
Great Blog of Trash

@just-roxy-chan / just-roxy-chan.tumblr.com

Tumblr veteran. Just kind of here. Personal blog with no coherent theme except shitposting.

you could make a post like “getting enough sunlight is good for your mental health” and once it broke 70 notes someone would be like “oh my god OP not everyone can just get sunlight. just say you hate people living in the arctic circle -_-”

post “hey guys if you have a headache you might be dehydrated! remember to drink water”

comment 1: “your privilege is showing OP. imagine thinking everyone has access to clean water lmfao”

comment 2: “ok but a lot of neurodivergent people have a hard time drinking water??? acting like its that simple is so ableist”

comment 3: “actually dehydration was invented in the 80s to sell sinks to more americans. your body cant tell the difference between water and a vodka redbull *link to a medium article full of broken links*”

comment 5: “drinking water doesn’t help against every headache. stop spreading false information.”

comment 6: “one time I drank so much water I had to go to the hospital for water intoxication and I almost died. how dare you not warn people about this?”


as a child I wondered why adults were so stupid (doing things out of habit/routine/heuristics rather than reasoning explicitly about what to do based on their goals) and the answer is that adults are unimaginably fucking tired all the time


every time theres a new bad tv show or movie people act like its the end of the world you guys need to learn about the not watching shit method i’ve been successfully employing the not watching shit method for years

This tag deserves to be seen


George: They dismembered me Jerry! I heard there was free wine, but when I walked into the temple, they dismembered me! Tore me limb from limb!

Jerry: Aw gee George, you know how the bacchics are. They don't call it a mystery cult for nothin'

Elaine: Nice of Apollo to put you back together though. You know, maybe you could get some more arms? You could roll around like those titans with the hundred hands.


Kramer: Jerry! Jerry! They killed Christ!


One of my greatest inspirations as a writer is the late great LA Times food reviewer Jonathan Gold. I legitimately think he should be considered one of the best writers of the last 100 years. Look at this.

Poetry. Non-fiction par excellence. This is a man who not only understood the visceral, the sensory, the sublime, but he could put it into words.

He was the opposite of a snob. The man ventured where other reviewers feared to tread. He would visit any greasy taco shack or tacky theme restaurant that caught his eye and detail it with romance befitting a Victorian poet. I have such admiration for his ability to find the beauty, the indulgence, the love, in places you would never expect to find it.

Just looked him up and he looks like how I imagine Dionysus

Truly a Dionysian man


No they're right actually and they should say it.

The lefts descent into obsession with identity politics means all these boys get from these spaces is essentially being told they're inherently monstrous or will grow up to be so.

12 year old boys are not evil. They're children. And they're susceptible to manipulation from these fucks on the right who have sadly correctly identified that large swathes of the left will ignore and shun them. People turn to extremist factions when they feel ignored and dehumanised.

A 12 year old boy online isn't going to be able to read the nuances in your uber ironic but not really actually ironic "all white men are inherently trash" hot takes. They're going to take that at face value because they're 12 and that's what 12 year olds do. And they're going to feel angry, rejected and judged by your words. And then fucks like Andrew Tate get to swoop in and tell them that you're wrong and start the ball rolling on that indoctrination.

If you're an adult leftist and you honestly think teenage boys possess the wherewithal to purposefully follow dangerous Misogynists like Andrew Tate in order to "preserve their own privilege long term" then I'm sorry to say you're too far gone and I'd suggest logging off and actually trying to have a conversation with a kid who is vulnerable to the grooming of these uber misogynists and treat them as a human being instead of a reflection of an identity you've boxed them into.

You may tick more diversity boxes but you are still the adult. Start acting like it.

These children are being groomed. Don’t fucking victim blame them for being taken advantage of. If they hurt people, that’s still bad, obviously, don’t enable bigotry, but also, y’know… children in abusive groups are kinda sorta being abused and manipulated by people. It’s a fucking tragedy and I hope every child there can escape before it’s too late.

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