would have u think, but it is indeed a real thing that is done by some lesbians, it’s just rare. tribbing is common, oral is common, fingering is common. strap-ons are a novelty item that many lesbians don’t even have & the ones that do have it often don’t utilise it as much as you may assume. plenty of lesbians do not like straps & do not use it in their sex lives so if u don’t want to try strap, don’t worry, that’s normal & there’s lesbians who feel similarly. some lesbians don’t like oral and some don’t like any penetration, so if there’s any sex act you don’t like, don’t worry!!! u are not alone. there’s lesbians like u.


Kids these days with their Cocomelon color sorting infinite runner games. They'd be much more well adjusted with the classic flash games i grew up with like "Click The Stickman And He Kills Himself"

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