
A Connecticut Holiday

@aconnecticutholiday / aconnecticutholiday.tumblr.com

still hoping to be besties with TSwift

Taylor calls herself crazy all throughout TTPD, but maybe I’m just as insane because I actually think she’s quite normal? Because if I ended a once happy 8 year relationship because the love was gone and we were both no longer in love to then get with a situation-ship who has been pinning for you for years only for them to abandon you when they finally got you, I’d commit full arson.


I just think TTPD is not an album you can understand and fully digest in one listen or even a few listens and that's what makes it so great. It is accessible in terms of its melodies and high-level storytelling but the lyrical details are poetic and complex. I'm really just so excited to spend a lot of time with this album.


Standing on the sidewalk alone, waiting for you to drive by and see Taylor’s version of her very first, documented, official pop album on Amazon Music’s billboard! 🧍‍♀️

Press ▶️ on her takeover of Pop Culture.

Say Don’t Go is probably one of my new favorite songs and I would have rip me died dead if it came out in 2014… I have been in love once during the years 2014-2016… and this song describes that relationship exactly.


i know people make these kinds of posts with fictional characters a lot but like. hank green truly is one of The Most Guys Ever. like. he's one of the earliest youtubers who is still on there. he's a 43-year-old tiktok star. he's a science educator. he got cancer and his response was to make a tier list of the press's coverage of his cancer announcement. the president of the united states sent him a message of support and he told the president that he was pissing out the cancer. years earlier he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and his response was to write a polka song about it. he created vidcon. he's the ceo of a company that produces a shitton of educational series (well, not acting ceo at the moment due to the aforementioned cancer). his guitar says "this machine pwns n00bs" on it. he invented 2D glasses. one of his earliest videos to get popular was about animal sex. between him and his brother, he was known as "the science one" (or "the music one") while his brother was "the writer one," and then he wrote two new york times bestselling novels. his most controversial opinion is that butt is legs. he's done so many things that there is a website dedicated to counting the number of days since he started a new thing. he and his brother use their internet following to (among other things) fight maternal/infant mortality in sierra leone. he has a baked bean furby. hes even bisexual

In 1998. his Winter Park High School classmates named him “Best Dancer.” He’s had an album on the Billboard Charts, and he won an Emmy for a web-based adaptation of Pride & Prejudice. He co-founded DFTBA.com, the Awesome Coffee Club, the Awesome Sock Club, and Sun Basin Soap--but doesn’t make money from any of them. Instead he’s led these brands to donate over $5,000,000 to a hospital in Sierra Leone. His companies, when he stepped down as CEO due to the cancer, had over 115 full-time employees, all of whom receive a living wage and good benefits. His production company, Complexly, has made educational videos with 5 billion total views, and helped hundreds of millions learn through SciShow and Crash Course. He is the sweetest dad to the world’s most amazing six-year-old, and the spouse of one of the funniest people you’ll ever meet, and he is loved--ferociously--by his brother. He truly is among the Most Guys Ever.


Not being dramatic or anything (ok maybe a little dramatic) but 2014 was a year I was really finding myself and the first time I fell head-over-heels-in-love (and then was subsequently heartbroken) so 1989 is feeling really special as a now 32 year old


I have done my best to quiet the wind, if I can find a better, less windy, video later I'll redo it but for now this is what we've got

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