
Random witchy blog

@bookwyrmgamer / bookwyrmgamer.tumblr.com

My name is Chelly and I'm 25. Personal and Witchy Blog. Please Read FAQ and Rules. Donations always appreciated! Warning: I will reblog NSFW sometimes...

“how long have you been on tumblr”

there was once, like, a whole weekend where users on this website legitimately thought that you could defy the laws of equivalency and make infinite chocolate by cutting your chocolate bar a certain way.


Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.


Specifically a teenage girl. You know, someone who would be a part of the demographic that some of these boys are violently rejecting.

Isaac Asimov.

yo mary shelley wrote frankenstein in 1818 and isaac asimov was born in 1920 so you kinda get my point

If you want to push it back even further Margaret Cavendish, the duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673) wrote The Blazing World in 1666, about a young woman who discovers a Utopian world that can only be accessed via the North Pole - oft credited as one of the first scifi novels

Women have always been at the forefront of literature, the first novel (what we would consider a novel in modern terms) was written by a woman (Lady Muraskai’s the Tale of Genji in the early 1000s) take your snide “Isaac Asimov” reblogs and stick it

even in terms of male scifi authors, asimov was predated by Jules Verne, HG Wells, George Orwell, you could have even cited Poe or Jonathan Swift has a case but Asimov?

PbbBFFTTBBBTBTTBBTBTTT so desperate to discredit the idea of Mary Shelly as the mother of modern science fiction you didn’t even do a frickin google search For Shame

And if you want to go back even further, the first named, identified author in history was Enheduanna of Akkad, a Sumerian high priestess.

Kinda funny, considering this Isaac Asimov quote on the subject:

Mary Shelley was the first to make use of a new finding of science which she advanced further to a logical extreme, and it is that which makes Frankenstein the first true science fiction story.

Even Isaac Asimov ain’t having none of your shit, not even posthumously.

You know what else was invented by women? Masked vigilantes, the precursor to the modern superhero. Baroness Emma Orczy wrote The Scarlet Pimpernel in 1905. The character would later inspire better known masked vigilantes such as Zorro and Batman.


Stick that in your international pipe and smoke it


I have literally been telling people this for over a year.


the first extended prose piece - ie a novel, was not, as many male scholars will shout, Don Quixote (1605) but The Tale of Genji (1008) written by a woman

The first autobiography ever written in English is also attributed to a woman, The Book of Margery Kempe (1430s).


The day may come when I find this post and do not reblog it, but it is not this day.


I was just about to spiral into a bad panic attack, and my boyfriend goes "Stick an ice cube in your mouth." I'm not really sure where he got the idea, and I kinda laughed at it because I didn't see how it would help, but he was insistent. So I did it.

And now I'm on my second cube, because it worked.

He explained his reasoning to me when he got home.

1. I would initially think "what the fuck" and be distracted from the anxiety. (Correct.)

2. The cold of the ice would shock my system, bringing me back to the physical world and reality, drawing my focus to the cold in my mouth, and keep my brain away from thinking "I'm panicking, I must be dying." (Correct.)

3. He assumed I hadn't drank much water today and wanted to keep me hydrated. (Triple correct.)

It also forced your mouth to make saliva!

When you go into fight or flight mode, non-crucial body functions stop working so you have more energy to do what you need to do to survive (oooor to spiral into a panic attack). By forcing yourself to make saliva it helps calm you down because since fight or flight is an all or nothing response, they can’t happen at the same time.

Learned that from my old therapist, who would use it with veterans with ptsd

I’m doing this right now and its working????

THIS! Do this!

Anxiety is an emotional thing BUT there are feedback systems in place in your body that pay attention to physical states as well, which is why you then experience raised heart rate and so on when anxious. Eliminate or confuse one feedback system? Reduce anxiety.

Go be free!


biting into a lemon also works


Btw, this is part of Dialectic Behavioural Therapy, DBT for short, which was invented by a woman with borderline. It doesn't only work with panic attacks but also self harm, negative thought spirals, and sometimes even intrusive flashbacks.

Eating very spicey stuff works as well. I used to keep little packets of wasabi in my jacket, and that saved me more times I can count.

Reblogging to save a LIFE.

Are you telling me instead of spiraling into a depressive episode today I could’ve just eaten ice cubes and it would’ve helped? 

Fuck. That’s genius.


Me as the sole survivor of the apocalypse, commenting "last" on every YouTube video.

One day you get an alert that someone liked your comment

It was me, on a separate account


Parents be like that’s my emotional support eldest daughter

parents be like that’s the third parent in the family, my eldest daughter


parents be like that’s my parent, my eldest daughter


Sun Tea!

I always forget that I made tea, until it goes cold. So I decided to try making sun tea! My process is: make the tea in the morning, set it outside all day, refrigerate overnight and then drink while making the next day’s tea.

