
sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt

@mentemmortalia / mentemmortalia.tumblr.com


I finally remembered my Tumblr password. Haven’t been here for months. What do I see? My friends talking about OUaT. That show hasn’t been canceled yet?


I’ve very rarely on Tumblr now that I now longer watch OUaT, but stopping by to see that CSers are losing their shit because, apparently, the entire arc didn’t revolve around Hook makes me smile.


Haven’t been on Tumblr in forever. And haven’t watched OUaT for almost a year. But I just checked in on some of my favourite Rumbellers. Seems that things are still shite for a couple I spent 3+ years loving (and almost 2 years tolerating, hoping it would get better). I just skimmed the Rumbelle thread. That there’s a post in there championing the idea of Hook “banging” Belle while taunting Rumpel tells me everything I need to know.


Here’s some more comments in that awful ew article.

The thing is these type comments are nothing new.  Even back in the glory days of OUAT when Rumbelle was at its height of popularity and the writers treated their story as a love story, these were the SAME comments you would see from the naysayers.   The superficial faction of fans are all so willing to buy the destruction of Rumbelle because it fit with their already biased mindset.

Sadly I wonder if those female executives, who clamored and salivated over a certain character to be on the show, have thoughts that fall in line with these comments. 

More of this shit?

Anyone who thinks this way – come in my inbox off anon and let’s chat. I fucking DARE YOU.


Well, the top one is in high school. I know, I know–we have plenty of high-schoolers who are smart enough to recognize Robert’s talent and civil enough not to make rude comments about people’s looks, but not everyone is that mature yet. 

Wanting the Beast to be “better looking”? Seems this person rather missed the whole point of Beauty and the Beast.


The sneak peek #2 is ludicrous . What a silly excuse not stay at granny’s place . I don’t know whether to laugh at that scene or puke . It would have been more understandable for her to say I need a secluded place to think where I won’t run into my husband .

I’d rather sleep on one of the cots in the jail than on Hook’s putrid ship.

So very glad I stopped watching this after the Hook the Hero murders Merlin arc.


Rumbelle support to everyone

Only one episode in and we’re already falling apart as a fandom.

I long for the days where it was the Rumbelle fandom as a united front against the haters and at times the showrunners.

 I miss too the days when almost the entire OUAT fandom was a group that supported each other, but those days are long long gone. 

We’ve split into so many factions it seems. Those that support Belle at all costs and come across hostile towards Rumple. Those that support Rumple at all costs and are hostile towards Belle.

Those that try to stay neutral but even the slightest move in either direction with criticisms gets jumped on. 

Those that are trying their damnedest to support each viewpoint because in the end we all really just love Rumbelle and know that the writers ruined things when the decided Rumple wanted to rule the world in s4. and now he’s a gangster that makes deals with everyone and cheats them.. 

Then there’s the few that are so positive that they see all this as a necessary storyline that will pay off big. That’s where I want to be, but I am not. I don’t trust we’re going to get the payoff people are hoping for. That won’t be Bold Storytelling. 

I’m not sure where I fall because i have friends in all the categories and I understand each of them. And I feel like I’m going to cry out of frustration because I want to let all of you know that I agree, but then I get worried that if I agree and discuss one person pov then others will assume that I’m being a hater..

I really wish we could come together as a fandom and do something. At first I was thinking of getting the attention of ABC , OUAT, and Adam by trying to start an event that will trend of Twitter. It seems that Adam gives people what they want if they annoy him enough, or he quits Twitter for an hour.

So at first I was thinking of suggesting we start a trend about Eddy’s constant hostility towards us with (I can’t recall waht Violet and I said) But we could show all the quotes, etc that were positive and how wrong Eddy was/is. Because at the moment I am salty about Eddy’s comments regarding us as a fandom. He says the same f*ing thing every year but only this year he took it even farther. And then Adam tweets about how grateful he was to the Oncers that watched on Sunday and I just felt livid. Why would I support you when Eddy just slapped me in the face?

But that may be too negative for us to get enough Rumbelle fans and supporters to join us.  What about something positive? Something to remind them that we love Rumbelle and why. Post quotes, moments, that contradict what they say in interviews. That they can’t deter our love and hope for Rumbelle?

