

@don-dake / don-dake.tumblr.com

喺呢個瘋狂嘅世間內。 Sign of Life in → ABOUT | Rambles in TAGS.

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  • Yen or 貓樣 (mauyeung) | ♀️ | 🏳️‍🌈
  • Legal Adult | Millennial Gen.
  • Personal blog.
  • Post schedule may be Random/Queued.
  • Mostly Entertainment stuff (see TAGS for 💡).
  • Rambles a lot in #tags, also #tags relevantly.
  • Generally Safe For Work, minors still advised to follow at own discretion.

Side of language learning 📝

Current focus on Cantonese (🇭🇰🇲🇴 粵語 aka 廣府話 aka 廣東話), secondary on Mandarin (🀄華語 aka 漢語 aka 普通話).

I know this is a long shot but if anyone's so inclined to, please feel free to go through any of the Cantonese entries (tagged under: ‘Canto Practise’) I occasionally post as a way to practise, and inform me of mistakes any time! 唔該嗮!

For various reasons, currently opting to use Traditional characters (繁體字) when writing/typing in Chinese (中文), except when quoting or replying to text that was originally written in Simplified (简体字/簡體字).

Language Proficiency (best to worst):

🇬🇧 English, 🀄 華語, 🇭🇰🇲🇴 粵語, 🇯🇵 日本語 (生齧り者).

Tips for a more accurate search 🔎

No guarantees(!) given Tumblr's a constant malfunctioning Hellsite™ but, if there's something you want to look for on this blog, try the following:

  • Use Search Box and search with tags or keywords.
  • When something turns up, click on relevant #tag in post after, in order for all posts under that specific #tag to show in reverse chronological order or,
  • Search Archive directly via browser/desktop.


Instagram: mauyeung.hokye


“There are a few years when you make almost all of your important memories. And then you spend the next few decades reliving them.”

— Charles Yu, Interior Chinatown

“I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.”

Fritz Perls


SPYLD | 用自己語言之日 (五月七號)

Speak Your Language Day #SPYLD (May 7)

English translation available in the ALT text and under a cut ↓


即然今日係 「用自己語言之日」,一個同語言有關嘅貼文最適當嘞!😺

嚟一部 (已故嘅😿) 河國榮先生嘅舊採訪吧!喺呢段入面,河生講到佢自從學緊廣東話,定居喺香港多年之後,同英文嘅關係。


🇭🇰🇲🇴 「因為學廣東話英文係咪差咗…」

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「會嘅。不過唔係因為學廣東話。係因為唔講英文…所以就唔記得啲字。間唔中,我要問返人,即係問返香港人,喂!中文呢個字呢,英文點講㗎?因為我唔記得咗!」


SPYLD | 用自己語言之日 (五月七號)

Speak Your Language Day #SPYLD (May 7)

English translation available in the ALT text and under a cut ↓

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「我係鍾意 『鬼佬』 呢個字。」

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「我最驚係10年後嗰陣冇人叫呀!而家好多人已經敏感嘞嘛。所以好多人都唔敢叫。但係我係成日都叫。叫自己都係叫 『鬼佬』。」

「鬼佬」 呢個稱呼係…



雖然 「鬼佬」 呢兩個字起初的而且確係由一種種族歧視嘅觀點而嚟,用嚟疏離洋人同唐人嘅關聯,但係經過歲月流逝,「鬼佬」 (同相鄰嘅 「鬼婆」、「鬼妹」、「鬼仔」) 嘅用法漫漫變咗冇咁諷刺,意思淡化咗。

起碼,一部分嘅人係噉認為啦!事到如今,仲有算得上幾大嘅一班人,由中立嘅立場用緊 「鬼佬」 等等,呢啲名稱嘅。佢哋認為同用比較政治正確嘅 「白/洋人」 (應該) 冇分別。甚至睇好 「鬼佬」 係一個愛稱。似河國榮噉。

當然,亦都有啲人到而家都係認為呢個名稱始終係種族歧視嘅說法,唔應該再用。亦都真係有啲人係帶緊種族歧視嘅眼光嚟用 「鬼佬」 等等嘅。所以要用唔用,點被接受,真係要睇係乜情況,睇係咩人。

碎料知識:喺香港竟然有一種精釀啤酒叫做 「鬼佬啤酒」 可買喎!


SPYLD | 用自己語言之日 (五月七號)

Speak Your Language Day #SPYLD (May 7)

English translation available in the ALT text and under a cut ↓

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「我會唔會為香港而死?」

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「未知。呢啲…(笑)呢啲,老實說話㗎嘛!而家講話係,我係…我肯為香港而死…而家講㗎嘛…點知道到時係咪真嘅!」


自從知道河國榮先生係點過世嘅…呢個視頻嘅片段喺後見之明之下變咗好似一個預兆噉!估唔到到最後,河生可以算得上係真係為咗香港而死嘞…而佢嘅 「香港」 就係佢喺香港出身長大嘅愛妻嘞。諗起就覺得苦樂。

而聽到佢講緊佢始終達成唔到嘅願望時,再次為佢覺得遺憾,又同時畀佢一直堅持冇放棄,好有達觀嘅態度而覺得佩服!喺呢度就由不得又諗返佢曾經用業餘者身份嚟翻唱過嘅 《笑看風雲》,尤其係呢一行歌詞:

唔知河生唱呢首歌嘅時候,係咪都係由不得諗起佢自己 「得不到的夢」 嘅處境呢?

