
Oh, Frangles!

@oh-frangles / oh-frangles.tumblr.com

100% original posts. I post one TS3 Legacy, one TS3 Story and some TS4 Gameplay. I haven't really tagged anything triggering, but I keep it pretty pg. Trying to keep that in mind as well as nsfw tagging. Please tell me if I should tag anything...

Some TFA stuff

So Kylo was born 1 year after the battle of Endor, making him officially 29 years old in TFA

And Rey was born 11 years after the battle of Endor, making her only 19.

I think this automatically rules out the twin debate (as Han and Leia gave birth to twins in the comics), but I would also say it rules out Luke and / or Leia being either one of Rey’s birth parents.

Here’s my theory:


So glad that someone, with more knowledge of this than me, brought this up! I agree 100%.

Regarding the “Skywalker family” argument; Not every family has to be born by blood and not everyone in a story centering around a specific family has to be part of it. A family forming from a group of strangers is fascinating to watch!

Rey secretly being a skywalker makes me instantly think of fanfiction and I expect better storytelling and more innovation than that. 

Also, there were already three Skywalkers in TFA, you really need more?


Maya: Alright, mock my cooking skills all you want, but just leave my inventions out of it. 

 Emit: Do you really have to use your family as guinea pigs? 

 Maya: Don’t be silly, you boys will eat anything. Besides, this is a brand new recipe, chili- whoa! 

 The food synthesiser splashed her right in the face with some water.

Maya: Okay, so it needs some fixing but the food is fine.


After Rex had left the room, Emit woke Sierra up and they all got washed up and made their way downstairs for some food. 

 Soren: Hey guys, you’re just in time! Mom is making is all some well deserved dinner. 

 Emit: Mom, not the food synthesiser again? I never thought I’d say this but that thing makes worse food than you!


The sound of someone clearing their throat filled the room and Rex’s eyes immediately shot open. Someone was in the room!

Awkwardly, he got up from the bed to face whoever it was, to see Emit standing there, looking rather annoyed with his hand on his hip.

Rex: Eh… It really isn’t what it looks like…

Emit: Not another word.


Rex’s mind was telling him to gently snake his arm from under her and quietly leave the room before she woke up, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to do any of that and just stayed where he was.

He closed his eyes one last time before getting ready to move away. Why did it make him feel so calm, having her in his arms like this? It was like he could breathe easier because he was sure that she was safe… until a very unwelcomed sound rudely interrupted his thought.


A couple of hours later Rex sleepily opened his eyes. He was laying on a soft surface, holding something warm in his arms. Sierra was still sleeping and breathing softly against him.

He didn’t remember falling asleep like this. Heck, he didn’t remember falling asleep at all, but he knew that this might be an awkward position if Sierra decided to wake up.


Soren sighed heavily, he knew his wife was right. The crime rate was basically zero on account of the punishment for any little thing being years, if not a lifetime, in prison.

Soren: Maybe we could run to the wastelands and hide amongst the traders.

Maya: They’ll come looking. I’m afraid they’ll even take the kids, especially Sierra, god knows what they’ll do to her. But if they already have us, they may leave the kids alone.

Soren: So we turn ourselves in.


Soren: It was our research. We developed those prototypes, maybe we can convince them that it was all in the name of science.

Maya: You know that the council owns every invention we make. We signed a very specific contract about that. Our only opltion is to try to hide any evidence of us ever taking the blueprints from the database last night.

Soren: That’s not possible. They have trained guards monitoring the access to that database 24/7, they most likely already know.

Maya: Then we have to tell the kids. You know the zero tollerance the council has towards crime, especially by people working closely with them.


Soren and Maya waited for Emit to go inside and clean himself up before they started the discussion that was weghing on both of them.

Maya: Did you tell him?

Soren: No. I didn’t want him to worry. They deserve some rest after this ordeal. Besides, maybe nothing will happen.

Maya: How is that even a possibility? We used restricted government research without permission. We stole it, Soren!


After a while Sierra’s shaking became a little less violent and Rex thought he could her her mumbeling something.

Sierra: Gon- gone like m-my arm…

Rex: Sia? I know it’s rough, but you’re strong. You’ll get used to your new arm in no time and-

Sierra: It doesn’t matter, I can handle that. But E-e-em…. Emit didn’t just have his arm in the light… He- he’s…

Rex: Oh no, Sia, did you think…? Emit came back. He’s totally fine!

Sierra: Really?

Rex: Really.


Rex:Ehh… Sorry… I just- yeah, I’ll just shut up now.

Rex felt like a total idiot. He was supposed to help her, to be supporting her and for some reason he could barely talk to her without rambling nervously.

Suddenly Sierra started to cry and soon she was bawling uncontrollably. Rex didn’t trust himself to open his mouth again so he did the only other thing that he could think of.

He pulled her towards him and wrapped both of his arms around her. She slumped against his shoulder and continued sobbing.


He helped her to sit up and when she saw her arm, she panicked.

Sierra: No. No no no-

Rex: Eh.. It’s okay, Sia, don’t worry. You’re okay now. You’re safe and patched up…

Sierra: Patched up? My arm is gone, I’m broke.

Rex: You’re not broken, you just got a new arm, an upgraded one even…

Rex soon realized the flaw in his dry attempt at lightening the mood.

Rex: Not that you needed upgrading, I mean, -what I mean is that, that’s a great arm right there, -not that yours wasn’t perfect before, just… You’re still perfect-

Sierra: Rex! 


Rex shot up from his chair and stared at the girl as if she was a snowflake in the middle of july. He felt he had to be careful, like she would  break like glass if he talked too loud. So he spoke as softly as he could while he observed her intently, waiting for her reaction.

Rex: Heeeey…. you. How are you feeling?

Sierra: My arm… I remember… The light, it was burning, killing me… the pain. It’s gone. Was it all a bad dream?

She tried to get up and Rex rushed to her side,

Rex: Easy now, easy…


Maya: We both are.

Emit: Mom! Were you listening the whole time?

Maya: Well, not the the whole time, but that last part looked good, can I have some of that too?

Emit: MoOom!

Emit protested verbally but didn’t hesitate to give his mother a big hug too.

Maya: I’m so happy you’re all alright!


Emit: So, if I don’t belong to a timeline anymore, does that mean I can move freely in time? Like for instance, go back and stop Sierra from getting hurt?

Soren: That’s paradoxal, son. It’s not what happened, is it? If you did that, it would already be in our past, but it isnt. I can say for sure, because I’m still bound to my timeline.

Emit: And I’m not?

Soren: You shoud be careful. You might be able to change your future, but we will always be in this timeline. You should treasure it and don’t lose track of it. For all I know, changing the past might just create an alternate universe.

Emit: But a better one!

Soren: Perhaps. But we would still be here, without you. I beg you to never do anything like that!

Emit: Okay, I promise dad.

Soren: Come here and give me a hug! I’m so proud of you, son.


Then something started happening in his chest, it felt like something spinning in there. Something warm and pleasant. But as quickly as it came, the pleasant feeling was overtaken by another, darker feeling.

He suddenly felt panicked and desperate with only one thought on his mind; She could have died.

The thought hit him so hard that he had to grip her hand a little tighter and remind himself to breathe. What would he have done if she had died? He couldn’t even picture the world without her in it! 


Rex was glued in the chair by Sierras bed. She hadn’t moved since she was put there, apart from her chest that moved ever so slightly when she breathed.

He had never seen her with her hair down before and despite everything, he couldn’t help but think that she looked beautiful. He wanted to say something, but he knew she couldn’t hear him,so he just held her hand.

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