Think something like that will get noticed and may unite us? We’re so splintered that at times I don’t think fics and beautiful art will sustain us when the canon is so depressing.

Sending hugs and a life jacket. This ship is in very choppy waters. Hold on and avoid the sharks.


I think it could work and I think gathering quotes with Eddie insulting us works because anger at Eddie seems to be one thing we all agree on. Maybe even ask for support from other fandoms? OQ and SQ would help.


I think we should do the Twitter trend thing. As much as I want to do anti Eddy (and I suggest we do build up the file of crappy things he’s said to us and just in general, like how he’d enjoy being Regina’s sex slave), that’s something that’s bound to put the fandom beyond the pale. Let’s save it.

For the time being I’d suggest positive trends (with one exception), like RumbelleIsHope. But I also think a REALLY useful one would be something like “Rumbelle are Beauty and the Beast” (except I don’t know from hashtags so it would have to be shorter and easier) and just bombard ABC/Disney with all the BatB iconography that Kitsowitz have coopted in cynical manipulation.

The one negative trend I really need to see, though, is something anti-Kill Beauty. Hatred for that is one of the few things that unite this fandom.

i don’t know if there are enough Rumbellers left to actually make something trend but we can certainly make an impression on Adam and ABC.

Unfortunately, Rumbelle has trended on twitter numerous times (remember that B&tB dance that had 4 separate hashtags trending simultaneously?). A&E don’t care. They either ignore the Rumbelle fandom completely or act passive-aggressively. I find it mind-boggling that show runners could be gifted with something like Rumbelle that resonated immediately and profoundly with so many fans and they’ve intentionally destroyed it.


Did Belle say that Rumple

…never let TLK wake him up? Does she…does she know he tried to TLK her in the UW at the price of losing his powers? Or is she still going on the argument they had beforehand?

He’s tried it at least twice during the course of the show: when she was in the hospital after losing her memory, and later in the Underworld.

After she regained her Belle memories later on, she should’ve realized that Rumple had attempted TLK when she woke up/screamed at the hospital.

I’m not sure she should/would have. They’d kissed constantly in SB and it hadn’t broken his curse, so why would she think he could have broken hers?

The problem isn’t so much that Belle has no memories of anything, but that the writers have no memory of anything that Belle has experienced, said, or done.

Anonymous asked:

Why do you think that A&E and the writers have been portraying Rumplestiltskin's character more and more uncharacteristically dark ever since 3B? To be fair, they've ruined all of these beautiful characters to the point of being unrecognizable, but it seems like they have had a particular personal bias against Rumple and Rumbelle ever since the end of 3B with the writing. It breaks my hear too because Rumplestiltskin has always been my favorite character too. I feel your hatred of this show.

Hey, anon! I saw this message earlier, but I was on mobile and wasn’t able to reply until now. I hope you see this!

If you were looking for a short answer, here it is: the writers have a boner for Hook, and they’ve thrown Rumple and Rumbelle under the bus because of it. Along with practically every other character, including Hook himself.

If you were looking for a long answer, here it is: from a writer’s perspective, what this boils down to is nothing more than poor planning. Season one, as well as the first half of season two, felt cohesive. It felt like a story that the writers had put genuine thought and effort into. It flowed, it made sense, it was enjoyable to watch because it included a little of everything: there was action, romance, humor, good vs. evil, parent/child relationships, etc. It never felt stagnant. Each of the characters, even the minor ones, were treated fairly. They had some importance to the plot, be it big or small. They weren’t flat. There were characters we loved, characters we hated, characters we loved to hate… but they were well written

I didn’t hate the show OUAT used to be. It was mid-season two when things began to roll downhill. They didn’t plan ahead. They steamrolled into Neverland and gave us a half-assed plot, complete with a half-assed “redemption” for Hook. The Lost Boys were barely touched upon, the Darlings were used as a plot device in what should have been their story, Pan was a confusing villain (and his feelings towards Rumple are still a source of confusion for me – was he possessed by the shadow? did he genuinely care about his son, hence the “thinking tree” and naming himself after the doll? was he being honest when he said that he’d never loved him? Pan was all over the board and it doesn’t add up), and what could have been an incredible arc was… lackluster at best.

