
Forced efforts

@fruitless-vain / fruitless-vain.tumblr.com

Bird blog Flock-talk

Tried taking Yo for a run to aggravate my heart for the monitor

Yoshi initially enjoyed it then quickly got Big Mad and would refuse to run bc my heart rate was high and she said Absolutely Not

So I will try that again with Sham instead lmfao


Ask the lady to free stack and you’ll get a sassy rear leg 💅 moment instead


Me: I’m going to decrease my salt intake and overwork myself while the monitor is on for optimal chances of catching a full episode

Me: wow I feel like garbage I’d love to just not move


I’m changing the name from invisible disability to ✨ undercover chronic illness ✨

The secret agent laying in wait, wearing the super suit (medical gear) under their normal clothes for disguise. Anyone you know could be one, they can come out of hiding at any time. You’ll never know.


Generalizing her hold to more complicated items for fun today

Using the coin as a known hold item to help transfer the skill to holding a food item, took a little bit because of all the food avoidance work we did she kept turning her head to it like “you didn’t say the Eat cue and this is a FOOD so I will NOT be putting that in my mouth!!!!!” But we got there eventually!

Mainly just doing this for fun/ might help with taking cute pictures down the road. Also hoping it may help a bit with solidifying the leave it/ drop it for items that she’s already picked up since this drill will get her thinking a bit more about releasing food from her mouth


You ever make your dog a fresh “trail mix” reward station and just think about how delicious it’s gonna be, for them. it looks good. For them.


“We would love to share your video on our feed, we will credit you is that okay?”

“Yeah go ahead as long as I’m credited I don’t mind”

“Okay submit your file here through this link and fill out this lengthy form”

Yeah no. I’m not putting more effort in to you reposting my content than you. You can download it and post it yourself if you want it that badly


Also Newts spring hormones are such a nightmare this year BUT he isn’t plucking his feathers out like he usually does so I get to sit here like……. Reduce the hormonal stimulants and drop the aggression but end up with him frustrated and ripping his feathers out which could become a lifelong addictive response. OR let him get some of those hormonal behaviours out, deal with walking on eggshells for a few months and have a feathered bird


Naturally my basement would flood about half a foot deep of water because of course it would

And while we’re at it let’s have the dryer vent break so it just humidified the whole basement in to a muggy nightmare while trying to dry the towels that had been used to clean up the flood nightmare

Thankfully the water did not make it to the bird room and I was able to get it all out and 90% dry within a few hours. The birds were enjoying the chaotic humidity though🤦‍♀️

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