It’s very easy to add more power to these, leave outside overnight for moon aspects. Place the jar on top of a sigil, charge with crystals placed around it, and many more ways I haven’t thought of.

Remember to add a sweetener in the beginning since cold liquid takes a lot longer to dissolve sugar/honey

Favorites so far: (made in a regular Mason jar)

  • Citrus/Chamomile: 2 slices of orange, 1 slice of lemon, 3 tsp of (dried) Chamomile
  • Watermelon/Peppermint: 1/2c chunks of watermelon, 3 tsp (dried) peppermint

Please! Send me some tea flavor ideas! Also if you have a good source for plain loose leaf green/black tea or other tea herbs online please send them along. I currently only have peppermint and Chamomile as my only ingestion-safe, good tea herbs.

If you make sun tea, please please PLEASE be careful. Leaving it out in the sun for HOURS leads to a breeding ground of bacteria. I’ve made it, I’ve drunk it, and I’m fine. but I only just found out how much of a danger it can be. Black tea is safer longer in the sun than herbals. And do NOT leave it out for more than 4 hours.  More info: https://livesmartohio.osu.edu/uncategorized/miller-59osu-edu/is-sun-tea-safe/


Maybe women hate cargo shorts because they reveal the tactical inferiority of purses.

excuse me but HAVE YOU SEEN KIM POSSIBLE??? Girl made me beg for cargo shorts/pants in high school


since a lot of u guys like rbing my posts on how Satanism, etc. shouldn’t be treated as a taboo or whatever.

closed cultures/faiths/practices shouldn’t be treated like that either! they’re just as important as any other faith/practice! YES they’re closed but that doesn’t lessen how important they are! also, @ other white people, quit throwing fits when poc say you cant appropriate a practice/etc. from a closed culture. its shitty and racist!

respect closed cultures. listen to people apart of those closed cultures. 


Anybody in Frankfort/New Lenox/West Joliet IL area know of an occupational therapist looking for work?


I will never understand why this Christmas song goes so hard.




so during the bosnian war (which was this nasty-ass conflict in bosnia and herzgovina) there was this badass cello-playing motherfucker named vedran smailovic. He was from Sarajevo, was upset about all the shit and nastiness that came about through this war (this was full-on brother-killing-brother shit!) that he went around to bombed-out, blown up buildings and funderals––where he was at risk of FUCKING SNIPER FIRE––and playing the cello. This guy was so set on providing one tiny spot of beauty in a seriously nasty war he was risking being fucking SHOT OR BLOWN UP.


He’s why there’s the calm cello part at the beginning before everything gets all violent-sounding. It’s THEMATIC.



There’s the wikipedia article about him and yes…true story…

It’s also important to understand that Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 was not originally a Trans Siberian Orchestra song. It was originally recorded by Savatage, a metal band, for their concept album “Dead Winter Dead,” and when some Savatage members formed TSO, they adopted that song as a TSO song because yeah it’s fucking amazing.

Friendly reminder that this exists.

Friendly reminder that Vedran’s performances also included a pile of rubble that used to be a fountain IN THE CENTER OF A TOWN SQUARE WITH NO COVER.

When asked years later why he’d down something so apparently suicidal, he shrugged and replied that it was his way of proving that “the spirit of humanity was still alive in that place, despite all evidence to the contrary.”

May we all be as brave and stalwart in protesting violence and injustice as Vedran “The Most Bad-Ass Cellist Ever” Smailović.

Also, despite what some articles may say, Vedran was not an old man when this happened. He’s only in his early 60s today, which would have made him no older than 37 when he was playing in the ruins of Sarajevo. Never let anyone tell you it’s only old men who can make a difference.


insane clown posse man was at midwest fur fest in a fucking juggalo fursuit oh my god

Hey so listen,

I don’t like making fun of furries to begin with, especially since they’re not all as bad as a lot of people make them out to be. But definitely, don’t lean on the horn with Violent J.

If you don’t know, Violent J is the leader of Insane Clown Posse. His daughter is a furry. Despite his notoriety, J isn’t rich at all. So you can imagine when his daughter ordered a fur suit and essentially got scammed (which, by the way, as someone who makes stuffed animals from time to time and alters clothes here and there– faux fur is pretty expensive if it’s the good kind. An entire suit out of the shit is a whole ass arm) they were pissed.

But instead of J just kinda shrugging it off or shaming her for being trickers or whatever, the man made a whole call out video to the company and set it up like a show.

So gawk if you want, but just know, Violent J is a supportive dad and I gotta give my props to him. I know I wish my guardian or mom would’ve gotten at least a bit interested when I went to my first anime con. It’s good to see he’s standing behind her like this.


also his suit’s name is Kung Fu Joe and that’s fuckin great

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