It only got worse from there. The lack of planning on the writers’ part made consequent arcs just… confusing, to say the least. They’re retconned most of the first season for the sake of making their current plots make sense. The guest stars have no depth to their characters and are used solely for views (AKA, the Frozen crew) or as plot devices (poor Rapunzel). The villains, too, are not as intimidating as the Evil Queen was in season one. Regina was the primary antagonist, followed by Rumple, who acted as more of an anti-villain. Not a hero, but nor was he entirely working against the heroes. Hook entered into season two, alongside Cora, as the primary villain. 

Cora died. Hook was “redeemed.” Regina had more or less joined the heroes by mid-season three. Rumple, too, was redeemed by his sacrifice in 3.11. That left the series in late season three without a primary villain. Again, due to poor planning, the writers had to make a decision. Somebody had to revert from the “good” side, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be their new romantic lead. 

They’ve done not only Rumple and the others an injustice, but Hook, too. His redemption doesn’t seem believable because it was rushed. They’ve framed the story around CS with very little lead-up, which is a discredit to both characters, and the other characters have been OOC since 3b in order for the story to make a lick of sense.

Sadly, it still doesn’t. 

Choosing to stop watching the show was a long time coming for me, but after the train wreck that was 5a, I can’t handle the disappointment anymore. 

tl;dr The writers didn’t plan past 2a, and in their desire to “redeem” Hook and set him alongside the heroes, they were forced to throw everyone else (and their characterization) under the bus.


I see no lies in any of this. I, myself, am not watching S6 live. Maybe, I’ll watch a few of Rumbelle episodes if I hear anything good in the spoilers, but I also can no longer stand the disappointment. I love Rumple and Belle too much to see their characters keep getting destroyedThe show is now fully plot versus character driven, no one’s thoughts/feelings/motives are much explored anymore, their decisions have little emotionally complex explanation, and everyone and everything revolves around Hook’s “redemption.”


I’m still watching because I tend to be loyal. However my expectations are low. I wouldn’t put it past them to write something that makes me angry enough to quit though. I agree wth most of what’s been said here.

I am hate watching the show at this point, which makes me sad. And angry.

But all of the comments by the OP are true. A show like OUAT isn’t a show that you can just plan as you go. Most fanfic writers I know have a clear plan of where they’re going and how they’re getting there before the write one word down, or at LEAST by the first few chapters.

We are six seasons in and these guys clearly don’t know WTF they’re doing. And it SHOWS.

Couldn’t agree more with what the OP said. I stopped watching at the end of 5A (and wish I stopped watching before that). I still follow what Rumpel, Belle, and Rumbelle fans have to say, hoping that I’ll see something positive that will make me want to catch up on Netflix. I’ve yet to see anyone who isn’t a Hook fan have anything positive to say (and even some Hook fans seem tired of The Captain Swan Show).

I love your idea of Mal and Belle being friends…‘epic nerds’, ha!

I think they’d be fun together. Mal and Rumple relate on a near-equals sort of way, in age, in experience. Mal knows many things that only Rumple also does. Belle is intrigued by darkness, likes knowledge of knowledges sake, they could have cute arguments about magical theory and elvish. 

I think they’d be great. 


Okay, I need this now. And just the visuals will be fun, since Kristen is so tall and Emilie is so teeny-tiny. 

Can they become best friends fast enough for Maleficent to be the Rumbambino’s fairy godmother? Because how hilarious would that be? (Imagine Aurora and Philip at the christening looking very very scolding.)

The only problem I’d have with Belle and Mal being friends is that Mal has threatened, used, and objectified Belle both in the pre-curse past and in the very recent past. Then again, who hasn’t used and abused Belle on this show?

I think Belle is a very forgiving person (she’s friends with Hook and Regina after all, and Hook shot her and punched her, Mal only kidnapped her and threatened her). I think Mal’s come a long way since losing and regaining Lily.

Holding Belle’s heart hostage in Regina’s office while working Regina may have actually been with Belle’s consent, depending on how you look at it. We don’t know if Regina took her heart or asked for it, so in the recent past, I think they could be friends.

