
Let's Green Eggs and Ham It

@sailor-bifurious / sailor-bifurious.tumblr.com

Biracial, bisexual cis queer femme girl living in Winnipeg. Social Justice Road Warrior. Covets Corgis and Kitties religiously. Fandoms include nature, pop culture, Disney, and hot pieces of ass. Defs on the brink of being a nsfw blog so tread lightly

When the winter is in full swing and your dreams just aren’t coming true Ain’t it funny what you’ll do?


Hi can I please look at (and like) probably-gay silent film actress Maude Fealy for the rest of my life 😍


crazy how so many of your experiences as a girl are shaped based on whether you are perceived as attractive or not


This is so fucking wack

You guys really just hate any woman using her sexuality to make money. You’ll consume all her media for free but the moment she wants something in return y’all get spiteful and way outta pocket about it. The whole “but Snapchat doesn’t allow adult content!” is fucking weak because I’m sure y’all still posting ass and thirst traps constantly.

I don’t even know how this alone would be an act of tax fraud, you have no idea what income she reports, but the fact that y’all feel SO strongly about this shit that you try to fuck up people’s livelihoods for the laughs is garbage. I hope the next time y’all need any assistance everyone spits in your face.

It’s been awful on Facebook. Men would go and harass women who do sex work. And start posting edgy memes and saying really disgusting shit. And these are the same ones that are like “I respect all women! Why don’t they like me!?” 🙄

the sites that we use to sell our content TAX US . i’ve sent in the tax forms on more than one occasion .


and of course they aren’t out there reporting their weed guy to the irs. it’s pure hatred of women

The incel army CAN’T report you to the IRS even if they wanted to.

i truly hope that the anxiety and fear those women felt due to these monsters comes back to get them (the men) 10 fold.


i’ve been on this site for 7 years i know damn well it’s not gonna get deleted. i’m not even a little nervous. not even god could kill this site

banning porn could

you’re legit right and i think maybe i actually did curse tumblr to die by making this post

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