
“Anne Bonny and Mary Read were pirates, as renowned for their ruthlessness as for their gender, and during their short careers challenged the sailors’ adage that a woman’s presence on shipboard invites bad luck.”

Sculpture by Erik Christianson.


I’m not entirely sure that the statue really needed to have a tit out.

How dare women try to have nipples.

Actually I’ve seen this before and I can tell you— it’s because these women were bad ass pirates and when they killed someone they’d expose one or both breasts so that when their victim died, (s)he knew that they were killed by a woman.

ACTUALLY Anne Bonny purposely wore loose fitting clothes and displayed her breasts openly at all times during battle - mainly because men were distracted by them, and she took pleasure in killing said men while they were too busy staring at her breasts. Mary Read dressed mainly as a man (after posing as her deceased brother, Mark, for the entirety of her childhood) and both ladies cross-dressed from time to time, hopping between ships. They were known as the ‘fierce hell cats’ due to their ferocious tempers, and were key elements to Captain ‘Calico Jack’ Rackham’s crew - they were the only two known female pirates in the Golden Age of Caribbean piracy. IN FACT, when the ship was captured by the British Navy, Anne and Mary were the ONLY TWO pirates who fought while the males of the crew hid - they were all tried to be hung as pirates but Bonny and Read were both pregnant and were pardoned.

Calico Jack was a lover to Bonny, and as he was to be hung, Bonny’s final words to him were, “Had you fought like a man, you need not be hung like a dog.” Bonny and Read were possibly two of the most badass fucking pirates and they were FEMALE. The more you know. 


And on top of all that, exposed breasts have a long and storied history of symbolism in art. They mean all sorts of things. The sculptor may have chosen to expose her left breast specifically to denote her courage–her heart is exposed–or to evoke comparison to Amazon warriors, who cut off their right breasts.

Titties are complex in art.



AU where everything is exactly the same except Adam never turns into a beast and just needs to learn some manners

This is wonderful


Last night I had a dream that I was invited to some kind of sith or empire dinner party and after I got there I ended up wandering into the kitchen and Palpatine was straight up cooking a chicken with force lightning


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be…unnatural.

Gryffindor: high-fiving someone so hard it hurts your hand (on purpose, and you just get even more pumped up + happy), catching things right before they hit the ground, "home is not a place, it's a person", buying dozens of notebooks but only writing a couple of things in each of them, balconies, assuming everyone speaks the truth, instant noodles, carefree jokes in the middle of fighting in action movies, hitchhiking, board games (with friends), adopting slang words/expressions from other people, road trips, drinking/eating straight from the container, forgetting to brush your teeth, explaining things with your hands or by showing, volunteering (sometimes just so that those who REALLY don't want to do it won't have to), constantly changing your ringtone
Ravenclaw: reading funny/interesting facts and forgetting them right away (except for the VERY fascinating ones), going to a foreign country without knowing the language; learning as you go/by experiencing it yourself and through failed attempts, multitasking (with questionable results), space, tearing paper as a stress reliever, preferring ballpoint + mechanical pens because the line they draw is even, procastination, blushing easily, either REALLY neat or REALLY messy handwriting, making sure everyone is drinking enough water (and not too much alcohol), never borrowing money but always lending it to others (with no rush to get it back), wind, green tea, talking really fast/loud when you get excited, laughing and smiling silently, only paying attention to the things that interest you
Slytherin: having a discussion with someone across the room by using just gestures and facial expressions/lip reading, ending up sharpening all the pencils instead of just the one you need, string instruments, both judgemental eye rolls and friendly and teasing eye rolls, never ignoring problems, taking one (or two) for the team, cutting your own hair/making your own jewellery and clothing; DIY, formal language with strangers and at work but swearing/using (internet) slang with friends and at home, never letting fate decide, keeping secrets (both others' and your own), forgiving relatively fast but NOT many times, avoiding telling white lies, mostly listening during conversations but impressing everyone with how intelligent and insightful you are when you do comment/speak
Hufflepuff: sunflowers and dandelions, (cookie) dough, colouring books, choosing the slightly smaller half of a halved pastry even though the other person said you could pick either one and they'd have the other one, bumblebees + honey bees, listening to loud music with headphones and constantly fearing others can hear it, humming and whistling, coffee and hot chocolate with lots of of whipped cream and spices, blanket forts, not feeling pressured to do anything "productive", always thinking it's your fault (it's not), having days for yourself; peace and quiet and self-care, movie/TV/Netflix marathons, procastinating at first and then working for hours and hours straight just before the deadline, rain (heavy or light), chocolate and peppermint and fudge

