
Runa's Art Thing

@bombus-polaris / bombus-polaris.tumblr.com

This is my art blog, and hopefully I'll actually get around to posting stuff. I'm currently in school majoring in Entomology and Botany, and I love drawing and doing crafts in my free time!

Sorry for being so inactive, so here’s an update on my life:

I’m still attending school at UC Davis for my entomology undergraduate, and have been working hard in all my classes, as difficult as it may be at times. I haven’t had much time to draw or do very much art stuff lately, which is really depressing, but I have found other creative outlets such as playing ukulele and recording my music, which I hope to post here soon! Other then that, I’ve also started working at the Bohart Museum of Entomology on campus, which is one of the 8th largest insect collections in North America! It’s so fun working there, and my coworkers are such amazing people. It’s so fun showing off the wonders of insects to visitors, I especially love it when I get people to change their mind about insects they once deemed as “creepy” or “gross”!

Anyways, sorry again for being so inactive, hopefully things will slow down a bit so I can post more stuff to here soon.

Happy holidays to you all, and I hope 2017 treats us all well~ 


Aaaahhh! SO HAPPY with how this turned out! It was a fun challenge to try and re-create the Steven Universe art style, specially when it came to the background since I don’t do those often.

It’s a picture of me and my boyfriend btw. I hope he likes it! o(≧∇≦o) Please do not repost or remove caption, thank you!

Morning reblog!


Finally get to play with my dissection scope and camera! The magnification on this thing is crazy, which is nice but makes it super difficult to observe anything that isn’t very small or flat.

Anyways, enjoy some pics of a fruit fly, it’s wings, some fibers under the edge of my fingernail, a hair follicle, and lastly some wing scales from a tiger moth!


Hi! I'm working on my own Nimona cosplay and I was wondering how you did her hair? Most people I see who have done Nimona just shave their heads, but I'm not sure I have that level of commitment to it, you know ? Anyways, from your picture it looked like you had some sort of bald cap on and a wig too maybe? I know it was a while ago too but any advice would be really appreciated!! Also, your art is really beautiful and I really like it. Especially the Stars In Your Eyes both the first and dark


Awwww thank you for your kind comments! As far as my Nimona cosplay went, yes I did use a bald cap! (because it’s also hard for me to commit and my hair takes forever to grow) For the hair I just went and bought some wig wefts from Arda Wigs (which are really nice quality) and glued them to my head after applying the bald cap.

SO my suggestion to you is:

  • look up tons of videos of applying bald caps, the more you watch the better understanding you’ll have of how to make it look good.
  • have a  friend help you! It’s hard to blend edges when you can’t see what you’re doing! (thanks @bitchimapeach!)
  • if you have long hair try and gel it all down the best you can and have it lay against the back of your neck and down your back. you won’t be able to seal the edges where the hair sticks out but the bald cap should be long enough in the back to where it should all tuck neatly into a shirt.
  • make sure you have all your materials beforehand, useful items include acetone, liquid latex, spirit gum or ProsAid, hair gel, and adhesive remover. (though you’ll need many more things too, most videos will list them)
  • make sure you buy your materials from a quality shop. I lived near Hollywood and was able to get quality supplies, but thankfully they have an online store here! (just make sure you’re not allergic to anything!)
  • try and buy the wig wefts as close to the color you need. I had to dye mine with RIT and it was a big pain in the ass
  • style the wefts before trying to glue them to your head. learn from my mistakes lol
  • use trimmings from the wefts to blend out the hair and make it look more natural
  • this will likely be a messy, and time consuming process. Be patient and don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t look perfect, bald caps are really hard to do! (mine took about 3 hours with the help of a friend)
  • also drink lots of water while walking around, it will get really hot under the bald cap!

I hope that was helpful! Feel free to IM me if you have any more questions!


 crystalized cicada



it’s body never properly decomposed, stayed deep down in the earth underneath lots of pressure for years. that’s HOW and it’s pretty cool

This is the most beautiful thing ever.

Though it is beautiful, I would say it’s more an amazing work of art than a natural occurrence as explained above. (credit for which is sadly missing) Credit actually goes to OP Tyler Thrasher, and you can buy this and similar sculptuers at his storenvy.

First off, when a cicada dies it’s wings are not typically spread outwards like that, and usually lay flat against the body. To me, it looks like a well prepped and spread specimen. 

Secondly, real gemstones take not only tremendous amounts of pressure, but also a lot of heat in order to form; way too high for the delicate structure of the wings to survive. I’d say it’s more likely the creator either grew artificial “crystals” on a dried and prepped cicada, or they had simply very carefully glued actual crystal shards to the specimen. Actually says on his site that he uses chemicals in order to create the crystals.


I always get really confused/paranoid/anxious when people I know, but don’t really know request to be my friend on sites like facebook. Like, sure we’ve been going to the same schools for 12+ years, but we’ve never really talked? So I’m just confused like:

  • do they have feelings for me?
  • do...

thejedielfqueen said: I get a request like that once in a while. It’s interesting to see what people are up to since high school but if they never really cared about me then why bother now?

But like, what if they were just as shy and awkward as we were back then? What if they're just now reaching out and want to be friends? I dunno, people are complicated, mystical creatures.


I always get really confused/paranoid/anxious when people I know, but don't really know request to be my friend on sites like facebook. Like, sure we've been going to the same schools for 12+ years, but we've never really talked? So I'm just confused like:

  • do they have feelings for me?
  • do they suddenly think I'm cool and want to be my friend or something?
  • are they just one of those people that'll friend you if you have at least 1 mutual friend, even though you two have never talked?
  • Or are they just one of those people that'll friend everybody in sight?

I mean, I'll go ahead and accept their request if I at least kinda know them... if only to find out if they have any ulterior motives.


Reblog if you post

  • nintendo stuff
  • art
  • star wars
  • nature
  • harry potter 
  • lord of the rings/ hobbit 
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