
Nasty Woman


🌚🌚My style is casual retro death chic🌚🌚 ♎~Olivia~♎

wouldn’t it be cool if sex was real and not just a part of the Depeche mode expanded universe?


@ people who aren’t afraid of spiders how does it feel to be gods among mere mortals


Feels bad because now I’m in a position to protect every spider I ever meet from the room full of jerks who don’t appreciate her beautiful legs or useful webs and I have to catch her and put her outside and it’s a lot of responsibility to have shunted onto you


Marshae Jones was shot in 2018 during an argument. She was 5-months pregnant at the time and the trauma ended the pregnancy. While charges were dropped against the shooter, the survivor, Marshae Jones is now being charged with manslaughter for starting the argument. Black and indigenous women are almost always the first targets of policies that attempt to steal autonomy over their own bodies from women. Marshae is clearly the victim in this situation, yet she know faces a hefty prison sentence for being shot. She is being held on a $50,000 bail. This is absolutely disgusting, and we must end both the system of cash bail and the prison industrial complex that seeks to criminalize black, brown, and working class white people at every opportunity. #SayHerName


Repeat after me:

  • Joe Biden is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Bernie Sanders is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Beto O’Rourke is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Cory Booker is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Pete Buttigieg is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Julian Castro is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Jay Inslee is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • John Hickenlooper is a good candidate with some negative points. But he’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Elizabeth Warren is a good candidate with some negative points. But she’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Kamala Harris is a good candidate with some negative points. But she’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Any other Democrat running is a good candidate with some negative points. But they’d be infinitely better than Trump.
  • Any other Democrat not yet running is a good candidate with some negative points. But they’d be infinitely better than Trump.

There is no perfect politician no matter how much you personally like them and just because they appeal to you more than another candidate does at the moment doesn’t mean that is enough for them to win the Presidency.

The primary process is long. Democratic voters really need to stop aligning with blind loyalty to one person this early and actually keep a halfway open mind to let other candidates make their case.

“They did a thing I don’t like once so I refuse to ever vote for them ever,” is the opposite of helpful.

Joe Biden is a shitty candidate who shouldn’t be allowed to run as a Democrat. BUT HE’D BE INFINITELY BETTER THAN TRUMP!!! Why is it so hard for people to understand that having a sort of shitty president is significantly better than giving Trump more time to establish a dictatorship?


I cut the cake on my baby gender reveal party and the m&m’s are black. “It’s a goth!” we shout in unison. My family is sobbing. Morticia Addams is there,


everyone born in the 90s has an intense inherent desire and ability to play the sims for hours at a time


left-handed people are institutionally oppressed & marginalized. if you are right-handed you need to be a good ally & listen to lefties and better yet, try and deconstruct your privilege.

ambidextrous people, you’re on thin fucking ice.


the 20s are soon upon us

things to include

  • flapper dresses
  • jazz music
  • sex positivity
  • women’s rights
  • renewal of arts & culture
  • increased immigration & cultural sharing
  • sequins
  • eyeliner

things to leave behind

  • racism & nativism
  • consumerist culture
  • white guys writing “the great american novel”

more things to include

  • black/jewish solidarity
  • short hair of all textures
  • suspenders
  • beaded & embroidered dresses
  • subtly homoerotic advertising
  • masculine women, feminine men

things to leave behind

  • ineffective prohibition laws
  • wealth gap

this time we’re doing it right

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