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「我嚟到香港廿八年。未做到我嚟香港嘅目的…唱歌,做歌手嘅…只係做得演員呀嘛!係咪覺得有問題…我唔覺得有問題嘅。噉又咪係見步行步囉!」



SPYLD | 用自己語言之日 (五月七號)

Speak Your Language Day #SPYLD (May 7)

English translation available in the ALT text and under a cut ↓


🇭🇰🇲🇴 「我係驚…廣東話係會絕種。如果香港嘅小學或者幼稚園就開始…實行,全部啲課都係用國語去教嘅話呢…噉 (廣東話) 都係三代不保。我好驚因為我好鍾意廣東話。」


身為一個有廣東背景嘅華裔,住緊嘅國家又目前只重視普通話為正式中文,我都有同感。我都好驚喺冇幾耐嘅將來入面,如果 (要強調係如果) 有廣東背景嘅人唔睇緊啲,廣東話絕種嘅可能性真係可以盡速變成事實㗎!


可能有啲人喺呢個階段會嚟個膝腱反射反應,即刻想反駁話,「講廣東話嘅人全世界目前仲有超過八千萬咁多!廣東話到而家仍然生氣勃勃嘛!邊有瀕危呀?唔好亂噏啦!」 …



又唔使等 「久而久之」 嘞,憑而家嚟睇,而家越嚟越多有廣東背景,後生三、四代嘅人 (包括自己) 都識普通話嘞。問題唔係識普通話唔好,又唔係話普通話基本唔好,而係而家呢啲人當中,好多講普通話比講佢哋本應該熟悉多啲嘅廣東話仲覺得自然。佢哋甚至認為廣東話係唔值得學㗎嘞。

呢種情況喺其他地區係咪真係越嚟越普遍我就唔清楚,就唔敢多講嘞,但係我可以話本地年輕人對於講同學所謂嘅方言 (即係廣東話、潮州話、海南話、等等,唔係普通話就係) 多數真係好差。

所以河國榮為香港所擔憂嘅 「廣東話三代不保」 真係唔係誇大,想散佈恐懼先講嘅。我國就係個最好嘅例子,「方言三代不保」,真係差唔多變咗事實嘞!






On what would have been Mr Gregory Charles Rivers's 59th birthday this April 30th, a little post in tribute to him.

相 ①–②:80年代尾。啱啱嚟到香港冇幾耐,後生嘅河國榮。

Photos ①–②: The late 1980s. A young Rivers, still fairly new to Hong Kong then.

同太太Bonnie。兩人結婚卅幾年,夫妻一向恩愛。因為太太早有心臟病所以兩人早已決定唔要生仔。河太最終病情惡化比先生早先逝去。河國榮 (根據朋友口供) 哀傷過度,到最後決定跟隨太太。太太過咗身兩個月左右,好遺憾,河國榮選擇自盡。

With his wife Bonnie. The two had been lovingly married for over 30 years and decided not to have children because of Bonnie's heart condition. His wife's illness eventually took a turn for the worse. Rivers (according to friends) was overwhelmed with grief and regrettably, decided to join his wife barely two months after her passing.


With his rescue dogs. Mr Rivers and his wife loved dogs and at one time had as many as 13 rescue dogs under their care!


Meaning: If you have something to say, say it already!

Literal translation: Say it quickly if you have something to say, fart it out fast if you're full of gas!

Seeing @xiangqiankua 's 「有話快說,有屁快放」 post brings to mind for me, of 楊過 saying this line (more than a few times too, if I recall correctly) in 《神鵰俠侶》. Here's a version of the (almost) same line, for anyone curious to know how it sounds in Cantonese (sorry for the low volume):

In vernacular Cantonese:

🇭🇰🇲🇴 「你有說話快講,有屁快放!」

nei⁵ jau⁵ syut³ waa⁶ faai³ gong²,jau⁵ pei³ faai³ fong³

Standard Chinese (Mandarin) subtitles:

🀄 「有話就快說,有屁快放」

ㄧㄡˇ ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄡˋ ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄕㄨㄛ,ㄧㄡˇ ㄆㄧˋ ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄈㄤˋ

yǒu huà jìu kuài shuō,yǒu pì kuài fàng

P.S.: It's usually enough to just scream 「有屁快放!」 at whichever unfortunate soul who has to bear your contempt and impatience! (笑)


Kumiki Puzzles were first made in the 1890s by Tsunetaro Yamanaka. There are four techniques to working these puzzles:  Oshi (push), mawashi (rotated), kendon (piece removed by up/down, left/right movement) and sayubiki (2 key pieces removed simultaneously). The key piece is always hidden.  

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