We do know that Belle didn’t consent to having her heart ripped out and to be used as a meat puppet. Not only did the show make that clear, but the writers confirmed it.

When did the writers confirm it?

In one of the end of the season interviews.

I love your idea of Mal and Belle being friends…‘epic nerds’, ha!

I think they’d be fun together. Mal and Rumple relate on a near-equals sort of way, in age, in experience. Mal knows many things that only Rumple also does. Belle is intrigued by darkness, likes knowledge of knowledges sake, they could have cute arguments about magical theory and elvish. 

I think they’d be great. 


Okay, I need this now. And just the visuals will be fun, since Kristen is so tall and Emilie is so teeny-tiny. 

Can they become best friends fast enough for Maleficent to be the Rumbambino’s fairy godmother? Because how hilarious would that be? (Imagine Aurora and Philip at the christening looking very very scolding.)

The only problem I’d have with Belle and Mal being friends is that Mal has threatened, used, and objectified Belle both in the pre-curse past and in the very recent past. Then again, who hasn’t used and abused Belle on this show?

I think Belle is a very forgiving person (she’s friends with Hook and Regina after all, and Hook shot her and punched her, Mal only kidnapped her and threatened her). I think Mal’s come a long way since losing and regaining Lily.

Holding Belle’s heart hostage in Regina’s office while working Regina may have actually been with Belle’s consent, depending on how you look at it. We don’t know if Regina took her heart or asked for it, so in the recent past, I think they could be friends.

We do know that Belle didn’t consent to having her heart ripped out and to be used as a meat puppet. Not only did the show make that clear, but the writers confirmed it.

I love your idea of Mal and Belle being friends…‘epic nerds’, ha!

I think they’d be fun together. Mal and Rumple relate on a near-equals sort of way, in age, in experience. Mal knows many things that only Rumple also does. Belle is intrigued by darkness, likes knowledge of knowledges sake, they could have cute arguments about magical theory and elvish. 

I think they’d be great. 


Okay, I need this now. And just the visuals will be fun, since Kristen is so tall and Emilie is so teeny-tiny. 

Can they become best friends fast enough for Maleficent to be the Rumbambino’s fairy godmother? Because how hilarious would that be? (Imagine Aurora and Philip at the christening looking very very scolding.)

The only problem I’d have with Belle and Mal being friends is that Mal has threatened, used, and objectified Belle both in the pre-curse past and in the very recent past. Then again, who hasn’t used and abused Belle on this show?


I’m not too worked up by the THR interview. I always take everything EK says with a grain of salt, to be honest. If they want to throw a stupid ridiculous “twist” into the Rumbelle relationship, fine whatever it sucks but it’s basically rinse and repeat what we’ve been seeing. I just don’t think there’s any way this child ends up tearing them apart instead of bringing them together, and stronger than ever. So I’m gonna just let it play out. Not to mention barring a time jump or a spell then Belle is going to pregnant for quite a while on the show. So they have loads of time to kiss and make up.

Thanks for this outlook.  I’m reblogging so others can see it.  And I’m where you are at too.  Anything EK says anymore is a giant eyeroll to me.  And there is a whole tumblr blog (can’t remember the name of it) that has evidence of them “saying” things in interviews and then completely changing their minds or not doing it at all.  They don’t always follow through, a lot of times they dont.  

Once upon a time (pun intended) this would ruffle my feathers, but now it’s just par for the course.  The fact the season isn’t divided I think is also a good thing, because when they make up we won’t have to wait until episode 11 or ep 22.  It could happen at anytime.  And who’s to say that this “bad place” they are in even lasts 2 episodes?  I don’t know, there are too many moving parts and uncertainties for me to really be worried about it, or think it’s definitely going to go the way it sounds.

I’m just going to wait and see what happens.

I like the ‘wait-and-see’ approach, b/c as I said elsewhere, that quote can be taken a couple different ways. All we really know for sure from that quote is that Rumbelle will experience conflict this season, which….duh. I’m willing to wait and find out if the conflict is internal (relationship troubles) or external (the two of them united against a common enemy) or a mixture of both. 

Good call everyone. Kneejerk reacting to these yahoos is the worst thing we can do. I’m guilty of it, too!


