


21, reading/writing is my escape. My ask box is always open if anyone wants to talk!

Dr. Bruce Banner murdering the avengers without even turning into Hulk.

Listen, Tony might snark at you but he cries himself to sleep daily. Meanwhile, Bruce will dismantle you with words and make you question your worth at 3 am in the morning.


A dating service where matching is based on people’s search history exists. You’re a serial killer. You go on a date with a writer.


Serial Killer: metaphorically, if you were to kill someone, how would you do it?

Writer: Air shot between the toes, it’ll look like a heart attack.

Serial Killer who is obviously in love already: *sucks in a breath* ok

Writer: how long would it take to die if you were to potentially stab someone in the guts

Serial killer: anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes

Writer, already bringing a ring out: *shaking* thanks

A++ addition


Writer: *shows the serial killer the murder scene they’re writing* babe, i’m not sure if this would actually work?

Serial killer: *kisses writer on the forehead and leaves, comes back later, a suspicious scent of blood coming off them* it works baby, you’re doing great



Oh no, murder comedy is my jam

Magnus: what are you doing?
Alec: [standing on a chair] I live in this house, you know, I can stand wherever I wish. I don’t see why-
Magnus: where’s the spider
Alec: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵃᵇˡᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵍᵉᵗ ᶦᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ


These are two of the most powerful moments in the X-Men movies. This is how you define Magneto. A man scarred and impacted by what he endured in the camps. A man who endured the unendurable. 

I never saw him as a villain. I never saw him as a monster. I saw him as a man who wanted to do everything - to move heaven and earth - to keep his people safe. 

Anonymous asked:

Avengers getting attacked by water and all of the sudden this GAINT WATERY HAND REACHES UP AND JUST SLAM DUNKS THE ENEMY AIRCRAFTS and they turn around to some kid making out with a blond girl


the two previous movie series of Spider-Man always had it that Spidey was a Big Hit with the citizens of nyc in spite of the negative press/police departments actively hunting him down but we haven’t really seen anything like that in the mcu past Peter’s classmates simply being aware that Spider-Man is a hero who exists, like we didn’t see any slandering articles or angry officers which is WEIRD considering the canonical climate about superheros in the mcu right now so like….I really hope it carries over into this third series because frankly I love the idea of everyone in a post-accords world in constant debate about superheroes like ‘should they be held accountable for casualties’ and ‘does it make sense to give all this power to just a few people and force them to make potentially catastrophic situations’ and ‘do we even truly Need superheroes’ like any and all debate they can think of but at the same time, all the citizens in New York are collectively like ‘Yeah….but we’re gonna leave the Spider-Boy out of this….he just wants to help out….he’s doing his Best..’ lmao

The Entire City Of New York: after all the danger we’ve been placed in since these superheroes started popping up, since the Avenger’s set up a headquarters here- we’re sick of it. superheroes only prevent problems that they create in the first place and cause millions in damages doing it. we want our city to be safe!

Also The Entire City Of New York: we’ve only had Spider-Man for a year and a half but if anything ever happened to him we would kill everyone on this planet and then ourselves

J. Jonah Jameson: writes a scathing article about the ‘spider menace’ ‘terrorizing’ Queens and campaigns for his arrest and imprisonment alongside other ‘mutant menaces’ 

That Nice Old Lady that bought Peter a churro: *barges into the Daily Bugle office swinging her handbag with deadly force* 

Citizens of New York City: fuck the avengers!!

The Rest Of The World: you do realize that your Spider-Man has been spotted helping the Avengers on multiple occasions and many believe him to be an honorable member of the team?

Citizens of New York City:


Anyways the way Tumblr treats the Perks Of Being A Wallflower like it’s cringe and bad just because of the hipster craze over it in 2012 and ignoring the fact that it’s one of the few books/movies that shows the ugly side of teen mental illness and discusses sexual trauma in young boys (something only portrayed in shows like SVU) is in fact, bullshit, and I’ll never forgive y'all for taking the line “we accept the love we think we deserve” (a reference to toxic abusive relationships) and turning it into cringe culture. This is a book about a struggling depressed kid who I saw myself in as a teen, and yeah he and his friends could be annoying and pretentious but are you going to say you weren’t as a kid?

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