
suck it easy

@dontbegreasy / dontbegreasy.tumblr.com

average baller blogger

There are 4 types of drunks. Researchers studying people’s drunk and sober selves found that you fall into 1 of 4 categories  when drinking: the Hemingway, who mostly has the same personality whether sober or drunk, the Mary Poppins, who goes from sweet and happy to even more outgoing and loving, the Nutty Professor, who turns from a quiet introvert into an uninhibited attention-lover, or the Mr. Hyde, who suddenly becomes hostile and irresponsible.


He said “square up” in goosenese and the goose pulled up. He wasn’t ready!!

Scrubbed they entire ass on the ground lmaooo


This always makes me laugh 😂

I’m the one recording lmaoooo

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