It’s my nature to expect the worst, but I will say that Eddy often speaks out of his ass. In 4B he was “teasing” Rumple doing something terrible to Belle and/or Will (”The last time someone stole Rumple’s wife, he lost a hand!”), and of course nothing of the sort ever materialized. I can’t remember exactly what Kitsis said about the S5 finale but I’m sure it was something unpleasant about Rumple, and again Rumple did nothing bad (except possibly colluding with Hyde under extreme duress). 

On the other hand in 5A, Eddy’s only clue to the shocking swerve was “Maybe Rumple doesn’t think being good is as much fun,” which didn’t play out onscreen at all either.

Agreed, Violet. On the other hand, the last time A&E said we’d see Belle’s strength and independence, the writers threw her into an ill-conceived, under-developed rebound relationship. I very much doubt we’ll see Belle get any sort of genuine storyline. She’ll get her usual centric with that week’s Special Disney Princess and then the writers will forget she exists for the next 3 episodes.


Is there anything Adam Horowitz can tell us about Rumbelle during season 6 of Once Upon a Time? — rumbelletrueluv

What if I let Emilie de Ravin tell you about Belle getting out of the box? “The way she is extracted, how it happens and the characters that are involved is really cool, and it reveals a lot about her relationship and her past/future,” de Ravin says, noting that the show will explore more of Belle’s independence this season. “It’s been a long time coming. Now that she’s pregnant, and now that she knows that it’s not really just about her anymore, she has to take responsibility for this other little person. That’s making her head spin a little bit with regard to, ‘Okay, I can spend my life trying to fix this person, whether it’s for me or for him, but if it’s affecting someone else now, it’s a game changer.’ It puts a little bit of spanner in the works for their marriage for a bit. There’s some alone time to be had.”

A Rumbelle break-up? Terrific. Glad to see the writers being original. Taking bets now on which of them will be asleep or unconscious at the end of 6A, how many times Belle will be threatened, assaulted, and/or kidnapped, how many times Rumpel will be condemned for doing precisely the same things that the “heroes” do and for the same motivations. ZZZzzzzzzz.


Let's do an experiment..

Reblog this if you think you would lose interest and stop warching OUAT if Rumplestiltskin died and Robert Carlyle left the show.

Please note, I am not talking about a boycott which is silly. I’m talking about just not finding it interesting anymore.

Absolutely. Rumple, Belle and Rumbelle (+baby) are the only reason I’m still here. If any one of those three are written out, I’m out. The show just isn’t interesting to me without them.  


I already have lost interest in 90% of the show other than them. 

I’ve already stopped watching. 5A was the last straw for me.

Anonymous asked:

I don't mean to be rude, I love Annlett with the whole of my soul, but I am getting tired of the Abe bashing from our pocket of the fandom

It’s okay, you’re not being rude! And hey, I hear ya. I really do see how that must get tiring, and I apologize if I’ve gotten overzealous with my comments about him—whether those comments were intended humorously or not. I don’t mean to attack Abe fans or Jamie Bell’s performance or to imply that Abe fans are in any way “wrong” for liking him.

That said, however, I reserve the right to just … not like Abe. And to be pissed at him for some of his actions throughout the series (such as his recent treatment of Anna, which I found very unsympathetic), and to express that I’m pissed at him. I don’t know to what extent you’re tired specifically of my comments about Abe versus the Annlett fandom’s comments in general, but I can’t really speak for the whole fandom, so … I guess all I can tell you is how I personally feel about him.

In the end, however, I do seek to be balanced and open-minded (though I freely admit that Abe, along with Richard, is a character who tests me in that), and I want my blog to be a welcoming space, so I truly do appreciate you pointing this out. I’ll keep your concern in mind.


I don’t think we were supposed to like Abe this season. His entire journey was the depicting the slow loss of his more human instincts in the service of The Cause. The courtroom scene in the finale, when he confessed to feeling responsible for his brother’s death, was his “turn” back to the person he had been previously; that scene was full of regret and self-loathing (and Jamie Bell was amazing showing that). That’s how I saw it at least. This season, we’ve seen Abe willing to be cruelly and destructively manipulative in his treatment of both the Townsends and Anna. I don’t believe that the narrative was framed to encourage us to approve of what he did.

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