

Here we are. It’s 6:40a, day 6. Our daughter is almost a week old and the nights have been every other.. and by every other, I mean every other night, our daughter decides to cut up.

Tonight is the other night. And by tonight, I mean the last few hours of this morning.

I know, this is probably standard behavior, and to be honest, I know that I have it great. Probably the luckiest person alive.

But it’s funny. I’m so sleepy and tired, but I know that Mom is way more exhausted than I could imagine.

Fatherhood is amazing. Sacrifice is barely that. Life is good.


Keeping it real. Vol 1.

I’ve been depressed. I’m not depressed right now, I won’t even say it for dramatics, because I remember when I was actually depressed. Thanks to Kanye West, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, everyone is spending 15 minutes lately talking about how “real” depression is. 

(thanks might be an inappropriate way to articulate what I’m trying to say)

I say that to say this. Today I am not depressed. However, just because I’m not depressed, doesn’t make life any easier or harder than it was yesterday. 

Regardless of what you believe, I believe that we’re all sharing at least 1 facet of this experience we’ve deemed “life”... and that is the idea that we feel.

So, today, whether you feel bad or you feel good, just remember. We all feel.

Keep your head up, tuck your chin, and tell a stranger hello and smile today.

We could all care a little less, and we could all care just a little more.

Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth

Mike Tyson


The What.

I guess you could say I’m having a bit of an introspective moment heading into what is a fairly important moment in my life. Moments, rather. Forgive me if any of this grammar is really, really bad, I haven’t written anything for public consumption in quite some time. In two weeks, I’m going to do what I always said I wanted to do. Start a brand. Develop said brand.. (still developing. always developing.) Open flagship store in New Orleans. Now, depending on who you are, this might not mean a thing to you. It could mean the world to you. I’d argue that for a large percentage of the 13-35 year old males on this planet have fancied the idea. Supreme. Bape. The Hundreds. Diamond Supply. I wanted my name up there. And here we are. Two weeks out.

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