
Eyes of Green

@greeneyesofthelost-archive / greeneyesofthelost-archive.tumblr.com

Welp, at long last. Sorry folks, didn't like being on this Loki anymore. So I remade him! Go follow him at the link below.

Well hello.

Yes, I'm here. Ish. I'll be archiving this account, so if you want the new one when I get it made, send me a message. I'll be online all night, and checking, so I'll see it.



Cleaning out the blogs I follow, for there are many that I don't interact with. No offense to those I unfollow, as its nothing personal.
Clean dashes are best dashes.


Been getting the hankering for some Marvel RP recently, and figured I'd dust Loki off ("Mortal bi--") and see what trouble I can get into. Not expecting much to happen, but here I am if someone wants me.

If  you  touch  what  is


І шіll тэаѓ Ўоц іито ріэсэѕ.

                                   And then,

I’ll set the remnants

                                                                                                   [On fire.]


A Midgardian Easter || Open


"This holiday will be the end of me. For I have seen more rabbits on both the television and in the lawns of others that I am fairly certain if I see another, I will kill myself with, as I’ve been told before, a rusty spoon."


          “At least you do not have to deal with all that            comes after children have consumed their            Easter treats.”


"Ah, cavities and such? My dear, yours is truly a job only a saint could do," he responded, kissing her arm lightly.


The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals in their shelters.

It takes less than a minute (only about 15 seconds actually) to go to their site and click on the purple box titled, ‘Click Here to Give - it’s FREE!’. Every click gives about .6 bowls of food to sheltered dogs. You can also click daily!

Keep in mind that this does not cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. [via.]

Go to the website HERE.

It’s just a click… takes about 1 or 2 seconds.

there’s no pop-up ads or anything on the site

just click it once and you’re done

if all of my followers click, it’s more than a few thousand meals so.. please?


A Midgardian Easter || Open

"I told you we should have kept the Halloween decorations up year round. It worked on Christmas!" He sighed. "I dont know what to tell you man. Other than write them an explicit letter telling them not to keep asking."

"I spoke explicitly to them, and still they do not listen. I shall have to barricade myself within the walls of my estate."


A Midgardian Easter || Open


"This holiday will be the end of me. For I have seen more rabbits on both the television and in the lawns of others that I am fairly certain if I see another, I will kill myself with, as I’ve been told before, a rusty spoon."

"Aw dont be so sad, my friend!" B said. "Theres plenty of chcolate for sale! I can go and grab the best names at fairly cheap prices! Its like valentines day all over again!"

"I care little for Chocolate, Beyond, you know this. I simply wish the City to cease asking if they may use my lawns for their egg hunts."


I'm Late for a Very Important Date || closed || lipstickandtasers

Loken gestured to his wife,


"Darcy if you'd please hurry. We have far more pressing matters to deal with than whether or not Ramses has salmon for dinner. The cruise leaves in an hour, my dear," he reminded her, "and I shan't wait for another one in the meantime." He folded his arms as he stared at her, fawning over the cat as always. Honestly the man wondered whether or not she'd married him or his pet.

Mind you he never said anything like this to her for fear of marital repercussions, but well.

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