

@itshighnoonish / itshighnoonish.tumblr.com

│Jessie│She/Her│USA│Nerd│Video games, Dramas, randomness│

People need to fully understand what RGB’s death means. It’s not just a vacancy on the supreme court that could be potentially filled by a conservative Justice - that’s an awful thought, but that’s not the main problem. 

The problem, is that this is EXACTLY the opportunity Republicans have been looking for for decades. If a conservative nominee is pushed through before the election, and I’m hoping it won’t but if it does, that will lead to a Republican majority in the Supreme Court. And you can bet your life, literally, that they will work to roll back every progressive law they can. 

The concept of a separation of church and state is already a joke in this country, but it will get so much worse. 

But more than that? Even if a nominee isn’t pushed through… 

The vacancy RGB left behind will motivate Republicans to come out to vote in droves. 

THAT is what everyone needs to understand. This is a once in a life time opportunity for the Republicans. You think you don’t want to vote for Biden because he’s not exactly who you want? Because he’s not progressive enough or liberal enough? 

What about all the Republicans who may not support Trump, but want a Republican majority on the Supreme Court? The ones who may not like him, but would be willing to deal with him for four more years if it means controlling the Supreme Court for the next 40?

It’s awful and unfortunate that RGB died so close to the election. Throughout her life she worked tirelessly to fight for equality. Don’t let her life be in vain. 

Now more than ever, it’s important to vote. Everyone. Down the entire ballot. 

I’m lucky enough to live in California, a historically Blue state. But those of my followers who live in Red states, you especially need to call your representatives in the Senate and tell them to postpone any nomination. Cite Mitch McConnell’s own actions in 2016. Anything you can do to add pressure. Remind them who they really work for: you, their constituents. 

We cannot give up the fight. We can’t. Your vote matters. If it didn’t, why would the GOP be trying so hard to take it away? Make sure you’re registered. If you want to mail in your ballot then drop it off at designated polling stations instead of the post office to ensure it’s counted in time. 

I don’t have many followers so I don’t know who will see this, but please, reblog this. Spread the information. RBG’s death will galvanize Republicans out to vote en masse. We can’t afford to be apathetic or disenfranchised. We can make a difference, but not if we don’t bother to try. 


People who are in self quarantine really have no idea how weird it is to be a base level essential worker through this whole thing. I don’t mean a doctor or a nurse or someone else working round the clock to put a stop to it or find a cure. I mean a truck driver or a gas station attendant or a retail clerk. Because everything is basically normal, only a little bit off, and then again not as off as it should be.

Every day I get up. I go to work. I sell people things. There are fewer people coming through and they’re buying more because they’re stocking up or they haven’t been shopping in a month, but there are still lines, like always. There’s plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers, and no dividers, and we have to continually yell at people not to put their items on the belt until we’ve finished the previous transaction, and they ignore us or argue with us, same as always. The more rules we have, the more rules there are for people to ignore. And the longer it goes on, the more normal it gets. Pretty much no one thanks us for coming in to work anymore. People are starting to act like we should never, ever run out of an item. It’s just blanket assumed that we will have hand sanitizer and soap and toilet paper and people are shocked when we say we’re out.  But there are still ads on the TV in the break room telling us all to stay home and the more the customers ignore social distancing, the more management puts pressure on us to set a good example, until we’re expected to follow standards that are physically impossible.

The longer this goes on, the less ‘essential’ I feel.

And then I come home and get online as always and there are all of these people asking what you’re doing while you’re stuck in quarantine and coming up with fun things to do when you’re in quarantine and talking about what you’re going to do when this whole thing is over and you can finally, finally leave your house. Everyone just seems to assume that you, the person reading their words, are in quarantine, because everyone’s in quarantine. It’s like this big, international, universal experience that you’re not a part of.

It feels like fifteen years from now everyone in the world will be looking at each other and asking “Remember what it was like to be cooped up in the house? Wasn’t it awful?” and I’ll just be sitting there going “…….no, I don’t. I didn’t do that.” And people will look at me and wonder how I could not know.


Disney peaked with the Emperor’s New Groove

Eartha Kitt’s performance as Yzma…the music…the comedy…the Kronk. It is a perfect film

Additional reasons:

  • Every single character is a PoC
  • First Disney animated film to show a pregnant woman onscreen
  • Real relationship goals: Pacha and ChiCha
  • Really diverse body types on everybody!
  • Classic tropes and classic tropes subverted (enemies to friends, anyone?)
  • Kronk

Diverse body type: Llama

Also Kuzko’s character arc is nice to see, instead of ‘be yourself’ it’s like ‘hey, don’t be an asshole’ and he actually learns it

Also r*mance wasn’t at the center of the story, growth was, and that was really refreshing

Also the STYLE:

  • the random cliffs and ledges and peaks and plummets. 
  • the weird-ass, completely inefficient architecture that served no real functional purpose other than to be big and grand and showy. 
  • that fucking 90 foot throne
  • the fact that Yzma was lounging on a ledge next to a bottomless chasm somewhere in the middle of the palace 
  • the COLORS oh my god enough of this desaturated, gritty, hyper-realistic bullshit i wanna see GAUDY DECADENCE for the sake of DECADENCE again
  • Yzma is literally purple and looks like a skeleton and yet somehow no one is bothered by it and she somehow looks fabulous

Loghain has peak Boomer energy

I’m just saying that if you saw Loghain out shopping right now, you know he wouldn’t be wearing a mask

“Me, wear a mask? Like some poncy Orlesian noble? We all know this ‘pandemic’ is a plot to weaken the Fereldan economy. It’s not even a true pandemic.”

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