
Eclipse Rising

@eclipserising / eclipserising.tumblr.com

EclipseDragon #26011 Drawing and Sharing Dragon Art! Background by grif (#3547)

is it fair for me to be a little upset because i’ve gone three weeks with no update on art? i sent them a message and they were just like ‘sorry for no updates’ and still nothing. am i being too impatient?

Three weeks would be a grey area for me. 

If you haven’t gotten a sketch, It depends on the complexity of the image and how many slots are before you. If there are three slots and two are before you, it could take three weeks to get a sketch, that’s one week per person.

This also doesn’t take into account any outside of FR commissions the person may need to draw or other life circumstances.

If you have gotten and approved a sketch and you’re waiting on the final drawing, that could take even longer if the person has a particularly detailed way of coloring things. 


Please get the fuck out of plague Y, you keep bring up “we should fight Light” or that time when RS (our dom leaders) told you no when you apparently had asked about a LvP 2 and then proceeded to do an interest check on our forums.

You are literally scum of the earth and only looking to profit off of a possible LvP as I recall you weren’t even part of plague when LvP was happening

smh, and here I thought I didn’t have to submit to this cesspool from my own flight

People who think that Earth is being bullied by Plague or think that Plague is somehow less of a flight for loosing to the smallest, don’t know how dom is calculated.

While it’s true size of the flight presents some unique challenges, the actual size with regard to raw dragon exalted numbers has little to do with it. The ratio put into place is meant to keep things even in this regard, so that larger flights aren’t guaranteed to win just because they have more people in the flight.

For larger than normal flights, it is difficult to organize and rally a mass amount of people to fufill the active user ratio. However if they can manage it, they become a true force to be reckoned with. 

For smaller flights such as Earth, they are easier to rally but have a weakness when it comes specifically to funds. Dom battles take a huge financial toll on the participants because there are fewer people funding. This is why Earth tends to favor profit pushes specifically and disfavor or forgo raffles.

-More people in the flight means the flight as a whole needs to exalt more, but there’s less strain on individual users.

-Less people in the flight means the flight as a whole doesn’t need to exalt as many dragons, however each individual needs to personally exalt more and it’s difficult to pay for all those dragons.

As far as a Plague vs Earth battle. It’s a toss up. If Earth can get really excited, they do very well with dom, but it’s exhausting for them which means less conquest overall and some users may not be enthusiastic about a battle pretty much guaranteed to take such a large toll.


As a part of the younger group of people on this website, if you use ‘XD’ or 'xD’. I’m not gonna take you seriously

“To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

I really love this quote and it applies to so many situations online.


guys, i need some advice.

so i finally went to one of those “draw the dragon above you!” threads because 1. free art 2. dragon practice! i finished mine within the hour and posted it, no idea if they’ve even seen it in the past two days but whatevs.

got claimed by someone pretty quick, someone i’ll call “MK”. they haven’t gotten mine done yet but no big deal, right?

except i went to the previous page, and surprise surprise, another claim by them. that they never drew.

two pages before that, a claim they did draw! okay, phew. good to know. they’re just a slow artist.

few more pages back (at this point i was looking for people who had been missed because i want to draw for them), and there’s MK again, with a claim they never drew. i’m sensing a pattern here.

the maker of the thread went inactive in august, so i dunno who to contact except MK themselves, and i don’t even know what to say. “hey i stalked the thread and you have a lot of claims you never finished”? does that sound weird? should i just draw their old claims for them?

like, i’m not even as upset about missing out on free art myself as i am about the people who were effectively skipped after all their effort. and why would you KEEP CLAIMING when you have old claims? SERIOUSLY? finish your drawings! stop leaving people in the dust!


Perhaps maybe a new thread can be started since the original poster has gone inactive? It is a fun game, it’s a shame people aren’t getting their artwork because one user is claiming but not drawing. 

The game needs a rule addendum that you can’t make a second claim unless you’ve already finished and posted your first.

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