


I'm probably hungry and emotional about something.
Anonymous asked:

Asian dragons are commonly depicted as having antlers, and running through the skies as if they were flying without wings. So what if...Rudolph wasn't actually a reindeer at all, but a lost baby Asian dragon that Santa found in the snow and adopted as a "strange-looking baby reindeer"? 😂


People die on the job every summer. Remember that water and shade breaks are crucial when working in the heat, and calling emergency services for signs of serious heat illness (fatigue, nausea/vomiting, headaches, dizziness, clammy skin, confusion, agitation, slurred speech, high body temperature, rapid heart rate, etc.) is entirely appropriate. If you’re afraid to call 911 for reasons such as being undocumented, you’ll need to get very familiar with how to prevent, recognize, and treat heat illness. If you are symptomatic and not allowed a break, water, or medical treatment, walk out. No matter how broke you are, your job is not worth your life.


Legal "red tape" is red for a reason.

Anonymous asked:

The moment the whole "all trans mascs have male privilege and never experience transmisogyny" argument falls apart to me is realising so many of these people seem to operate under the "we can always tell" idea. Like, how can we laugh and point out terfs gendering people correctly while trying to misgender them, then within the community say "bigots will never mistake you for a trans woman so you're safe"? I'm sorry you have to deal with them deliberately taking you in bad faith in your notes.

Not only that but when I pointed it out it was "well it happens to a lesser extent of course" and it's like okay? But that's not *privilege* and also it does still happen to us so it's not like it doesn't affect us at all. Also it's like. That's normal? Trans guys being mistaken for trans women and getting the living tar beaten out of them (or getting killed...) are experiencing transmisogyny. This happens, as a demographic, less often to us than trans women. That's because the rest of the time we're getting beaten up and killed for being clocked as trans MEN, or as lesbians, or as women who don't know their place.

Similar to how trans women experience transmisogyny but also get gay bashed and fag dragged and mistaken for drag queens and sometimes also mistaken for trans men. Most of human experience is shared and bigots are stupid anyway 🤷‍♂️ as said previously a bigot swings in a wide arc and does not care who they hit in the process. The bigot chasing you down to pummel you while shouting "dyke" or "faggot" isn't going to stop when you say "no no I'm actually a trans wo/man", they're going to go "okay well now I'm beating you up because you're a tranny".

Remember that comedy routine turned bareing of souls from Hannah Gadsby? Nanette I think it was? When she talked about how a homophobe mistook her for a gay man and wanted to beat her up for being a faggot? And she said "no no I'm a woman" and he went "oh okay". And then he went "wait a second you're a lady faggot" and beat the shit out of her? Yeah bigots don't fucking care, they'll find a reason.


was just putting my facemask in my pocket and was seized with the thought of hanky code but with masks


Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 


a short selection of concepts and phrases that used to be commonplace in fandom and we’d really benefit from making that a thing again:

NOTP: the opposite of an OTP (One True Pairing). It is a ship a fan strongly dislikes. The word is a portmanteau of ‘no’ and ‘OTP’ and thus is not a contraction of any particular phrase.

Squick: anything that is a deep-seated, visceral turn-off. Squicks may be shared by many fans or be specific to one; one person’s kink may be another person’s squick.

YKINMKATO, or kink-tomato: Your Kink Is Not My Kink, And That’s Okay: used to indicate support for fannish diversity and to distinguish between disapproval or kink shaming and simply having different taste.

DLDR: Don’t Like, Don’t Read: a phrase used to warn against complaints about an aspect of fic or meta. A “live and let live” philosophy of fandom, which places the responsability for avoiding content one doesn’t want to see on the side of the fanwork consumer, rather that on the creator’s.

SALS: Ship And Let Ship: similar to the above specifically about shipping tastes.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary: a phrase used to acknowledge that any given individual’s personal opinion on the topic at hand may differ due to their own tastes, standards, values, experiences, etc.

As the OP points out, all of these crucially imply no moral judgment of what they’re designing.

(definitions lifted more or less wholesale from fanlore’s relevant pages)


bring the healthy fun back to fandom!

Anonymous asked:

What is your Hogwarts house?

Actually I've already processed all five stages of grief in regards to a beloved author from my childhood very publicly making the jump from "milquetoast liberal with unexamined biases" to "actively dangerous bigot who will double down into perpetuity" and will no longer be basing any part of my identity on her intellectual property! Thanks for asking!


You roll up to the Wizard Battle and your opponent takes out his spellbook but it’s just one of these


I'd leave. This is a sign that my opponent has the most fucked up unethical spells imaginable, and I am not about to be subject to Malchezar's Piercing Prostate Bomb or something


The name Pyewacket has endured in popular culture as a witch familiar or spooky spirit but why isn't there way more fame for their whole gang?? How can you neglect Vinegar Tom or Peck in the Crown, or Jarmara "the fat spaniel with no legs at all," they should all be beloved cultural icons

The four imps (including Pyewacket) were just said to be too spooky weird to describe

Thank god someone finally said it! Jarmara is one of my favorites too. In the art depicting him, Jarmara's literally the original mop dog with the fur dragging along the floor. Vinegar Tom is also incredible too in the wood block as well, just a noodle limb ox the size of a whippet. Also surprised that the name 'Grizzel Greediguts' wasn't popularized like Pyewacket, that one has such a charming ring to it.

OH RIGHT the illustration!


making a positivity post because i really need some of this today. hair loss is natural, hair loss is a neutral trait. Trans people who are going through pattern baldness are hot and sexy, we are doing our best and we are cool and funny and hot. you are not lesser for losing hair, people will still find you attractive and want to be around you with hair loss or not. you are hot shit dont let a lil bald spot stand in your way!


The way they're acting like "ceasefire" means "go blow yourselves up" is just. A ceasefire is nothing. It's less than the bare minimum. It's not "rebuild what you destroyed." It's not "pay the victims remaining of the families you killed." It's not "rehabilitate Gaza." It's not any of the demands that could be made in this situation. It's just... Stop. Stop killing them. And even that is treated like it's so fucking extreme and if you call for it you must want Jews to die. Politicians with an agenda can really demonize anything.


I love parents in gay dramas. What Did You Eat Yesterday? / Kinou Nani Tabeta?


The line ‘ARE YOU HALF ASSING THE GAY LIFETSYLE’ speaks to me on a personal level

I love how they’re not even mad about their son beinf gay but like BITCH WE‘RE MEETING HIM AND IF WE DONT YOURE A DISGRACE

The parental guilt trip is so fucking universal omg I love it.

You hide your boyfriend from your parents?! You hide your boyfriend like you are ashamed??!!! Oh jail for son!! Jail for son for 1000 years!!!


HOLD THE PHONE there’s a live action version of What Did You Eat Yesterday?? how did I not know this!?

everyone should read the manga this is based on! the protagonist is a 40 year old Shiro, a gay lawyer who is somewhat neurotic and is not used to society being increasingly accepting of gay people since he’s been in the closet for so long. Introverted Shiro is held in contrast to his boyfriend Kenji, who is out and proud and a social butterfly. The story is a slow paced character study on aging gay couples and how being queer is perceived by society. We get the perspectives of the gay couple, their families, their friends and their co-workers.

btw this line in the manga was “is being gay a joke to you??”

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