
*hits the blunt* yugioh was propaganda because the season they opened the anime with in the US started by making you pity yugi for losing his exodia cards in like, the second episode i think it was. basically this fuck has a huge unfair advantage over everyone else in the world and is planning to use it to win a cash tournament. but you’re supposed to feel bad for him when he loses that advantage and ends up on an even playing field because the cards are “his property”. exodia is capital and yugi moto is the bourgeoisie

and kids are meant to think “wow id hate it if i had exodia and i lost it. i could have exodia someday so for some reason i empathize with that situation” it’s literally capital


Luke ur literally misreading this entire fucking thing cuz kaiba is literally a fucking CEO and he’s the villain. this show is anticapitalist…yugi losing the exodia cards is actually about how the proletariat loses the true value of their labor under the surplus theory of value

ok listen up though yugi literally gets possessed by the spirit of a pharaoh and inherited the exodia cards from his grandfather they are clearly a metaphor for the divine right of kings under feudalism and weevil is the bourgeois revolutionaries overthrowing feudalism. only joey wheeler, the true hero of the proletariat, can


Stephanie Beatriz thought she wouldn’t be cast in Brooklyn Nine-Nine I was so happy to see a Latina [Melissa Fumero] on the show, but also so devastated because I knew… I knew there was not going to be any network that was going to cast both of us as ensemble leads on a show. So I cried a lot. And I was devastated. I showed a couple of friends at the time and I was like, *imitates crying* “I’m really happy for her but I really wanted that show.” Then it was like two days later that I got the call [that I was cast], and I was gobsmacked. I was like, “the world is fucking changing.” And it’s such a testament to the show that they cast both of us. And not only us, but also Terry Crews and Andre Braugher [two black men] in positions of power.


everyone get out. get the fuck out. twitter is over. no one needs to tweet ever again. no tweet will ever reach the same level of accurate shitposting as this.


As a 90′s kid, it blows my mind that origami youtube videos exist. You can look up any model and watch a pair of manicured hands assemble the thing in real time, in full color, in 3D, with cheerful flute music in the background. When I was little, you had a library book with no words and these esoteric little dotted lines and arrows and it was just you, your hands, your paper, and the cruel, uncaring eyes of God.


dragonball piece i did recently for a (cancelled) nostalgia zine 🐉💛 ! i luv these goofs


Do you ever eat popcorn out of the palm of your own hand with such ardent desperation that you feel like both a wild horse and the gentle schoolgirl feeding it treats to gain its affection 

this is the funniest thing i have ever read


no more discourse everybody shut the fuck up and eat some bread

-Jesus at the last supper


me: *scares myself to the point where I can’t even function because of the anxiety I have created over a situation*

the situation: *works out fine*

me: oh


please please please teach your children to cook while they still live under your roof. even the most elementary things can’t be overlooked. because i just had to show my 24 year old boyfriend how to use a potato peeler and now i need to lay down for an hour

i hate this post because it just proves that like.. no simple statement can just be absorbed and the general population of tumblr go ‘yeah that sounds about right.’ i’ve had nazis say it’s a woman’s job to cook, terfs say that it’s only ‘males’ who don’t know how to cook, people have accused me of being classist because some people don’t own potatio peelers, called a bitch for airing out my boyfriend’s dirty laundry (which if the most embarrassing thing i can procure about the guy is that he’s not great in the kitchen i’d say he’s okay lmao)

just shut up and teach your fucking children to cook holy shit dude


Something for my feminist theory class.


I’d love to see the reactions to this from a crowd. I can kind of imagine a quiet, solemn understanding from the ladies and a lot of confused questions from the guys… If my memory of art school serves me.

In 9th grade English we read Laurie Halse Anderson’s “Speak”. For those of you who haven’t read it, the author makes it abundantly clear that the teenage protagonist, Melinda, was raped, before the protagonist actually says it.

Our English teacher asked the boys in the class what happened to Mel. They came up with the most ridiculous answers. Every girl in the class just knew.

This just goes to show…

Not all men menace women, but yes all women have felt menaced by men.

Every girl understands this because every girl knows the fear implicit in this image.


Is it really?

So Rowling had no way of knowing the political climate during the 19 Years Later epilogue, but we do now. So consider this: what kind of world does the Golden Trio live in right now?

Their country is in the middle of Brexit talks, with racism and protectionism at their worst and the magic community isn’t far behind. 

Young Pure Bloods march the streets with torches and capes, shouting “They will not replace us!” They wear Deatheater masks and temporary tattoos (oh it’s not the real thing, they’ll wash it off and be back at the office on Monday).

In the news, the authorities call for a cease of violence and ask people not to fight the young pure bloods. In the streets, people talk about talking to them calmly to fix things. Ron is livid. “You don’t reason with bloody Deatheaters! You throw curses at them!”

Hermione’s work for equality in the magical world gets harder every day. She starts getting death threats in her mail, many howlers that leave her in tears. She keeps going. When people insist that every werewolf is dangerous to society and they should all be banned from country, she tearfully remembers Lupin giving his life to protect them all, she remembers Dobby with a knife in his heart and Hagrid with his half giant blood and his giant heart. She keeps fighting. 

As much as he hates it —and he hates it a lot— Harry becomes a vocal public figure again, constantly condemning blood purists and calling for action against them. His office calls horrified after the first interview, telling him he can’t be calling for violence against this people who are only protesting. “They are Deatheaters and this is how we deal with them,” he snarls back. “Have you forgotten Voldemort?” On the other side of the line, he can feel them flinch. 

No one who fought the war has forgotten it, but so many others seem to, it pains Harry. It’s been barely twenty years since he saw children die in the grounds of Hogwarts, killed by grown angry men who believed themselves superior. It’s been barely twenty years since Tom Riddle’s death body laid on the ground and he thought they could finally have peace. 

The trio sends their kids on the Hogwarts Express and they can’t help but remember their experiences there in a time much like this. They never thought their own children would have to suffer as they did, they pray they won’t have to. 

Harry touches his lighting scar and reminds himself it hasn’t hurt again for years. All is well. A quiet voice inside his head wonders bitterly: “Is it, really?”

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