

@shovelthefries / shovelthefries.tumblr.com

i'm an assassin's creed blog now

truly if you think tlt is positive about or even neutral on christianity (and catholicism specifically) i think you need to go back and reread tbh. because in the very first book we learn that this is a series where two people murder 200 children that were placed in their care because they believe their religion justifies or even compels it. the real-life parallels are almost too on the nose.


taylor swift: she was the piss on the carpet / I was the floor's poo / she would always be his number one / while I was the number two / little did we know / he would flush us both

white women who have lizzo blocked on twitter: I'm SOBBINHG. the METAPHORS. did she know she would define a generation with this? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

gayboys who own every switch pokemon game: agsshdjdkdakh no okay but why is this better than everything on the radio for the past ten years ๐Ÿ˜ญ THIS ICONNNNN. EVERYBODY SHUT UP I'M IN MY FLUSHING ERA ๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข

asian giant hornet in a japanese honeybee nest:


Whitney Houston If She Were a Whitetail Deer: Oh, I wanna prance with somebody. I'm hunted for my meat with somebody.

Whatever. I don't need your approval.

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