Rule of three, part 1: the elements

The Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Some may believe that the fire signs are simply too strongly rooted in their own personalities to be able to stand others who are as outgoing and proud as they are, but when the fire signs work together, there’s nothing they can’t do.  Aries is the go-getter, the cardinal sign who works at the forefront of the fire, getting things started.  They are the most argumentative and bold of the fire signs, so they don’t mind being the first to speak up.  Leo is, however, the main event, as they possess a natural charisma that may come off as cockiness in the Aries. They take what Aries has introduced and inspire others to keep it going; they are not quite the spark, rather, they bring more flame to the fire.  Sagittarius does the ground work.  They are the intellectuals of this element, so they are the ones who understand and actually tend to the fire.  With the fire signs as a trio, there is little submission and compromise, but this isn’t much of a problem if they all see eye to eye.

The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

What do you get when you put a Taurus, a Virgo, and a Capricorn, together alone in a room for ten minutes?  What most people could do in a day.  They understand each other inherently well, and are perhaps the element with signs that are most similar to each other. Taurus, although the first in this trio, is the mildest of them.  They are fair, steady, and focused on results.  For Taurus, life is simple and straight-forward, with far fewer twists and turns than most people think there are.  Things are not quite the same for the worrisome Virgo, who sees every possible problem and works fervently to keep any of them from occurring. Virgo is the brainiest of the earth signs, and they possess a natural ability to focus on minute details.  Capricorn is somewhere in between, as they are unwavering achievers, but their goal is simply to get higher and higher and often times is not as concrete as others may think it is.  They only seek to be more than they already are in every way; everything is about the ultimatum, but that ultimatum is sometimes unclear.

The Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

As their element suggests, the air signs have no problem floating from idea to idea, and they rarely stay anywhere for long.  This is especially present in the Gemini, who possess within them every idea there is.  They are enormously intellectual and excellent communicators who love to learn about everything that’s out there.  Geminis truly embody air, as they exist in all places and as all people.  Libra is a bit more material, being ruled by Venus.  They are all about fairness, pleasantness, and attractiveness.  They are not quite as thoughtful as their fellow air signs, but are ten times as loving.  They are good friends and great listeners who are at their best among others, such as the chatty Gemini, who could talk their life away.  Aquarius is the loner of the air signs and the only one who isn’t much of a social butterfly.  They prefer to take the path less traveled in all areas of life and don’t mind being a bit on the outside.  They are very brainy, just like Gemini, but their braininess is more concentrated.

The Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

It makes sense that the biggest hearts of the zodiac would all be grouped together.  Cancer, the motherly, nurturing one, is love in its first form.  Before we are loved by anyone else, we are loved by our mothers (or motherly figures), and Cancer is all about taking care of others.  They are also the most attached to their homes and are the most standoffish.  Scorpio is a bit farther out of their shell than Cancer, but they are freakishly secretive and like to be seen as mysterious.  They inhabit the space of the second love, that of passion and, occasionally, obsession.  Cancers are the most selfish of the water signs, and this trait begins to falter in Scorpio, who can love their partners more than they love themselves.  For Pisces, love is who they are.  They embody perfect love and romance.  Pisces are true love, and they are completely selfless, which is by no means a good thing.  They are, however, much more open than their fellow water signs.


I think a lot of people admire Capricorn and Aquarius for being cold, detached, and aloof, all traits that are, actually, more negative than positive (this also the case with Scorpio, but it is only an act with them as they are deeply emotional in a way Capricorn and especially Aquarius are not). It seems to me that these two signs are chiefly admired for traits that would typically be considered detrimental. Some may argue that this keeps them from being hurt by others, but they’re ultimately hurting themselves. No signs suffer from loneliness as greatly as these two, so perhaps if they managed to drop the ice queen act for a day they’d see that melting isn’t so bad. Believe it or not winter babies, but relationships (including with the self) are the most important part of the human experience, so no matter how many promotions the Capricorn gets or how many new inventions the Aquarius makes, if they are lonely, they will be unfulfilled.

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